Off-duty cop pulls gun on pregnant IR couple

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member


    I would have sworn you'd have said something like "Why were they out so late in the first place. Most college students who work full time don't hang out on the streets". That's classic you lol
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    When "they" stop illegal hiring practices and trumping up charges on young black youths then "we" can stop selling drugs. A lot of the dudes who do that shit have little to no other opportunities. A Mcdonald's paycheck can't pay the rent my friend. And that's another thing why is that some of "us" do shit like that but all of us have to be held responsible?
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Nice! :smt023
    Your advice applies to everyone. People know right from wrong, no matter your circumstances. "When you know better, you do better".

    ps: As we know, some of the best work and life characteristics are learned at a McDonald's type jobs. Cash handling, inventory, data entry, payroll, customer service, punctuality, preparation, cooking, cleaning, hygiene, formulations, loss prevention, directions, uniformity, politeness, presentation, up selling, teamwork, productivity, conflict resolution, customer dissatisfaction, patience, pressure/stress (lunch/dinner hour), hard work, dilligence, moving through ranks, assistant management, management, regional management...pride in making others happy. There's many more character positives, too! :D

    Way better than the ones learned as a drug dealer/criminal.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You people are hilarious lol. Ok let me make this simple. Take some place like NY for example where minimum wage is 7.25 an hour. That's roughly 290 dollars a week before taxes. Which is less than 1200 a month. Here in NY even on assisted living rent can cost around 400 a month and that's provided you get on the list and get picked later which in most cases take a year to two years if at all. So then you're stuck trying to find a place within your price range of 1160 a month before taxes.
    Why don't you get just a second job you say? Because one you have to account for travel time so your job may actually cost you 9 to 10 hours of your day. Not to mention there's no guarantee that finding a second job would be feasible depending on the times left available to work. And you make it sound like managerial positions are abundant. There are but so many especially in todays economy. So what happens to those not lucky enough to get it?
    Then you have to factor in marginal utility of time spent vs time risked when you talk about selling drugs.
    investing 16 hours of my day(provided you're lucky enough to get a job then a second one to make ends meet) vs working less hours and having more than you need the only problem is risk of jail time. I can honestly see why people risk it. Not everyone is lucky enough to have social and the financial capital to not sell drugs.
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    did somebody say crack
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    just a little sprinkle on your sandwich and its great. you need to try it
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fair enough
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    I dont understand the arguement. crack puts some pep in your step
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't it have been funny if Dave had done a skit of him bumping into Omar coming down the street.:)

  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I can't believe what I just read. Even if I had < 10 cents to my name, I would never, NEVER sell drugs.

    Risk of jail time is "the only problem"? How about what drug dealers "provide" to those more vulnerable than them. There but for the Grace of God go I, is what I feel when I see someone addicted. Their addiction then feeds the crime wave upon the innocent community. A drug dealer runs with the sewerage of humanity.
    If rent in NYC is $1600, guess what, you can't afford to live there then. Or get a bunch of roommates. Many would love to live in NYC, but if it means to do so you need to deal drugs, forget it man. I'm shocked that you condone and justify (encourage??) becoming a drug dealer to pay the bills. "When "they" stop...trumping up charges on young black youths then "we" can stop selling drugs". Do you realize how oxymoronic that is? That's essentially saying - "when they stop wrongly ACCUSING YBY of doing illegal shit, we will continue to do illegal shit."
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    2 big Philly cases of off-duty cop shooting and killing civilians currently going on..

    One cop who killed a young man during an altercation - he dared the cop to shoot him after the cop pulled his gun out, so he did- Today was convicted and sentenced to life in prison (but he gets to keep his $1700 a mnth pension since he was off duty).

    The court erupted after the verdict with the cops family being dragged out.



    An off duty (laid off) cop last Wednesday shot and killed his next door neighbor because he complained to the cop that his 2 dogs dog kept shitting on the man's lawn. The victim was a new dad with a 2 mth-old newborn.

    It amazes me how trigger happy our bum cops are here. Criminals with a badge is all they are...They truly sully the good ones.

