hell, he ate a cat. so what ???? people eat rabbits, pigs ,fish, turkeys and deer but they arrest a dude for eating a cat. hell naw!!!! its no different than eating a rabbit or deer. people will say "its cruel that he ate a cat". hell its cruel eating a deer. let keep it 100. People call hunting a sport. well , news flash people...its not a sport. football is a sport . basketball is a sport. track and field is a sport. hunting is not. you are shooting at something that cant shoot back. Its not a sport. If the animals can shoot back then yeah maybe it is a sport. then again would anyone play the sport if they knew that heat would be in their asses. nope, thus its not a sport. the cat is far "game" to be eaten. principle is principle. if you can eat a deer got damn it you can eat a cat.
I don't think, based on the article you posted, that he's in trouble for eating the cat. It says he was arrested for suspected burglary and animal cruelty. He was found with the cats tail and intestines around his neck and said he would use its bones as party decorations, so I can see why they might suspect that the cat was not killed in a humane way or even, initially, to be eaten. Also, if the cat belonged to someone, just killing it would probably be considered cruelty. However, really I don't think they could prove that he was cruel to the cat before it died, unless there was a camera in the room or a witness. So he'll probably just get done for burglary or break and enter (unless they're able to prove the cat belonged to someone). As far as the eating cats issue...I have no problem with people eating animals like cats or dogs, as long as they weren't someone's pet AND they were killed as quickly and humanely as possible.
you could be right. I was also going off the title of the article but the body of the article is ambigous to the action of it. do you consider hunting a sport?
Absolutely not. I have no problem with hunting if it's for food, but I find trophy hunting sickening. I do, however, see that hunting in places like Africa (on specific game reserves) can be beneficial to wildlife. That doesn't make it less horrifying though. Anyone who needs to take a life to feel good, and have 'fun', has something wrong with them.
people make fucking good luck charms out of fucking rabbit's feet, and hang that shit wherever they please who cares what he does with the cat....what about the rabbits?!?!?11
They do? I though they feed them, fly them... Parents kick kids, no one cares. Nursing-aides kick the elderly, no one cares.
How is wall to wall media coverage for weeks followed by a 2 year prison stint a blind eye? And ya Mr. Love is a moron.
pigeons are small animals like arent leave that smoke alone because your analogy comprehension is fuckin' trash :butthead:
Mine are actually true. And people don't give a shit. Ask Philly's CPS. But a pigeon? Really? A fucking pidgeon? You analogize (to justify) unheard of pigeon kicking to a fuckface vermin who kicks kittens as a football..? Did a DUMBbell hit your head?