1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    bullshit..if this was a muslim country you would be stoned in the public square just for thinking you could do what a man does
  2. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    You know me, I'm all for everyone taking care of themselves.

    But think of a household this way just for a second. One woman can only be pregnant so many times, so you limit population. Men make more than women as a general rule, so if the guys work, the household income is going to be much higher. And the work around the house will increase, more laundry, more to clean up, but meals won't be any more difficult to prepare, childcare is much more limited than in a multiple woman/one man situation because there are fewer kids. I think it could work, and actually benefit the people in the household.

    I actually have a friend who is married and in the Army (I think the reserves now, but she was active duty for a number of years, and did 2 stints in Afghanistan). While her husband was deployed she met a guy who became a really close friend, and then he was more. When her husband returned home, he found he really liked the guy, and much to his surprise, he even discovered he was bisexual. I think she's got the perfect life - they all live quite happily together, and if she doesn't feel like sex, she gets to watch ;-)
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    But it isn't.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I personally don't believe in bisexuality but thats my take. I agree if there is equitable distribution of responsibility it could work in either situation but the traditional idea of having multiple wives requires the man to have the wealth to take care of the women and the children. The female example doesn't require that which is what makes it unfair to me. If you want me to share your vag with several men then there's gotta be more in it for me than just equal distribution of chores. And the other problem with that is if I want kids and she can't or doesn't want to provide them because she's already had some with husband number one were does that leave me? At least in the multiple wives situation the women can never be cheated on that front. Just a thought.
  5. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    You are absolutely right shit happens so why are folks so unreasonable when it comes to their spouse sleeping with others? I ain't trying to hear no bullshit about "vows". Peoples opinions and stances constantly evolve thru life.

    I see the very same people with such strong opinions about this subject constantly spreading their lil ole ass cheeks wide the fuck open to get fucked over by their employers but they never chuck the deuces.

    Your vows also included "for better and for worse" I guess that doesn't mean anything.

    We are going to flip this again.

    Your Husband pulls you to the side on a serious note "Babe this been bothering me for a long time and I just got to tell you.... I have objectum sexuality... I have a strong attraction to objects and even like to have sex with them"

    I don't even have to ask, your ass would not leave him! I don't care if you caught him in the middle of the act butt nekkid like this Nip/Tuck episode


    your ass is still not leaving him but you would chalk it as some wierd sexual kink of his.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2012

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Is Utah not in America? Don't men there marry more than one wife and procreate like rabbits?. Who said marrying more than one is a non western concept? Assuming if that is the case and it is being insinuated that it should be practiced, should female genital mutilation be embraced too or are we being selective with regards to the things we embrace from non-western culture?
  7. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Over decades I am working with male colleagues and I can say that I don't know one that is not cheating on his wife/girl-friend.

    Open relationships can only work for mature people, otherwise, if you destroy the illusion of monogamy, we would die out. Which woman wants to have a baby with a man who tells her that she isn't his wife, just her turn?

    I think that after several years a man and many times also the woman is bored, people are searching for new adventures and then some people separate/divorce, others decide not to leave their spouse (maybe because of the fear to lose their kids, family or they still love their partner). But they cannot talk about their problem, because they know that their partner will never have any understanding for this desire.

    I've met several couples in swinger clubs and it is difficult for both of them, but mostly for the men.

    All my relationships and my 15yr marriage ended because of cheating on me. Today I see it different, it's not that important for me anymore. I couldn't bear an affair, but if he has an ONS somewhere, I don't care, but I am talking to him about that topic before and if it is important to him to be with other women- I want the same right for me
  8. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    The "for better or for worse" part of the vows is in effect as long as the "forsaking all others" part is. In my case, the decision to end the marriage was his anyway, not mine. I paid a dear price due to his cheating. More than you will ever know.

  9. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I disagree that it is immature and living in a fantasy world for a spouse to expect their mate to continue to care about their physical appearance and maintain physical fitness for health reasons throughout their relationship.

    I agree that marriage means for "better or worse, in sickness and health", disease, injuries/accidents can happen to anyone at anytime. If tragedy strikes, I believe your vows mean that you stick by your spouse. That being said, in-shape, physically fit women do exist in the real world not just in magazines at ALL AGES, and preference for such a woman does not mean a man is being unreasonable or immature.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Big daddy Loki dropping that knowledge like always. Good to see you posting sir.

  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    some people just become plum lazy which has nothing to do with health. If you're left in the wind because if that, you got no one to blame but yourself.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    this is an article that needs to be retitled...why are women better cheaters. LOL
  13. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Appiah brings it. If polygamy is not only a non-western, you are wrong and even if we assume that is not the case.. Still wrong! Rofl.

    PJ I know you brought it up just to stir people but it's a valid topic.Tree pixie mentioned polyandry as a retort but it exists so rarely except in a few isolated environments. This is normally very cold places where there is an advantage to having more men to hunt because the land cannot be tilled and to keep birth rates low because the environment is very harsh. Poly marriages evolve from Agri- dependent societies, farming the land etc requires more labor so additional children are useful to a point.

    As an aside lack of polyandry does not mean men always rule,
    There are many matrilineal societies where inheritance and family line goes through the mother. Ashanti of Ghana might be one? Correct me here App.

    Not sure about saying "non Muslim" it kind of pretends none live there.. I think you all mean "our legal system is not based in Islamic law"

    App you know yourself those Utah people are Mormons, good point as that religion is US born and bred.

    *sits in hut with flak jacket on, since I've said Mormons, Muslims, US And polygamy in the same paragraph lol*
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2012
  14. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

  15. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Certainly, he's aware as well that there's a law in the states that criminalizes a person marrying more than one person, Bigamy. Living in a democracy, the government doesn't exert control over individual people who decide to live a polyamorous life style, it's their choice. But, there can be problems for children of those relationships as has been seen in recent events.
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    You guys give me too much credit

    *drops mortar on leksola's hut*
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Leksola again.
  18. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    It depends on what you mean, Loki. Going through multiple pregnancies can and sometimes does have an impact on a woman's body - some women can do it with ease, and others not so much - that's genetics. To expect eating sensibly and exercising to erase stretch marks, or to keep breasts firm, etc is not realistic. Men age as well. You can't help thinning hair - it's genetic for some men to go bald, and I would not expect a woman to cheat on her husband because he didn't win the genetic lottery.Men's erections also get softer as they age, and the refractory period gets longer. Women don't have an excuse to cheat because they prefer the firmness of a 25 year old dick over the softer erection of a 50 year old.

    You mention tragedy - if illness strikes, there may be a physical impact depending on the disease. Does a man have an excuse to cheat because his wife has to have a mastectomy? Can a woman cheat if a man loses a testicle to cancer?
  19. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Note: Polygamy is illegal in all fifty states and the Mormon church outlawed it in the nineteenth century. The faction(s) of Mormonism (FLDS) where you'll find a version of polygamy still in practice largely exist outside of Utah, and those "marriages" are not recognized by the rule of law.
  20. satyr

    satyr New Member




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