I see you back there chucking, ches... Your crew needs to hurry up, before all we have is sexed up tarts, ringtone rap and sad guys with dyed hair and skinny jeans out there! Sad, but true. I always said nostalgia is played out, but I find myself listening to more of my older tunes than ever before.
Don't give up, it's never too late! Man, I can't wait for a new artist to break through with something fresh up their sleeve.
It's more than likely not her. It would be what's-left-of-her-pithy career suicide. The thing is Kim, would go to the opening of an envelope if it got her media coverage....so the fact that her PR team have not shut down the stills, or made websites take it down (most would have within 2 hrs) goes to show you that her trick Mom would rather have Kim's name attached to another chick's dick sucking video...than have her name removed from it. Wow. :-D
Oh daaayuuummmm.... My hands, lips, I'll even throw in mild teeth nibbles to exploit that talent....lol Just start the tape and let's run our own reality not to be shown show.... :smt023 I cannot understand why reality tv had taken over the minds of the American public the way it has... I'm sure it's all about dollars and sense.... It's become a game of looks and with plastic surgeons banking on the prospects, talent (being null and void these days) has taken a back seat.... no, let's really call it as we sees it... a hitch hike in deference to the mindless wonders willing to reveal their most intimate details to a gullible public. As for Kim, when she's run out of rising (and falling) stars to attach her name to, look out for the book.... :smt033:smt015:smt119
Are you trying to tell me that the antics that she pulls are not done to gain yet more publicity? Did you type that with a straight face? Somehow I don't believe that. Sure, we make the behavior WORSE by reinforcing it with any attention at all, because when you are an attention whore, even bad attention is STILL attention. However, the choices she makes reflect wholly on who she is and speak volumes as to where her values and motivations lie. We may throw gasoline on to her publicity flames...but she starts the fire first by her actions.
Kim's better off keeping herself single because she's way too damned immature for romance of any kind. Beautiful woman, but surely has no idea what the hell she wants in regards to companionship. Fame is all she can do, even if it's out of stupidity.
Why is that funny? it's so true...she would go to the opening of an envelope if the paparazzi were there to film it and she was queen whore at TMZ for two weeks.
Two weeks? More like 2 years, lol! Harvey (owner of TMZ) is paid by Kris to run positive stories on Kim. No other site on the planet has continued to say the +hype shit they do about her.
I guess people are just really sheeple....what I can't wrap my head around is how people (sheeple?) don't see right through it? I mean, seriously now. Is your life so lacking in substance that Kim and the rest of the Kardashians keep you entertained? Honestly? How could that even be half assed considered fun to watch? WHAT is it that keeps these people hooked? Do their lives hang in the balance depending on what she decides to wear today or what swanky joint she went to with whomever the fuck last nite? I don't know about them..but I gotta worry about other stuff. Not how many hours I have to work to now afford the nasty seaweed face cream some idiot has paid them to say they use.
I would die laughing if this was an actual title! You're right, she's a publicity-monger par excellence.
Yes,there was racism in Kim contining to date brothers. However,she does not stay faithful to one long. Kardashian craves fame not a commitment to a Black man.
Oh good god. Why does everything have to boil down to what white people do vs what black people do? I'm pretty sure Japanese people have had relationships that lasted two weeks or less also. You can't keep going on and on about how kardashian is this great role model\wonderful person\exceptional woman because she dates black men. Lots of white celebs date black people. Lots of non white people date black men. I'm pretty sure their sole motivation is NOT to see how much fodder they can add to the circus frenzy this week.
A long relationship like her sister's. The long stereotype of IR don't last long to cement a relationship is bogus.