I have a Kindle Touch. Love it. Have never used or looked at another reader so I cannot compare for you. I think Amazon.com has a comparison tool for Kindle models.
I'm with JC that kindle fire is awesome. If you have a good smart phone the kobo app is pretty good too. They have more dollar book selections which I really like.
Thanks, Jordan. It would be nice to know what makes Kindle Touch rock for you. Are you able to borrow books from the library?
Absolutely. My library participates in overdrive.com. Overdrive supports Kindle. I find a book at my library....get on the waitlist if there is one or check it out if available. I then sign into my Overdrive account with my library card and they direct me to Amazon.com. I download the book and can keep for up to 3 weeks just like a library hardcover loan. Between the Amazon freebies and my library I have only purchased one book for my Kindle. I do have one my library hasn't got yet....so that may increase to 2. :smt043 See this link: Top 100 paid and top 100 free Kindle books from Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestseller...aba-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957 Let me know if I wasn't clear on any of this.
Thanks !!! I will look up all the sites you offered. It won't be a bad idea to share something more in common with you.
Good. Between my library and checking that link I gave you for freebies straight from Amazon I have kept busy.
if you have an iphone, i say get the free nook and kindle apps, that's cheaper. i had the orignal kindle(which is good) and now kindle fire. the fire is good but it has low disk memory: 5gb. in reality it's high end kindle/poor man's ipad. if you just want books i say get a basic kindle for 50 bucks.
Thanks my brother!! I am curious what you have to say about screen size though. On the other hand, I suspect Kindle Fire might meet that criterion. Yet, It would not be a bad bet to have a dedicated device that incorporates technology with book experience in a modern fashion.