you still see this same attitude guys that fight (for sport anyway) and win are honored by glorious records. instead of keeping opponents teeth or whatever, they keep written documentation of their victories
Another winner winner chicken dinner. Again if you think about what war is peeing on someone after you've killed them means nothing in the grand scheme. One thing I will never forget was watching on Telemundo(American News Channels are pussy when it comes to war) the garbage trucks full of charred bodies that were desimated when the first bombs hit in Iraq. And it wasn't the bodies of soldiers but families. Purely innocent people who just had the bad luck of living in a place where the bombs hit. War is always suffered by the poor and profited by the rich. Until the poor wake the fuck up or the rich find more automated ways of killing and keeping the masses in check this will be the way it always is.
Pretty much. You do enough to where the threat is no longer a threat. People in the military are held to a standard and one of the main goals is to win heart and mind and blah blah. If American's go around a look like they enjoy killing people and playing with their bodies after they are dead, it makes us look like savages n' shit, an image that the military does not want because it negatively impacts everything else. Hard to convince a village elder when you just pissed on an enemy nearby and kept his hand as a trophy. I can't really speak more on it since I'm not some military expert, but I'm just stating the common sense part. The military would stress about things being in order, clean, straight, organized, disciplined and professional only to allow people go around cutting of heads and doing other things they know would not be acceptable back home. Unfortunately, the military isn't as professional as it appears to be. It's not always like the commercials. I've read this numerous touches upon this topic in a way but has nothing to do with war crimes or anything. It just reminds people that you can't expect warriors to be these perfect 'knights in shining armor' the dark side needs to come out at times, because face it...war involves killing people, which is no simple feat on its own. Whether or not it's allowable in you area of operation, doesn't reduce the fact that taking a life is not easy or 'professional.' you're still killing human beings, you know lol late edit - that black background on the link is's another
As it shouldn't be. Why promote the lie? You have to be a savage to win wars. This shit ain't a movie
refer to my post above we think alike most people can't handle the truth tho, so they need to see those commercials where proud soldiers are smiling and grinning like silly sons of bitches
I love how noble dude tries to make them sound when in reality the police and military industrial complex is just a coercive apparatus of the rich to indoctrinate its will onto the sharply less educated and less privileged masses. Justice is rarely if ever evenly dispensed, we as black people know this better than most especially the women, and if the rich ever do get punished its usually a sacrificial lamb used as an example to appease and support the delusional and sleeping masses. I get why a lot of military and police do what they do. They simply try to survive like the rest of us but make no mistake they are no more noble or sanctimonious than the rest of us. Just goons with guns but I do appreciate the illusion of safety since it keeps the feeble and juvenile minded in check. They defend us more from chaos more so than anything else and for that I thank them for their role in our self imposed drama.
i'll remember that the next time a policeman runs into a school to help evacuate students during an emergency, risking his own life in the process. Damn tool of the oppressive regime.
Motherfucka knock off the woeful ignorance. They spend a 100 times more time giving fines and harassing people than they do saving anyone. This ain't the middle east school bombings or shootings are the rarest of occurrences. I'm not saying they don't serve a purpose but most dudes who do anything in law enforcement are their because of the steady pay and good pension. Just like the military is a place for most young kids with no where else to go or virtually no employment options in their areas. You got young smart brothas like BA literally having to risk his life for employment because shit is so fucked up state side. If being a lawyer or some other profession still offered the same financial security it once did in the 90s you'd see that voluntary military recruitment rate would be like draft era numbers.
BA chose the military because he wanted to, if i recall correctly. Why not let the man speak for himself before acting like you can read minds, because you really can't. Not everyone is there because it was their only option. Try actually knowing more people that joined, other than your deaf uncle who lost his leg and both testicles in Vietnam.
Thankfully people who matter like the secretary of state has condemned this despicable act by those animals in uniform.
Hey Uncle Dan was fricking awesome don't you talk him about him like that. Poor guy survives war and dies from a urinary tract infection he got from a Malaysian hooker. Lesson learned even if you lose both balls you should still wrap it up. I think BA did talk about his reasons for joining the military. One of which was the school system in Cali sucked and employment options weren't that great. I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong.
OMG, are you serious???!!! Pee? Where was Monica when this happened? I bet you she knows the taste of my husband's pee! .
i'm just saying..not everyone is there because the civilian world was in the pits. The pay as an officer is just as competitive as a lot of private sector jobs. As you move up in rank to captain and major, you'll be making more money than a good portion of Americans with similar degrees working for IBM or Microsoft. Not to mention the housing allowances and other benefits that come with serving. The military isn't just for people down and out on their luck anymore, stop playin' you can get a 4 year degree, go into a soft occupation like nursing or logistics, and retire with 20 years in by the time you're 42, then nurse at a hospital like John's Hopkins while collecting your Major's pension from the Army. A nurse I know did the exact same thing. So now you're getting retirement benefits (hey that's how the military works...20 years you can collect) on top of excellent nursing pay because you have a ton of experience already. you better wake up and smell the donuts, son
I understand your point Kuno and the distinction you make. I don't mean to conflate the common sense understanding of "war crimes" with a breach. Frankly whether it's criminal is arguable. Simply, rule 115 requires that the dead are suitably interred without delay in practice of the religious custom to which they belonged. Now is stopping to piss on the body an unnecessary delay? ...Of course it's all a bit more complicated but still .
I didn't say everyone but a large chunk of the young people who have joined in the past or even now have joined because of lack of opportunity. Everyone doesn't grow up in coastal areas like you and I near big cities like NYC or Philly so you have a lot of these midwestern and southern kids who live in areas far removed from big cities who don't have many other options. I don't know about you but when I was graduating hs joining the military was right up there with working at McDonalds it was seen as throwing your life away when you can easily just go to college and not risk your life. It sounds great in peace time but at a time when deployment to hostile areas of the middle east is a reality not so much. Even officers have to go now. One of my best friends spent 18 months in Afganistan and he's engineer who went to military college and graduated as an officer with 8 years as a navy reservist and a good government job and still had to bunk with all the infantry dudes because he was over there overseeing the building of a school and other infrastructure. Dude's base was getting bombed daily. I'd be on skype and hear distant explosions and he'd laugh and say that was regular, it happened 5 times a day. I thank God my friend came home in one piece but then there's other guys we went to school with who didn't make it and these were guys who had the plan you were talking about. Free college and a lot of experience but it didn't pan out. I know life has its risks but I don't think risking life, limbs, or sanity should be the price of decent employment.
The limits for what's considered criminal is always set by those who win or those who are afraid of who won
healthcare man....HEALTHCARE lol there is a shortage of nurses in philly, among other places, which pay very well yet more people dont realize this shit and want to try their luck in other occupations. If I had to give advice to people thinking about joining the military, id tell them to go into healthcare with a clinical occupation. when you come out, there will be a job waiting for you, even in a fucking recession. Just make sure the hospital is a major one located in an area that relies heavily on it, and you're set.