You have got to be kidding me, they have nothing better to do than this? Okla. senator introduces amendment to protect semen Updated: 2/09 11:04 am Published: 2/09 11:02 am Anti-abortion Oklahoma lawmakers continue to push for tighter restrictions on abortion. Right now, the legislature is considering a bill that gives "personhood" status to embryos and requiring women seeking an abortion to first listen to the heartbeat of a fetus. In protest of the personhood bill, Senator Constance Johnson introduced an amendment to the personhood bill declaring every sperm is sacred. Her amendment states: “Any action in which a man ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen anywhere but in a woman’s vagina shall be interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child.” This madness reminds me of this number from Monty Python. [youtube]U0kJHQpvgB8[/youtube]
Wow. Every sperm is sacred huh? LOL She is a nut (no pun intended). This reminds me of some of the inmates' stupid thinking when I worked at the prison. They call masturbation "killing babies". I recall one inmate complaining about his cellmate jerking off all the time, & he was extremely upset because in his opinion ejaculation not for the purpose of trying to conceive a child was technically "destroying life". Evidently folks who think that way are in serious need of a biology lesson. What does she propose to do to men who let any of those "unborn children" get loose? Will they be in trouble for masturbating or for wet dreams, or is it just limited to when they're with a woman & depositing the sperm outside the vagina (where's the fun in that, lol)? What about the millions of sperm that die on a daily basis? The whole concept is retarded. lol
This contraception bullshit being debated in politics is all a diversion from dealing with more important issues. Every 4 years they dwell on...... -abortion -gay marriage -religon The new diversion is the budget and spending.
Agree 100%. The embreyo bill is just going to make a woman feel more worse, imo. Besides, a woman is already given counseling and 24hrs to change her mind. While it's possible a women might, more than likely when she takes the difficult step to abort her pregnancy, she has already made up her mind.
She's not truly serious, She's actually a female Senator who only introduced this to highlight the meanness/absurdity/unfairness of the Embryo Bill.
So true. I heard that Obama was losing the female vote in terms of confidence, so the Left introduced a lie that the Right wants "contraception banned": (which is why when Stephanopolous asked Romney the question, Romney was like "WTF are you talking about?"). So the political direction of late has taken a turn towards abortion and contraception rights..things that affect many female voters.
LOL...oops, I called her a him. Of course she can't be serious with something so ridiculous (that's why I was mocking the whole thing), but the sad truth is that there are many stupid folks who out there who take that crap seriously. There are some local folks talking about it like it's actually a good idea...most of them are members of the local catholic church. Of course they also are in agreement with the embryo bill. Abortion is something I could never do, but it's not my place to impose my beliefs & opinions on anyone else. It would be nice if others also understood that concept. Like you said, the women who make that choice do typically receive the information & counseling to know what they are doing, & it's not exactly a decision that most of them make lightly. Ultimately people are going to do whatever it is they want to anyway regardless of what the government or anyone else thinks, so IMO folks need to butt out & let grown folks do what they're gonna do.
Yep. It's all smoke and mirrors. Just imagine what it'd be like if they put all of that effort into the shit that actually needs the attention.
What is so funny about this contraception baloney politicians are bringing up, is that it is all focused on women with men running their mouths bitching about it. I have not heard one male mofo bitch and complain about Viagra being easily accesible and covered under health insurance, not one person has complained about male vasectomy procedures which I believe are covered under majority of insurance plans. Nobody has bitched about condoms. All these mofos care about is birth control pills and abortions. Shit is pure comedy.
@ your first paragraph - unreal at people taking it serious..smh. Yeah @ the Catholic Church...only time you can have sex is to procreate, following the rhythm method/ovulation cycle. Very true @ your second paragraph's first's truly a gut-wrenching, emotional, personal decision.
There are idiots arguing about it around here, & it would be funny if it wasn't so irritating. Yeah, it makes me glad I'm not Catholic, lol. That it is.
I didn't know Viagra was covered, lmao. I'd say vasectomies fall under a woman getting her tubes tied, which I think is covered, no? But totally get and agree with your gist... ps: LOL @ condoms....though in fairness I don't think anyone on the Right has an issue with using birth control (just abortion) but it makes for great political fodder for the Left to throw out there.
Yeah....Erectile Dysfunction is defined as a "Medical Condition"......Birth Control is defined as a "Lifestyle Choice". That's why you see so many commercials during primetime promoting "erectile dysfunction", but nothing for birth control. The funny thing is that those viagra pills are for men who technically are suppose to be past their years for sex and making babies. Thats why you see so many many past the age of 60 being fathers of young children with young women, especially with celibrities and politicians. Health Insurance in this country is controlled and directed by men and benefit men more than women. If you have health insurance, sit down and read your benefits book and you will see the difference between men and women.
Yeah, the conversations had by the coffee drinking, chain smoking old farts that hang out in the store all day get pretty deep. lol
This what happens when you have a bunch of insolent dick-headed lunatics holding powerful positions. I wonder if they think life begins at erections?