I say to hell with em, let some gay fashion designer keep telling them what is supposedly attractive in a woman and I will do me. Wonder how many of them would shag a female bodybuilder. No time for dudes trying to keep up appearances because of their own issues about how they are perceived by others.
Don't get your panties in a bunch it was a joke. If you chubby chase then do it proudly my friend. I could care less who you fuck.
I never asserted you cared who I fucked. I would hope not. My point in responding is if he comes on here giving a spiel about black men being varied I will more than highlight that black men come from many differing cultures where, chubby, thick, curvy women are appreciated as women, they don't have to live up to some white male driven concept of what is beautiful. To me it is the individuals that need to uphold some image that they can get the skinny white girls that are seeking to prove something to themselves and more pathetically others, pretty weak indeed. Whomever or whatever you are do you, but don't lecture me about the varied tastes of black men while not acknowledging that black men of other cultures have no problem with thick women, part of which I am from. I would rather confidently chubby chase any day of the week than be so weak as a man that to feel comfortable about myself I have to prove some white boy wrong that I can get one of his skinny women. Two sides to a coin. Flip it and make your choice.
GQ the man went along with your joke about the stereotype at least that's how saw it and lets be fucking real for a minute. When people are talking about thick women they are slight curvier than the average. If you want numbers I'll say anywhere from 20 to 30 lbs heavier not the common misconception of 100+ thats always being shoved down our throats as being thick now a days. There's difference my friend. And I can't speak for every man but I think mist who live average height proportioned women aren't trying to prove anything that's actually most visually most appealing if you'd like I could provide links or videos for you.
The deal with Xtina is that unfortunately like some women, when she gains weight she puts in on in her face and it distorts her facial dynamics/bone structure. She isn't that heavy in this pic, but her face looks really puffy. Now compared to how her face used to look, it's a dramatic change IMO. It's something you don't really notice too tough if you're in a LTR with someone because it's subtle, but it's very apparent in pictures. WOmen have to deal with so much bullshit!lol Full disclosure, if she were mine Xtina would wake up raw every morning.:smt047 But people judge you by a different standard when you're a celeb. If this is too much meat for some...you need to get your testosterone count checked!!:smt110
No his argument seemed to be based on trying to live down the stereotype, like how dare attribute that notion to black men because of skin color. While at the same time claiming black men are varied, well if black men are varied, keep scrolling. Some will like big, some will like skinny and whatever else there is. Where's the beef. Nothing can't tell me his sentiments aren't influenced by what some white guys love to say about black men and fat white women. There are black guys who honestly try to prove something to themselves about that because it actually gets to them. Where is the security in that as a man. Never underestimate how some folks are preoccupied with perceptions of them by strangers.
If that were true most of us wouldn't be on here because the pressure to be with black women is far more prevelent. Someone else's idea of hot can't and will never get my dick hard. I like what I like. I've actually tried to will myself to physically be with a big woman because I loved her a lot, best girlfriend of my life so far and couldn't do it. So if I couldn't will myself to do it when love was on the table there's no way someone's high school peer pressure tactics would make go for something I didn't want in the first place and I think most men are the same way. You can't fool your dick.
Word bro. No wonder some of those white chicks spend their time barfing up what they ate, to live up to magazine standards of beauty. Many fashion designers are often gay men feeding this idea of what is attractive in the size of a woman on the masses, when those dudes don't even give a shit about fucking women.
Teenagers want to look like models fam. Grown ass women just want to be in shape and fit in clothes that are in single digits that are flattering on their body, I don't nor have I met a single woman over 25 who has any preoccupation of attaining model skinniness unless there is some type of mental problem.
That is a whole other concept though, that is personal attraction vs social setting when it comes to black and white in choosing a woman. A woman can lose or gain weight, you can't change being black or white. If you were with a woman who was "big" and you couldn't sleep with her, clearly she wasn't the woman for you and that wasn't your attraction otherwise you wouldn't have to will yourself because you would have been attracted to her overall. This is all very presumptive and scattered because there are degrees of thick women. Literally no one size fits all in that category. It comes back to the individual woman in the end.
Do you know why we're attracted to the features we're attracted to? Thick isn't subjective it fits into range just like fit and healthy. There's a reason there's a term called height proportionate but whaevs you like what you like and I like what I like. Happy hunting.
The bottom line remains DK that society fosters upon us the images of what beauty is in a woman and that includes the size. We can twist it, turn it, spin it however which way but every fashion magazine that caters to women attests to what the perception of a beautiful woman is. It would be akin to arguing against the idea that the concept of female beauty in Western society is influenced greatly by reflecting the features of white women as opposed to black women. You won't be seeing any thick women in the major fashion magazines. Why is that.
Honestly that's a question for one of the women since I don't follow fashion like that but my point is that most adults understand that entertainers and models don't look like what we see on magazine covers without the help of photoshop or a little surgery. I have never dated a woman with a career who was obsessed with her weight. They may watch their diet but I don't think its as extreme with adults who don't have the free time that teens have to obsess about that stuff. Other things take priority more so than your looks and while there is pressure on women its not a one sided street. Have you seen the black men threads on this forum. Shit if I was weak of mind I'd be in a corner crying that I'm not soapy with an 8 pack but like I said adults have more important shit to focus on..
In the modern age of technology, media, fashion, etc it is shaped by culture. Matter of fact it always has been. There are cultures in Africa where the practice of fattening up women for their wedding day by giving them lots of goat's milk to drink has been practiced for centuries. To those men that is what is attractive in a woman. What men are attracted to in Nigeria is not the same in Japan, as in Brazil, as in Denmark, etc. Thick is indeed subjective and greatly influenced by culture. You can have two men looking at one woman and one will say she is thick, while the other will say she is overweight because those men may come from different cultures and perceptions of qualities that define women's attractiveness.
Give me an example of thick and then give me an example of fat so we can be on the same page because I feel like something is being lost in discourse here.
Lets keep it real. Women are indeed judged on their looks, much moreso than any man. What is more likely to happen, a rich, fat man marrying a hot woman or a rich man marrying a fat woman. I think we know that answer. When it comes to looks women are definitely on the short end of the stick on that front. Men are visual indeed, myself included. As a man I'm not as concerned about how a women may perceive me physically if I have a good job and take care of my business in life. I'm bound to find some woman somewhere. How often will a man not take into account the physical qualities of a woman over her other qualities.
It's a new age women want it all at least the younger ones and won't settle for less. Maybe when I'm closer to middle 30s I'll see what you're talking about but from what I see men are tasked with being physically attractive(as we should be) and being financially attractive. For the most part for most women if you stay in shape and take care of your hair you're cute. There's no way for a man to fake stacks either you got it or you don't. Please don't give women a pass on being visual creatures as well. Its part of why we have eyes and ears and sense of smell. There are visual health indicators that are optimal for procreation like long hair indicates good fertile genes, for women a strong muscular body indicates good genes. These things aren't just for selling products its not some subliminal voodoo being done us, there are reasons as to why we like what we like But I will admit the more successful a man is the more forgiving a woman is of his looks which goes along with their natural instinct to look for a provider. Makes sense.
This is why I stated it is very cultural as well. How many black men in Africa or the Caribbean do we hear complaining about overweight black women, this is often a very Western social concept about women and obesity. Thick Khloe Kardashian Fat - would be Monique the actress and Rosie O'donnell's sizes.
I definitely see your point there as far as the personal interests shared between each other such as working out and staying healthy etc.