What did you learn about life post-25 y/o?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Sounds cliche, but for a long time I looked for happiness in someone else. Wasn't until a very recent breakup that I realized that I can never TRULY be happy with someone else, nor can I make them truly happy if I do not already have happiness within.

    I also learned that, when sexing you last a lot longer with little mini-strokes than trying to long stroke it the entire time. She might not like it as much, but that's her problem, not mine.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Holy shit did this motherfucker just drop some serious knowledge? My whole world is fucked up right now. I'd rep you if I could but I'm out. Good shit kid.
  3. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Life isn't always about me. In fact, it seldom is.

    (Great thread, Northy! :smt023 )
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2012
  4. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Excellent post Jaisee, well except for the second half - otherwise I completely agree! :smt023
    Paniro - great post too. The fellas are being real, and I love it!!
  5. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Great posts Jaisee & Paniro!!! :smt023 :smt038 :smt038
  6. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  7. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    minor thread derail

  8. bmanz

    bmanz Member

    I didnt really start learning who I was until around the age of 25. I think somebody earlier talked about chasing your dreams. I say do that 100%. I know there are some limitations with a family at all but write down your goals and go after them as hard as you can NOW!
  9. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    - Love isn't enough to make a relationship work

    - Having an education isn't a guarantee for a good life

    - Patriotism is ridiculous and a lot of patriotism is rooted in nonsensical propaganda

    - Family is VERY important and won't be around forever, enjoy them while you can

    - Do what you can to stay out of trouble even if it's at the expense of someone else

    - You can't trust most people but if you trust no one then no one will trust you, choose your associations wisely

    - Expect the worst out of people and you'll never be disappointed

    - Don't argue for the sake of arguing, especially on the internet. You're most likely not going to be changing any minds. Know when to agree to disagree and just walk away from the conversation

    - Smile more and appear more approachable

    - Understand how money works and how to use it to your advantage in life

    - Network and don't burn bridges in your career field

    - Just because someone has M.D behind their name doesn't mean they're not an idiot
  10. Centreville

    Centreville New Member

    12 for me. Twelve. :eek:
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    haha i know the feeling

    ill be 30 next month

    good news is that i work with a lot of older people, so they're constantly giving me some perspective in life as i grow older. they're always checking up on to me to see if im in school, working a second job, playing sports, or doing other stuff while i still have some youth left. you know stuff gets harder to do as you age, but sometimes you can lose sight of that if you let work get the best of you.

    so now im doing everything i can while keeping my free time to a minimum

    youll have plenty of time to rest and do nothing when u get old, u know
  12. Centreville

    Centreville New Member

    agreed. By the time my father was 30, he already had two children( god rest your soul, baby bro), and I'll be that exact age months from now. Mindboggling. I remember when I turned 18, my parents told me to enjoy it while you can because before you know it you'll turn 30. Boy, were they right.

    Time waits for no one.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2012
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    seriously tho...do your shit now

    longer you wait..............:smt090
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn fellas we ain't that old lol. Truthfully I feel you're as old as your responsibilities. My boy is 25 with two kids and that dude is much older than I am if you catch my drift.
  15. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    37 here and I still don't have a lot of free time. Lol. Almost at my 20 yr reunion, damn.
  16. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Lol. Im catching that drift
  17. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    I did not care when i turn 30 enjoy life much better my son will be 17 in April and am still 36

    but true life goes fast ... try and enjoy as much you can
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    well i care because im approaching my physical prime

    as an athlete, going down the other side of 30 isn't something you look forward to

    when the injuries take longer to heal, when shit starts breaking down, and when you notice your body doesn't have the same speed or strength it used to
  19. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    I know what you mean am not an athlet not even fit lol but i worked in a farm from when i was under 10 and i was lifting more weight that my body weight most times and working hard all was physical work .. i have so much injuries now from that... that all come out when you get older
    you get tired faster when older
    sometimes i wander how i manage then work until 5pm and then go out and play until middnight running and doing other things
    i guess when you get older nothing work good anymore but still enjoy been over 30
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You lose somethings but gain others like more stamina and flexibility. I've seen too many old school shohans who still beat the shit out of the youngins the only problem with getting older is having to keep up with it more since you're likely to lose a step if you take time off.
    Develop other skills too. I'm looking into kendo right now since sword play is far more skilled based than strength based.

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