Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I can understand that possibly being a bit confusing for some folks, but what I'm talking about definitely has nothing to do with flirting.

    Maybe these guys just have little or no experience (or game) interacting with women to be able to tell the difference. Whatever it is, it's irritating & awkward, especially when their feelings or ego end up hurt. It's sad.
  2. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    I'm in the other shoes. I welcome all the flirting and join right along. It's all in fun for me. Lol. I guess because I don't have the first problem getting women. Stizzy got all the game. Lol (joke).
  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, no need to play it off as a joke...we all know that Stizzy has no problem getting the ladies. ;)

    I also enjoy flirting & playful banter, but there are some folks it's not good to go there with. The kind of situation I'm talking about doesn't involve any of that. In my experience, it's usually somebody who puts off a clueless vibe when it comes to women, & they seem to take any female interaction as more than it is. I've run into a few of them over the years & it makes me not want to be a nice person.

    Someone I've been nice to recently just because he's a good friend of my homeboy, has decided that means I want him...he couldn't be more wrong, & now I'm dealing with an awkward situation. He's been attempting to do what he seems to think passes for flirting & he's crossed the line a couple of times verbally & by trying to invade my personal space. Thankfully my friend is going to have a reality chat with his boy, & hopefully that'll fix the issue. I don't want to have to whip his ass. lol
  4. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean. When I interact with females, it's just that. Nothing more. I've had a few that tried to force it further. Aggressive type, like I was the female. Lol. I cut that off in a nice way and push on. (nice because I don't burn bridges). Or it could be a string along flirt, who knows. Lol
    I have a dude like the guy u described. He turns a simple hello with a little eye contact into she wants to fuck me. I feel your pain because he's a trip. Lol
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I wish I could seeyou two interact because a lot of women don't get how they give mixed signals. You could be naturally flirty without knowing it. A hair toss here and a lot of smiling there someone might mistake just hanging out with interest. Something to keep in mind is if you're a man who has never had interactions with women outside of dating them its possible to see a girl your friend has never banged as an opportunity. You have to remember men don't interact platonically the way women do. Your whole body language as women is naturally more affectionate. He could just be reading you wrong. When he crossed the line did you let him know no way or were you really polite and laughed it off
  6. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Look it NOT our fault that some men are horny AND stupid at the same time.

    If I'm flirting in just casual play, that may send a mixed signal and they guy might think maybe.

    If I am really into it...there will be NO DOUBT where I'm coming from. So if dude has to question..he won't be getting any. Ever.

    What I can't stand are the ones that don't catch on. I make no attempt to show any inclination at all, in fact there are several men around her that I just flat out ignore. No, I'm not a watch and you can't get any of my time. Does that stop them from being stupid enough to try again.
  7. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You can remove volcanic rock from the island but it's highly recommended that you don't. It's not so much that she curses you it's more that when you take it back to where you came from weird stuff starts to happen.

    You can probably google all sorts of stories about it. I would tend to think that it's tricks of the mind, but people who don't believe or didn't even know experience stuff. But then I have a friend who lives in AZ but lived here for 36 years and she has rock from here on her altar and nothing happens to her.

    All i know is that living here changes you.

    Volcano Nat Park receives tons of vocanic rock that is mailed back every year.o
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Oh wow a woman dodging responsibility never seen that before lol.
    Some guys can't take a hint but then again there is a lot of misinformation out there that encourages a man to be persistent since some women like to play hard to get. Not saying its the case every time but my solution to this entire problem is that women should approach men and call it a day. You guys tend to have no problem going after what you want and we don't give mixed signals. Problem solved.

  9. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    What exactly did he say that made you think he was going straight to sex vs going to ask you out for a date?

    Something he said got you mad. :p
  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I run into that sometimes at work. Truckers & oil field guys like to flirt, joke & talk shit, etc., & with a lot of them we do the same in return. They know & we know it doesn't mean anything, but on occasion you have to deal with the aggressive types that try to make more of it. I've gotten pretty good at reading folks over the years, & I'm good at picking out the ones you can't go there with.

    Yeah, my friend wasn't surprised at his friend's behavior; evidently this isn't the first time the guy has done this. Guys like that are definitely a trip.

    There were no mixed signals. I barely even looked him in the eye (I found him kinda creepy from the get go). I was at work when they came by & my friend introduced him to me, so there was no hanging out going on. They were only there long enough for my friend to say hey & introduce me to his friend. After the 'hello, nice to meet you', I hugged my friend & went back to work. They probably weren't even there but maybe 3 minutes.

