If you say so. 32 years in this country and you don't see the difference in the way people are treated based on race and gender then you are willfully blind and that's fine kid. We can have different povs.
So if it doesn't happen to you it doesn't happen? Ok Paniro Well as far as this story is concerned to you believe had she been a pretty blonde girl they would have been quick to deport her and before anyone goes there yes there are blonde Colombians and a white person could be mistaken for one. Cops and judges have leinancy with white children that they definitely don't show to black kids because they see their own kids and family members when white children get in trouble. I've seen it first hand. Black people, men in particular, are less inclined to get a break because we are considered others. Don't you ever wonder why anyone of color is considered ethnic which means foreign. No matter how many generations claim residency to this country you're always considered ethnic not just an American. I know you won't see that because you insist on seeing things differently. So like I said before to each his own and good day to you my friend.
Because WE get treated differently because of our skin tone and other ethnic markers, I personally don't DO what everyone else does. I may be responsible for my own actions and can only control my own actions but when someone who looks similar to me does something I'm held accountable in some type of social way. No one else carries that burden except black people. Please find a single post where I said I was a victim of racism. That my life is being hindered because I'm black. Personally I've had it really easy. Upper middle class upbringing, private schools and decent colleges but it doesn't make me blind to what happens to too many innocent people. Like I said feel free to your opinion my friend.
According to the latest news...she's being returned to the US. http://globalgrind.com/news/deported-dallas-girl-returns-home-details The Kid Rasta
So the proper punishment for running away is deportation to a third world country? And you guys wonder why you come across as suspect sometimes lol.
You're right it was because she was poor and black that it happened. If you can show where that shit has happened to a white kid. Argument over.
You only want white examples?? You are proving paniro with every word you type. It happens. http://news.change.org/stories/homecoming-for-wrongfully-deported-american-citizen After being dumped in Mexico and stuck there for three months, Luis Alberto Delgado, an American-born citizen, has finally been allowed back into the United States, the Houston Chronicle reports. But the wrongful deportation and prolonged absence cost Delgado his construction job, and in this economy, nobody wants to have to embark on a desperate job search. Delgado was the 19-year-old Texas resident who was stopped for not wearing his seat belt and then detained based on his lack of English fluency, a result of living abroad for most of his youth. Well, at least law enforcement claims that's why he and his brother were pulled over. I mean, I'm sure it wasn't an issue of driving while brown. Ahem. On the other hand, that immigration authorities refused to believe Delgado's birth certificate, Texas ID, and Social Security card proving his American citizenship was almost certainly an issue of racial profiling (so it's not a surprise that Delgado is mulling over a lawsuit against the injustice he was subjected to). The young man was bullied into signing a form authorizing his voluntary deportation, except that it wasn't made clear to Delgado that by affixing his John Hancock he was okaying being shipped off to Mexico. His belief was that he would be allowed to return home in Houston if he just did as he was told. Regrettably, the wrongful detention and deportation of American citizens, especially Latino individuals, isn't an isolated occurrence. And in a lot of ways, Delgado is one of the lucky ones: at least because he did grow up in Mexico and had family there, he wasn't as completely stranded as others who are dumped on the other side of the border. The Chronicle points out the particularly traumatic 2007 case in which immigration officials wrongfully deported a man who suffered from a mental disability who was "lost for months in Mexico." That's right, lost. His mother spent months searching for him in Tijuana, Mexico; when found, he was "malnourished and afraid of people." Of course, U.S. officials didn't bother giving any help with the search, despite repeated requests from the family and the American Civil Liberties Union. They just deport 'em; if they make a mistake, hey, not their problem. More.... http://www.truth-out.org/why-are-am...n-deported-immigration-authorities/1325169700 Google wrongful deportation. You will find this isn't an isolated incident nor one that only happens to black people.
Did the story say she was poor? I missed that part, please advise. If it's because she was Black, why did they send her to Colombia? That's a Hispanic cultured country, yes? Maybe because the name she gave was the reason she was deported. I guess with deluge of daily round-ups of illegals with criminal warrants in their country- of which INS send them back instead of imprisoning them here - you have to wonder who in their right mind would admit to being an illegal criminal, if you weren't one. Do you blame them for not questioning it? So ICE just did the SOP and deported her. Again, a person pretending to be an illegal criminal would be expected to speak up at some point, no?
Why is everyone so sure she said nothing? Put yourself in the shoes of someone about to be deported. Would you really stay silent.
Because she stayed silent for a year while in Colombia. And no, I would not stay silent. And most definitely not for a year. Frankly, I think she didn't want to go back home (hence why she ran away)...and just got tired of being a maid. Then she spoke up.
Anyone who thinks they wold of deported a white kid in this scenario is crazy. I know for a fact is a white girl was in her scenario someone would think that "it doesn't seem right" They would of checked up on it. I could easily see something like this happening in Los Angeles to anyone except a white kid. Racism is still a major factor and problem in America.
What happened to this kid was sadly unfortunate, wasn't handled properly by any means & it's crazy that it even happened, BUT she set the chain of events in motion herself. First she ran away from home & then lied to the authorities about who she was. What happened to her as a result is pretty extreme, but it's not any surprise that her actions bit her in the ass. I agree with Kuno, the girl obviously didn't want to go home, or she wouldn't have waited all that time to speak up. It sounds to me like she just got tired of her situation & that's what prompted her to break her silence. She may have run away from a rough situation at home, or she may have just been a brat who didn't get enough ass whippings from whoever was raising her. Who knows...
If we go by the update in the other thread (don't know why he didn't just add it to this thread on her already), she got tired probably because she's preggers and starting to show/getting closer to needing medical care. I don't know the medical system there or how they treat teen moms, but she's smart enough to know she'd be in good hands in the US as a pregnant teen.
shit i can imagine they got that industry on lock, lol ive been through a lot of racism in my life, and im not even 30 yet. The kicker is that not everyone is like that, and you have to look at issues with an unbiased eye until all the facts come out. If you don't, you're doing a huge disservice to the white people that aren't racist (against blacks anyway....ahem), like many of the females that populate this board.
Let's see, she ran away from home and give the authorities a false name even though the people who deported her should be partly blamed I say she got what she wanted. I wonder what she was doing in Colombia in that year?
lol Come on son, lets stop playing the race card. This girl was a straight up dumbass plain and simple. And suspect?? I guess having common fuckin sense makes you guilty huh?