Among his many "thoughtful insights"
Mikey a lot of private schools take no government funding. They can therefore, make up their rules and when you accept a place at their school you agree to abide by them. He was also warned to stop and didn't. I think he gave them something to go on.
Wow. I blame his parents for raising a dumb-assed son. Who would've thought you could squeeze that much ignorance into 140 characters or less. smh Not to be hypocritical or anything but I do find this tweet interesting though:
Oiy voiy...I feel so bad for the kids today...I was telling my sis last night...thank GOODNESS twitter and fb weren't around when I was a teen..the shit I pulled off, the crap I yacked with my g/f's on the phone (remember the phone? lol)...if I had typed/texted half of it, or chronicled my antics...all I can say is thank you Jesus for sparing me!
I'm not gonna jump all over this kid. He's a young man who is just stupid at this point. I know I was stupid when I was his age and I'd like to think that I turned out ok. He's going to Colorado. Hopefully he will turn things around.
Yeah, being stupid at that age is something that pretty much applies to all of us to some extent. It's funny just how much I thought I knew back then when I really didn't know much of anything. I remember many goofy & embarrassing things I said when I was his age & I have to shake my head. Thankfully many of us grow up & out of it.
what a dumbass Michigan would have been a much better place to play ball than Colorado he's ranked 40th on ESPN U...Colorado is a slap in the face no offense Jordan :lol: he needs to mature mentally if he's going to be successful at the next level he's got talent and that's going to put a lot of eyes on him...he can't do shit that no-name mothafuckas can get away with
Lol! If I remember correctly, didn't the teacher teach that when a woman squirts, she's NOT having an "organism?" I mean, technically that's correct, it's not an organism. But if she meant what we all know she meant, how dumb is she? And they're expelling him?
A lot of black male athletes don't have many expectations placed on them away from the field. In their communities many are seen as meal tickets out of the ghetto, and relatively useless in white America apart from the wins they produce for their schools and, if lucky, professional teams. I don't know this kid but remember what it was like to be seventeen and it wasn't pretty. He only did something tactless, not illegal, and I hope he succeeds in Colorado. Sidenote: I spent one evening in Boulder a few years back and had a fucking awesome time there. Everybody was cool and totally embraced me as an outsider. Some frat dude bought me a shot and this cool ass sophomore chick invited me to Finland!!!
As a Michigan Alum I would've loved to see his talent in our defensive backfield but its all good. He made a mistake and he is paying the price for it by going to a lesser program. Doesnt mean that he still cant be successful. Colorado has produced some good pros over the years. Hopefully he'll learn