Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I'm so with you on this.
  2. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    I like big cities.. :D
  3. ElectricFox

    ElectricFox New Member

    Beautiful European woman surprises me on the beach!

    Back in 2009 I was in Egypt at a resort on the beach with about six of my buddies, I was the only BM, and American which was very rare in Egypt. Oh, and in speedo's which is rare for a person anywhere hahaha Anyway, there happened to be a huge amateur arm-wrestling competition going on so there was a ton of tourists, mostly European women in beach attire cheering and flocking around the competitors. I noticed I was getting very obvious looks from a lot of ladies and couldn't quite read into what it meant. One group of about 4 gorgeous ladies and two men were next to me, speaking in a foreign language but I could clearly tell it was pertaining to me.. After the competition we walked to the bar which was outside and on the beach as well. We ordered drinks and my buddies made comments like "dude, why was everyone staring at you lol" when I noticed the same group of ladies that stood next to me a few minutes ago took seats behind me at the bar. Suddenly one approached and tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to a beautiful blonde, European ww with a gorgeous smile and amazing tan, wit a two-piece bikini and a camera in her hand. In broken English, and a thick accent (Russian, Idk :?: ) she said "Hello, umm.. Fo-to?" Puzzled, I smiled back and said "Oh sure, I'll take a photo for you :D." and reached for her camera, preparing to take a photo of her with her friends. Then she smiled again, bigger than before and this time with a giddy look on her face and said "Eh.. Fo-to?" again, except this time she pointed back and forth to her and myself.. I was shocked lol This gorgeous woman wanted to take a picture with me, a complete stranger for no obvious reason other than because I was shirtless and so physically different (bm, toned :smt066 with a lot of tribal tattoos) and American. She handed one of her girls the camera, and with my buddies and the other folks at the bar looking, put her arms around my neck like she'd known me her whole life and kissed my cheek to take the pic! Completely didn't see that coming lol I thought it was really cool and after the pics we tried chatting afterward but oh how the language barrier sucks :sad: lol Long story I know, but just thought I'd share it with you all here ;)
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
  4. satyr

    satyr New Member

  5. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    boobs, oobs, knockers, sweater meat, puppies, fun bags, jugs, pillows, love mellons, flesh bulbs, fried eggs, hand warmers, milk factories
  6. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

  7. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    I had a similar experience in Odessa Ukraine.....I had a fresh pump just walking back from a gym in a tourist resort called Arcadia and a surprising number of the ladies wanted to take a picture with me....What are you gonna say?....No?.......As it turned out,.... I was gentleman like you, obliging them but not seeking to cash in.....But it was flattering.......
    Well traveled Soulthinker where are you ??...We need your take on this story........
  8. ElectricFox

    ElectricFox New Member

    1 BM + foreign resort + a dash of foreign women with cameras = #WIN

    Hey Archman! Your story is another great example of the random and very flattering experience of being a bm amoungst foreign women lol And it definitely made it more comfortable for the ladies to ask us because we were both at a tourist resort and not simply out-and-about. Those ladies on vacation wanted a great time and amazing, memorable pictures to share of their foreign experiences. Awesome story!
  9. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    You forgot marshmellows....
  10. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    That is a great story, bet you felt like a movie star for a moment there. Your story reminds me of the time some sailors came into Brisbane City, I was simply on my way to the train station after lunch with friends when five sailors all still dressed in their outfits too stopped me and asked for a photo with me. It felt so random and I am sure I was blushing in all their shots but hey it also gave me a little ego boost too.
  11. Athena

    Athena New Member

    BM urged to donate blood and stem cells

    From CBC.ca
    Even though this story is from Canada, it applies to American BM too.

    A shortage of blood and stem cells in the black community is costing lives, Canada's blood agency warns.

    Canadian Blood Services is calling on people of African and Caribbean heritage to register as blood and stem donors through its OneMatch Stem Cell and Marrow Network.

    Sickle cell disease is an inherited disease of red blood cells, predominantly affecting people of African descent. In people with sickle cell disease, the red blood cells are abnormally shaped and starve tissues of oxygen.

    The lifespan of affected people is about three decades shorter than average, said Dr. Isaac Odame, medical director of the Global Sickle Cell Disease Network at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

    Complications can include infections, extreme bone pain and damage to the brain, lungs, heart and kidneys, Odame said.

    Kynan Jackson, 7, of Halifax struggles with painful sickle cell disease. He takes medication twice a day, has had blood transfusions and been admitted to the hospital a few times since he was diagnosed at age four.

    "It is stressful," said his mother, Winnell Jackson. "It's almost like a waiting game. The medication won't ever stop him from getting crisis again, so I know it's coming."

    A stem cell transplant replaces the bad, misshapen ones with normal ones, said Odame.

    Sickle cell disease can be cured with stem cell transplants, says Dr. Issac Odame. (CBC)
    "The only way to give him [Kynan] a chance is to cure it," Odame said. "We know that it can be cured through stem cell transplantation."

    Stem cell transplants require a close match from a donor of the same ethnic background, which narrows Kynan's odds of getting one.

    "If you are Caucasian and you're looking for an unrelated match, probably 75 per cent chance you will find one. If you are of African descent, your odds are far, far, far less," Odame said.

    Canada's blacks represent about 2.5 per cent of the population, based on the 2006 census. But of the 300,000 on the blood agency's stem cell and marrow registry, only 0.7 per cent are of African descent.

    "Sometimes people wait six months to years to find a match and they may end up passing away in that time period because we can't find a match in Canada or around the world," said Sue Smith, executive director of One Match.

    During Black History Month, Canadian Blood Services is appealing for young, black male donors in particular to donate blood and be registered. Men tend to be bigger and deliver a larger volume of stem cells without the complications of an over-reactive immune system that can occur during pregnancy.

    Currently, the agency said there is a waiting list of 36 African Canadians with cancer who could be cured with a stem cell transplant. Kynan's mom hopes the campaign is a success and she's able to see him grow up.

    It would "be really nice to know that, you know what, he does have a match out there. There's somebody out there wherever they may be, that would match him and be able to take that pain, help ease that pain in his life."

    The blood agency's theme this year, "Our Canadian Story: Making Community Engagement a Priority," emphasizes community.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wow that's so really informative. Thanks kid

  13. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Anytime! :D
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Is that part of your major?
  15. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Top secret stuff Mr. TDK. lol I am keeping my focus private for professional reasons....
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fair enough. Not everyone is a blabber mouth like me lol
  17. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    ..........The requirement for falling in love is a pulse !...........The requirement for staying in love is a plan !..............
  18. Athena

    Athena New Member

    True a plan helps, but what if your partner doesn't fit your plan or is not something you see working long term?
  19. Athena

    Athena New Member

  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What an awesome time to visit NYC huh:cool:

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