Afghan President Hamid Karzai has condemned a video that appears to show United States Marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters. The unverified 39-second video, posted online yesterday, claims to show combat-ready soldiers desecrating the remains of several bodies on the ground; it’s titled "Marines peeing on taliban." It has since been removed from YouTube by the user, who was identified only as "semperfiLoneVoice."
1) The Taliban had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11. They are simply a retrograde, Islamic cult that happened to control the land mass of Afghanistan from where Osama bin Laden plotted and trained his Al Qaeda operatives. 2) From every military man who saw combat in my family I have learned about the sense of respect that a warrior has for the enemy, even in death. This is beneath the dignity of the US military, and, if true (Which it very well may not be, because it appears to resonate so deeply with Islamic taboos against desecration of the dead, which makes it suspect to me.), should be punished.
These cocksuckas should be identified, tried & sent to military prison for yrs. They also should be discharged dishonorably from the Marines. I'm not the least bit surprised that they all are whiteboys. The Kid Rasta
I have no respect for their tactics, but they are hardly the first to practice assymetric warfare. The CIA taught the Contras to do the same. No one's hands are clean and war is ultimately a dehumanizing undertaking. That's not an apology for anyone's behavior, just an observation. Nevertheless, I prefer that all combatants observe some degree of restraint, whenever possible. I think Kid Rasta's comment was speaking to the generalized tendency for white American troops (note 'generalized', not 'universal') to act out their racist behavior abroad as well as at home. Some of this conduct is well-documented. And then again, there are also stories of minority troops behaving badly abroad as well.
No homosexual, but those dudes dicks were literally so small that you couldn't even see them. I'd be embarrassed. How you cocky enough to record this shit and you're hung like a light switch.Thank god for making me black.
As a former military wife, the majority of soldiers/sailors wouldn't do something like that because death is taken seriously ... even the death of the enemy (not saying they aren't glad the enemy is dead, just saying it is taken seriously). For any soldier/sailor to whip out his junk and urinate on any dead body, even if it is an enemy body, shows their lack of respect for the dead. It also shows that they would have no problem with someone doing the same to their fallen body since it was okay to do it to someone else. I actually asked my ex about this (I had seen the video and write up about it earlier) and he agrees with everything I just said. He said you are trained to respect any dead and that these Marines should be severely reprimanded and/or kicked out all together.
they should go to jail just for allowing themselves to be on video and thinking nothing will happen. you do stupid shit....stupid shit will happen.
It is a disgrace to the honorable & hard working service men and women of the US, This shit is a deplorable act, we should be above than this type of behavior.
Their mistake was filming it. When I saw this on TMZ yesterday, I was thinking more along the lines of "why are they showing this and, why did they film it?!" I get their releasing their frustrations after those bum insurgents tried to murder them and whom probably would have chopped our marines heads or dicks off and filmed it, too...War is ugly, and we train our men to kill the men they peed on. Do you really think pissing on them matters to them when they just killed them?
It doesn't matter if a person is dead or alive when you decide to pee on them. Hopefully you'll get a nice mouthful of piss from a stranger today, looking to mark their territory like some fucking animal.
I was just speaking of the code that warriors adhere to. I'm not in the services, so I can't speak to it from personal experience. But my uncle, stepfather, grandfather, and loads of my mother's cousins and several of my friends are/were. They have all expressed a distaste for over-the-top desecration of corpses. My stepfather even had a begrudging respect for the Viet Cong for their tenacity and respected them as formidable opponents.
Sure it matters. For some men, it's a sexual turn on. Doesn't do anything for me in that category - how about you? You know though, I don't really need a stranger to fill my mouth, if I drank my own pee - I heard it's very healthy. Even Dr. Oz suggests it.
I don't know that I would count this as "over-the-top. In bad taste, yes, but physically defiling a corpse to me is over the top. What if they had spat on them instead, or kicked the bodies...would that offend as much? Just last night I was listening to a radio show that had a ret military Commander on and he said we program soldiers to be killers...and there are consequences to that mind-bending. Even Marine Montel Williams said in response to the video that our soldiers are acting out because they are carrying a huge burden fighting over there. (and thinks we should re-instate the draft to level the burden)
But want to come live with us. And copy us. On top, how many stowe away on ships, planes, or cross oceans in dinghy boats, or cross our borders come be here?
Training to kill doesn't necessarily mean training them to defile corpses. Not saying it's not possible, though. There are some warrior castes and societies throughout history that have immense respect for their opponents and consider them fellow men-at-arms. Doesn't mean they liked them, but there was a certain respect that came with facing a person in combat who went through many of the same rituals, etc as you. I think that the voluntary professional military has changed a lot of that in the modern era, though.
Actually the nazi soldiers were treated very humanely by the US troops. In fact, they were treated far better than the black southerners who lived near the POW camps where they were held. Stories of how nazis were seated in comfortable railcars during travel and fed decent food while blacks were at the back of the train abound from the Jim Crow south. As for the corpse issue, I don't like going overboard with violence in general. If I won a fistfight as a kid, I didn't feel the need to beat my opponent into the ground. Winning was enough for me. Call it a personal shortcoming of mine. I knew plenty of cats who went and got a baseball bat or a mop handle to add insult to injury, but that was never my style. And generally speaking, when I came up on the short end, my opponent usually was decent toward me.