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2012
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I used NY as am example because it's where I live. If you're already here and broke where the heck are you suppose to move to? If you don't have the money nor the support system where can you go?
    And like I said unless you are in their situation how can you judge them?
    Btw drug dealers are far from human sewage in comparison to tobacco companies and alcohol companies. The bottle death but since it takes longer to kill you it's ok. Smh

  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's what you got from what I wrote lol. Fair enough fam. We can agree to disagree.
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    TDK, generally speaking you represent your point of view well enough.
    But there's no winning position on the 'rationale' to sell drugs. Poor people get by LEGALLY by working multiple minimum wage jobs. That's the way it goes.
    That's why it's so important to emphasize the value of education to young people because without it you're limiting yourself to a life with few options for upward mobility.
    The logic of crime is a suicide pact for an economically and socially disadvantaged people.

    Drug dealers in poor urban communities are a part of the indelible stain on the Black community that keeps us down.
    You take drugs and dealers out of the ghetto, you eliminate 70% of the crime there, which in turns allows more legitimate enterprises to thrive.

    Drug dealers ARE human sewage, no matter what they may think or how they're glorified in pop culture. Bottom line, they destroy lives.:smt077

    There's no socially acceptable way to use heroin/cocaine/PCP.

    Now if you're obliquely comparing weed dealers to companies that sell alcohol and cigarettes, you have an argument IMO.
    There is an argument for the legal sale of marijuana, but if it's presently illegal and you risk jail time for engaging in it...DON'T DO IT.

    But again, you should have been specific instead of generalizing the moral value in selling drugs for a poor person.

    When you are already poor and under-educated, cutting corners usually gets you a semi permanent room in a prison cell.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    But when you are poor and under educated how many options do you really have especially in a depressed job market. I know most will say just go to school but 1. how will you pay for school 2. how will survive financially during that time 3. What if the aptitude for formal education just isn't there?

    I think its really easy for those of us who are educated and have a verifiable work history to look down our noses and wonder why these people just don't "get it together".

    Yes most people in those areas are law abiding but there are so many missing facotrs that I think people ignore like the drug dealers who pay the rent so their mom doesn't have to work three jobs or break the law herself or the ones who use drug money to send their little sister to school.
    Not saying they're all like this but its not what you and Kuno try to paint either. When opportunities are scarce especially after a certain point life you'll do what you find most equitable to survive.
    What should a 19 year old drop out with no family support do to survive in the slums of Baltimore?
  17. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Generations of poor Black people have survived and thrived in this country without falling back on criminal activity.

    If you're 19 year old dropout without a job, find one. Lower your expectations. Almost every company has menial level employment for people with or without a criminal record. Apply to learn a trade.

    It's just a lie that dealing drugs is someone's best option for employment. It's not about the money, it's the consequences.
    The worst thing anyone can do to sabotage their future employment is to be arrested and incarcerated.

    IMO you're too intelligent to keep this line of reasoning going, and personally I believe you're getting some 'thrill' out of trolling this thread.

    Not for a second do I believe if a family member of yours asked your advice whether or not they should deal crack because they were a teenage dropout, would you say, 'go for it mah dude!!':smt023

    We've literally lost more than a generation of Black men who tried to live the lyrics in too many rap songs, Black men who've been incarcerated multiple times for a variety of offenses since they were minors and who are now considered almost unemployable.

    Seriously, just stop while you're
  18. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Can't rep you right now so:

  19. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I think that drug dealing is a very rational short-range strategy and an incredibly irrational long-range strategy for poor young men. The reason they often choose to do it is precisely because they do not have a long view. Their perception of the world is measured by their relatively youthful age and view of their future prospects. If you expect to die before 30, the long view is effectively rendered moot. Further, their environments often encourage short-term planning and thinking with people living hand-to-mouth, not owning assets, etc. While the poor in times past were content to work and receive poverty-level wages, it's not fair to evaluate today's youth by those standards. Those were the values of the black agrarian poor of the South and initial black urban migration, and are difficult to sustain in the modern, post-industrialized world of today. Those values were sustained because jobs using unskilled labor were plentiful, people often grew their own food and/or hunted, people lived in rural areas in extended families and there were plenty of support networks. In the atomized modern world, none of those conditions are present. In today's cities, you're on your own.

    While I disapprove of drug dealing, it has a low entry threshold, requires no skill set (you get OJT) and provides immediate (albeit not in the amounts the youth imagine) cash returns. It is the EASY way. But once you realize that you will probably live long past 30, struggling at subsistence-level wages with no prospects for improvement, saddled by a criminal record and children you can't pay for for the rest of your natural life, it's far less attractive.

    And for the record, I abhor the use of manufactured drugs. I do, however, support the legalization of marijuana, mushrooms and naturally occurring substances.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    dude thank you so much for posting this. Sometimes it feels like I'm pissing in the wind when I post. Rep coming


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