floyd mayweather versus jeremy Lin

Discussion in 'Sports' started by goodlove, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude I'm not attracted to "whiteness" as a culture. I'm attracted to lighter hair and lighter eyes physically, I like educated middle to upper middle class girls who have an affinity for dorky things. Where I live that's usually embodied by white women. I don't have a fetish. And that American born Tawainese stuff is lame. How about we celebrate his hard work which has nothing to do with his background. The most amazing thing about this kid's story is he was third man on the bench and fucking took the game by storm. I choose to focus on his talent not his race. I thought that was the major theme of this website. Race doesn't matter. I grew up learning karate from a sixth degree shihan who was black never for a second did I think it was amazing. I thought he was amazing for his skill. Learned chess from black masters as a kid never focused on the race then either. I guess I was conditioned early on that race ain't got shit to do with talent and drive.

  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    If race was totally insignificant in your calculation for what you find attractive in certain women, you wouldn't be a member here.
    That's the truth. It's something uniquely special about the coupling of WW/BM that drives this site.

    No one said it was a fetish, or something abnormal that trumped all other considerations. Otherwise it would be just a porn site with a bunch of naughty pics.:p(Nothing wrong with that BTW!!lol), and there wouldn't be the amount of debates that have more to do with gender than actual race.

    It's a preference. Maybe not exclusive, but still.

    Let's be honest, if you kept all the variables the same and only changed Lin's race, this wouldn't be a national story. It's less of a surprise that a Black b-ball player even from Harvard makes it to the NBA. It conforms with our expectations.
    Someone like Jeremy Lin flips what we expect an NBA player to look like, which conversely breaks down the unspoken stereotype that elite b-ball player= Black athlete.

    Until we all wake up one day in a candy cane color blind world, race will always be a factor in something. Maybe not exclusively but it's still there.

    All I'm arguing is that recognizing or factoring in someone's race isn't by definition always something negative.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. put em there place.
  4. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen anything but highlights of his high-scoring games. Sounds like he was 'on fire' and 'in the zone'.
  5. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, I'm seeing them all here live and direct in New York and all I can say is

    Asian/African/White whatever dude is ballin and the Knicks are much, much better for it.

    Just what they needed all along, thank goodness.

    Carmelo returns tonight and we will see, since he last played the Knicks have seen the emergence of Lin and the signing of J.R. Smith

    They now have


    Iman Shumpert
    J.R. Smith/Bill Walker
    Steve Novak
    Jarod Jefferies

    Novak/Smith and Walker can all nail the 3 pt shot at a high rate, including Novak among the league leaders at 45%

    When Carmelo takes the floor Knicks could be lethal as an offensive unit up and down the floor.
  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I have a bad feeling that Carmelo is going to return and ruin the flow of the current offense. Thus, the consecutive losses will follow, just as they did prior to his temporary departure from the court.

    I really hope I'm wrong. We'll see...
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member


    Did you see what he did to Kobe fam

  8. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member


    carmelo will either fit into the groove or he will be back in denver so fast it will make his head spin...that love affair will be over quick the knicks have a new golden child

    i heard on the news this morning that lin tried to patent "linsanity" someone in california already grabbed the trademark...
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Probably Lindsay Lohan. :eek:
  10. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    :smt081that would be a waste of a trademark...i bet someone plans to sell it and make big bucks!
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    more to winning than just stacking...linvincible has a personality too...let's not get it twisted;)
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Word? How long have guys know each other. LINVINCIBLE killing it though hope he keeps it up.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Linvincible..that's awesome! :D Just like the original Invincible, Vince Papale...a nobody who made it onto the Eagles football team and flourished.
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    maybe i should trademark it:D
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    OMG yes, you should!! :p T-shirts, mugs, bumper-stickers...i mean he is right now pretty effin linvincible!!
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    it goes back to what have been stated before ...women want successful men....no matter what race.
  19. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Success is not always measured in dollar signs.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2012
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    thats correct, you are right....but where did I mention money

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