    The second time they stopped by (also while I was at work) was to buy gas & for my friend to say goodbye before they headed back to Dallas. His creepy friend opted to wait in the store while he pumped the gas. While I was at the fountain making myself a glass of tea, Jethro sneaked up behind me...he was so close I could feel his breath on the back of my head when he started talking. He was saying how he picked up on the "sexy vibe" we had between us when we met the other day, & he'd been having "hot dreams" about me ever since :)vom:). I told Jethro he needed to back up off me because I didn't appreciate that shit. He just laughed it off like I was playing or something. Thankfully my friend came back in after that.

    My friend called me that night asking what was up, because he figured his boy had done something...he said he had a history of that crap. I told him what happened & he said he'd deal with it. He also apologized for exposing me to that idiot. lol

    Thanks for explaining it so well, Aliona. This is exactly what I'm talking about. If they had any sense & were paying attention, there'd be no need to question. I guess for the stupid ones it's difficult to think when the blood flow isn't going to the brain.

    The ones who don't catch on drive me crazy. I typically ignore them too (unless it gets to the point where I lose my temper), but nothing seems to be much of a deterrent.
  11. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    See my last post...there's no doubt about what he was thinking.

    Yeah, he definitely made me mad & if I hadn't been at work, I'd have kicked his ass.

    Exactly. :smt087
  13. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    How did I dogde any responsibility in that?

    SOME men I will flirt with because I like them and I like to have fun. But that does not mean that I will have sex with every man I flirt with. If they can't understand that then that's their problem.
    If they were at a buffet would they eat everything on the table? Probably not. Would they want some things more, some less and some not at all?
    Most likely.

    Men for me fall into 3 categories:

    Aw hell nah.
    You're cute but I'll never do you.
    Come here and bend me over right now.

    It's really very simple.

    And at least I don't lead men on and then drop them just for something to do.
  14. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    The word of the day is backup folks.

    Why you ask because my 5 month old 1.5TB hard drive crashed and like the typical fool I take not backing up for granted. I lost all my data, customizations, photos and a few good ass porn clips as well. :)

    Had to wait for a new one to be sent to me since it was still under warranty, before restarting from scratch.

    Long story short my Mac is getting an early Spring cleaning thanks to that happening.

    Talk about a pain in the ass. :)
  15. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    You heard her men. Don't question and go after it. lmao. confusing as hell
    Lets be real if men didn't try we would barely have a population. Women's messages are often too similar. I mean really a twist of the hair. Are you flirting or simply twisting hair. Flirting are you serious or just playing around. none of that is heavily different. What women have to understand is to be straight. That's why it seems like stupid in reality it is a case of lots women not choosing good signs. I like the way women I dated did it. are we dating or are we not? bam no confusion.
  16. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member


    Sorry that happened. What a pain. :|
  17. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, thank you JC.

    Lost about 4000 Nature and Travel desktop photos I had from a program called Webshots in my iPhoto collection.
  18. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Dammit...I'm on my tablet which is hard to quote with and frustration ensues when I try.

    What I'm saying if there is any question at all on the part of the male...then it's a no on my part. If I want to take it past flirting...there will be no subtle anything. He is going to know that this is not demure flirting
    If I toss my hair or laugh or look side long...if the guy is going "is she flirting with me or does this mean more" then in most cases is doesn't. I shouldn't have to explain every time I bite my finger if I'm flirting or not. If I'm seriously flirting as in it's on, there will be other cues as well that aren't just physical.

    There is a certain way I find men who are interested in me approach me with..if you get a half flirt then it's a no. If you get no response, say for instance he keeps trying to catch and hold my gaze...if I'm not even looking at him...then he needs to stop.

    There are many variables that affect how capable a woman is in approaching a man. Stuff that's a little more complicated then "get over it and do it". For me...one of the biggest factors is I tend to be a lot more on the submissive side. So staying submissive (especially with a Dominant is part of that).
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting that bro. I think a lot of them are completely unaware of how confusing their "signals" can be. But being direct would be too much for them since you have to risk rejection and women aren't commonly good with that since they rarely if ever have to come across that. So its easier to blame a guy for not being able to pick up on the signs. Not saying some guys aren't idiots and can't take an obvious hint but like you said unless I try I really have no idea if the smile was a nervous smile or a smile of interest.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    1. Every girl isn't like you. More often than not the flirting cues are very similar.
    2. There are women who may appear disinterested until you pursue them so that's why men you may not like keep pushing. Other women find being pursued sexy. For some men its hard to tell the difference. To you and others it may be very clear in your head but may not come across that way when you say it.


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