PBS (frontline) reports that for profit colleges are scamming vets http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/educating-sergeant-pantzke/ for profit colleges are scamming everyone http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/05/frontline-for-profit-coll_n_564585.html#es_share_ended
I seriously don't get how they're still around now that schools with long standing reputations offer online degree programs. Why the fuck would anyone pay to go to the University of Phoenix online when the University of Maryland and Penn State and Drexel and and a plethora of other good schools offer the same service is beyond me. Probably a piss load of people too dumb to get into real school.
Those for profit colleges literally will let anyone in. They also use crazy advertising, and go after people that cannot get into an actual university or sell some kind of Bullshit. When a university is literally spamming me I know its Bullshit. Also employers notified me on how they felt about those for profit colleges, and how they throw job applicants with those degrees in the trash. It is mainly marketed for people who as I said want to go to an actual University to tell their parents about but cannot get in. So rather then doing something smart like going to a junior college they decide to go to University of Pheonix or Devry. Which is a fucking waste of money.
seriously... a smile went across my face from cheek to cheek when I seen PSU step into the digital game. Out of everyone, I think they offer the most undergrad/grad/certs out of any other university, online. The caveat to their approach, is that you may need to take a proctored exam at a branch campus, or other university/school that has certified exam proctors. Carnegie-Mellon, Stanford, and a ton of other elite schools are hopping on the ball too. http://www.kiplinger.com/tools/slideshows/slideshow_pop.html?nm=onlinegradschools I almost came in my shorts when I seen this listing, because I work for a living and the online thing is freaking insane for me. Even tho that list may promote certain majors, those colleges are more than likely to offer a ton of other degree types, so browse through the colleges and see what's up your alley. Why anyone would look over these schools and go to No Name U, is beyond me. therein lies the problem. While Stanford, Carnegie-Mellon, Penn State all have online degree programs, they don't just let anyone in. To get in over thousands of other applicants, is a testament to your ability on its own, and is very rewarding. To graduate is even more so. I wouldn't dare look to go to U of Phoenix or some other school with no standard, unless I had no other options. Bottom line..if i'm going to plunk down 25...35k/yr on some grad program, it won't be at a for-profit school, that doesn't even have a physical campus or ranking against traditional schools.
I just checked out the link and it really surprises me that anyone would take those bs schools seriously. They pray on the misinformed. Damn shame that they're allowed to be accredited. If you can't promote at least a 70 percent employment rate after graduation then it shouldn't be a school.
they just want your money lol wharton isn't digital yet, so yer shit out of luck seriously tho...like you said, they pray on the misinformed. If you spend a little time researching your options, you'd find that you would have a good chance at getting into say...Drexel or PSU online. Their admission rates hover around 50-55%, so it wouldn't hurt to sling an application to them, while you're doing Phoenix or Walden. I think NYU has some online stuff too..as well as George Washington. Hell, one list had the U of Missouri offering online degree programs. Shit is getting bananas up in here. You know online education is jumping off when you see Harvard AND Oxford offering online classes. lol This is like micro-econ 101. When one business is making donuts in a market, you're going to see a lot more businesses making their entry to get some of that bread.:smt109
Harvard actually has a General Graduate degree program online basically graduate level liberal arts. So with 60k you get a worthless degree but it has that Harvard stamp and name brand recognition is what its all about. Personally at this point I hate going to class. Sitting in a Game Theory Diff or Eq class with a bunch of 20 somethings ain't that fun for me especially since its not a cake class so zero eye candy to look at it. Wish I was doing nursing like you, I accidently walked into a undergrad Organic Chem class last semester. Holy shit those girls were hot.
These bs institutions have found a cash cow and will milk it until the cash runs dry... I also believe that somebody or somebodies with DOD/VA oversight had complicity in allowing this to happen to service members and Vets.... I've even had Base Education officers even recommend and endorse several of the bloodsuckers under this thread's referenced report's scrutiny... Let's see how long it takes to shut these phonies down or cut them off... That will be easier said than done because there are thousands of them and more springing up all over the place....
One of my friends just started going to U of P. I'm like "what the fuck". Just go to community college classes online then transfer to a CSU.
yeah really from personal experience, i can vouch for community college credits transferring to reputable 4-year institutions. Many good 4-year schools like drexel and temple, even have agreements with community college of philadelphia. U do 2+2 agreements, where u do 2 at CCP then finish out ur degree at a 4 year. there is NO reason to do U of Phoenix unless u need online classes...even then CCP offers that too
yeah a lib arts degree is a pale shadow compared to the more technical science degree. Drexel offers Information Science (and other MS) degrees online, and I don't think you need 3 years in the field to qualify for entry into any. that just slows you down you know
Yea, Why would people got to schools that they can't afford? I don't get that. Clearly not the 1000/credit price they are offering at the schools mentioned. Doesn't everyone have a spare 6000 lying around. They go for the price and convenience of time. There's also the case of what you know. CHASE and Bank of America provide below standard products but people know them very well so they go. If you see u of phoneix over say a public univerisy, You are likely to go.
Organic chemistry, the horror, the horror This is one class to take at community colleges if you can.
what is a real shame is that the socalled patriotic conservatives arent talking about this on radio to protect their vets
What's even sadder is the fine print that says your credits from u of ph won't transfer to other schools Helllllllo!
daaammmnnn never knew. the other thing is even if you go to an established university like penn or auburn or a community college or whatever will still need to be investigated because they can lose their accreditation
Devry is the same way... You can major in xyz for buku bucks, and won't be able to transfer credits to a regular school This was some time ago and maybe theyve changed, but I would research first
Sadly, it's that fine print that doesn't become relevant until after the forms are signed... It's a damn shame such institutions are even allowed to qualify for government money and operate without having "Bull Sh*t" pasted/imprinted/tattooed on the foreheads of everyone and everything associated with their shady operations...
Fucking disgusting how these mofos are fucking these vets, hell everyone that goes there. Dude shouldn't have to get blown the fuck up downrange to get fucked over by people stateside. I wish these schools would start calling me again. They used to blow my phone up all the time in 12th grade. IF I knew then what I know now, I would just lead them on and then destroy everything about their shitty ass "learning facilities".