Star power won't sustain you in bed or in a relationship either. Not saying Mayra is the cat's meow, but that reality tv show stuff gets
I'm sorry, but after Kim's last marriage, why would anyone marry her again? Her whole motivation is more publicity and money. No one who wanted a serious wife or marriage or mother for their kid would touch her. Last year she's on the cover of mags crying about how she ain't married and she's almost 30; 2 weeks later the bitch is engaged, has a lavish over-the-top wedding when most Americans can't pay dey bills...and the thing lasts for less than a month AND the bitch insists it wasn't fake? There's a shock. These men need to leave her ass alone...when toddlers throw tantrums, ignoring them is how you make it stop.
I can't stand that damn bank card has more organically real parts than her. Plus it's loads smarter.
She did make one decent point. Short engagements is how her family rolls. Look at Chris Jenner and her mom and Khloe and Lamar both very quick and to the point. Real talk seems like Reggie was the only dude who kept her tamed. Who knows?
She's alright looking, but hardly ideal. And the thought of spending my precious time with someone that vacuous is depressing.
But do we really know what's her for real and what is scripted for tv? What is her tv persona and what is her?? Chris Humphries blew the lid on alot being scripted for their show. I just wonder because you would think Jessica Simpson was the dumbest woman on the planet from her show with her ex Nich Lachey. People say no it was just an act for that show. And think, the empire Simpson has built from clothing and shoe sales and she keeps branching out. Last year her brand made 750 million dollars. Either she has some smarts or she is incredibly stupid and just fell into some good handlers to promote and develop things that have made her rich.
I honestly don't think she's that bad. It's all an act it's how she gets her money. She knows how to milk the hell out of this vapid culture. Homegirl seems like a genius business woman to me.
You both raise some good points. This could all be one big con to get the money while it's on the table. And if people are dumb enough to pay for it, then she should be smart enough to charge for it. I just think of most reality tv as the beginning of the decline of western civilization. lol
Don't believe the hype Correction....Kim paid an Indian programer who created millions and millions of "Twitter account bots" for her... Every time she mentions a product, she gets paid based on her follower amount..too bad for the companies she plugs that her mega "followers" aren't real, lol. In fact, see exactly how many are "currently following" her in real-time (it averages from 50 to 200...Out of 13+ million "followers") Real time - KIM K. 171 Following 13,211,488 Followers (most are her friends and family, btw) . Compare it to Lady Gaga, who has comparable #'s.. 139,874 Following 19,314,186 Followers Justin Beiber 120,973 Following 17,461,230 Followers Even our President.. 682,305 Following 12,550,224 Followers Compare Kim's numbers to Cindy Crawford and Giselle Bunchen, models/similar industry... Cindy 130 Following 851,100 Followers Almost the same ^ Giselle 36 Following 596,597 Followers Giselle has a respectable 1/3 of Kim's (following her,) and with only 1/ a million followers, yet she's pulling almost the same eyeballs. Hmmmm... Nene Leakes, a mediocre reality Atlanta housewife star.... 371 Following 630,452 Followers Much more than Kim...hmmm. Don't you find it suspect that a woman who isn't in the "music, film or sports business" has 13 MILLION followers? Really?..from..where? ~
A reporter asked him outright, he said "no" :smt054 (he looks so foine~)
171 sounds pretty low though. Im a nobody and I got 40 something. 171 sounds a lot more like the people she's following. I don't doubt the numbers are inflated. They use to do that with myspace when I was doing music but I don't think she couldn't get a mill on her own.
EVERYTHING about that chick's life, is a lie. Yeah, because our President is following...682,305 people tonight! and Justin follows 121, 000 and lady gaga 140, 000 ..etc, lol
Come on Kuno you have to admit 171 for someone who has show that millions watch don't sound right. Like I said nobodies who have no money to have someone inflate their numbers(Indian or otherwise) still manage to get hundreds if not thousands of followers. 171 just sounds like a sensationalized to number to make her look more need than she is. I do think that her numbers were inflated but probably more like hundreds of thousands to million.
Not. I don't like being told that I "should" defend someone, especially for the sole reason that she dates interracially. ??