Christopher Hitchens Died at 62

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Morning Star, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    The net result is that Christopher Hitchens died an atheist............As far as Christopher was concerned, All life ended at that point... and he was fine with that........It is said this brief life is a test of choices for all of us as "free moral agents".......Even up until you die, you have choice.......But after you die, you can no longer choose and no one else can choose for becomes a wait and see.....
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I just read a book about this very thing. Even though it was fiction it touched upon this very thing. Maybe life is just a continum. No beginning no end just endless consciousness. The main theme is that we can't begin to think we know all there is about life and death. A species that's be conscious for only a mere few thousand years when the universe itself is speculated to be billions years old. It's one hell of a journey my friend.
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I've seen them go at once and oddly enough, working together. Weird brother, he is (the right-wing Hitchens).

    That's a VERY profound and adequate understanding of the limited life we have. We all live under a level of uncertainty. It's a matter of how we come to grips with it.

    Very much true. But, unlike some people, Hitchen lived with no regrets in his life. It was enjoyable and he lived to the fullest.


    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    oh boy....shaking my head....i'll try to be nice.
    point1-truth and weight? embroil ourselves in race? like there is some escape clause from racism. like if we don't think about it won't exist. he comes off as a typical white person who knows nothing about the subject and his writings are proof. he focuses on obama, but ignores the fact that the other 43 presidents were white and for over a century it was unfeasible for anything else to happen.

    point2- racist? depends on your defintion, there is a difference between not hating black ppl and seeing them as your equal. accomplishments don't always equal merit. all he has accomplished is push a white elitist view through a media that lacks diversity, hence why his opinions so often go unchallenged.

    and if i was you i would get into what someone has read or haven't read. you come off as a troubled young brother or sister who doesn't know his/her history, and that's why you run-off to some white snake oil salesman whether it's hitchens or ron paul because you let pop culture teach you instead of doing it yourself......
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I find very laughable that you think that you're a self-taught individual. How are you any different when you read various material from black supremacists or other black figures and allow yourself to absorb their worldview? We all analyze and calculate ideas based on what little knowledge we possess, but ultimately we often cement these ideas through outside influences. So next time you should look at yourself before you criticize others.

    And regarding Hitchens being a racist, it's still relatively unfounded. He's a crass asshole, but an intelligent one. He's less of a racist and more of a person who has a great disdain towards religion, in which he clearly demonstrates in much of his writings.

    “What is it you most dislike? Stupidity, especially in its nastiest forms of racism and superstition.”
    ? Christopher Hitchens, Hitch-22

    “Organised religion is violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children.”
    ? Christopher Hitchens, God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

    If anything, the only statement you made that's true is that he's an elitist. White elitist? Only if you want to focus on his skin color. But then again, when you're someone with a stick up your ass, regardless of skin color, then you're assholish elitist. A problem? Nah.


    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    point1- i never said i was self taught, just that i learn by teaching myself things outside of media created gimmicks.
    point2- if you consider black scholars as only black supremacists, and assume that their writings are the only ones that shape my opinions is short-sighted on your part, and shows the limits of your "worldview".
    there are many ppl who of all races who have talked about issues of injustice,poverty, etc who have actually made an effort to learn about the subjects instead of pushing stereotypes like hitchens.

    point2- you are right,i shouldn't call a white elitist. he is a rich white male elitist like a bernard henri levy, who dances around elite circles grandstanding about social issues which they have no real clue about. unlike bm,ww,bw,etc, poor white males, they have no real interaction with the issues they talk about. hence why they are on every show making counterfactual points.

    point3- i can find quotes by bush and david duke saying they aren't racists either.
    point4- i still stand by my statement in regards to you.
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    1. Again, how can you teach yourself things when you read from other works? You're not making a lick of sense.

    2. Thanks for ASSuming that I'm referring to black scholars. You'll have to stop reading from individuals who are just as divisive and angst-driven as the person you're ranting against.

    3. I read into Hitchens, not for his writings (or minimal amount) pertaining to race relations. Rather, investigating the flaws of religion and spirituality and how it's keeping people and society back. And that's something I truly agree with and more so within the black community.

    It's a construct that shackles people mentally into this closed worldview, unable to release themselves form mental slavery. He's more adamant on challenging the religious ideals and thoughts more so than race, so I don't see how you can ride yourself thin over something he rarely speak on.

    4. As I've admitted in my previous post, he doesn't hold his words and he's heavily anti-PC. But how often does he speak on race relations as opposed to religious discussions? Very minimal. But when he does, it's hardly anything worth discussing because there are far worse people out there who are radical in their racial ignorance. So cut the bullshit and hold your tears back.

    5. You're truly one to talk. Unlike you, I'm not shackled to a sociological idea which was constructed and reinforced by the very people you hold accountable for everything.

    6. Plus assuming that I would support someone like Ron Paul is very laughable and only shows you don't know me at all. Show me anywhere that I even remotely would consider supporting someone like him at all?

  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Bible belt living at its best

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    point1- it's called common sense, the more information you gather that's based on fact, the smarter you will be.
    point2- the only ass in this thread is yourself. you were the one who brought up black anything, you could actually read posts: mine,your own, anyone.
    point3- where did i critique all of his writings? i critiqued his perspective on politics and race and based it on his limited persepective, hence why he says so many derogatory things. compared to a cornell west, he is an eloquent.
    point4- i stated why i'm not a fan of his, it's you who acted like a mark and got overly excited and started defending someone you don't even know.
    point5- shackled? hmmm....i'll try to be nice, you are the one who bitch and moan about atehism and religion like you are saying something profound. when instead you should be acting like an adult and respect other ppl are different from you. again your writing is typical of someone who doesn't know his own history. you let a rich white man who has never experienced the things he talks about manipulate you. racism is not in your mind, homophobia ,sexism, etc ren't figments of the imaginaTION. but if you let a white man who never experienced it teach you, of course you will say this foolishness.
    point6- where did i say you(bbw) support ron paul? i used him as an example because many black ppl follow him like your boy hitch because they are simple and easily fooled by simplistic gibberish. sion before trying to act smart.again learn reading comprehen
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    1. You call it common sense when you feed on the victimization mentality? Sonny, there's a time for acknowledging the problems and then there are times to look for solutions. In your case, with your so called "common sense" who are you really trying to help by invoking the BS card? The fact is, I DO read and comprehend quite well and not just based on books, but also communication with individuals...which is something you sorely lack in your own little world.

    2. Limited perspective on politics? You're one to talk unless you're speaking on the politics of race. And no dumbass, YOU brought up race in the first place. Didn't you forget that you were the one who accused him of being a "white elitist" in the first place due to his lack of political correctness? I figured that much, but your memory hasn't served you well. How many times has he spoke derogatory things pertaining to race as opposed to religion? With the very FEW instances he discussed racial politics, it tells me that it's less of his concern, but your dumbass prefer to fixate yourself on that instead of the bigger picture.

    3. Defending Hitchens is no different from someone like you defending Tupac: someone you only have listened to and never known personally. What point are you trying to make, sonny?

    4. Your grammar, punctuation, and reading comprehension (or selective reading error) are royally fucked beyond reasoning. Never did I go on a tirade about religion. Again, let me simply if for you so you can get it through your thick skull: Christopher Hitchens tend to focus a lot more on the problems involving religion. In other words, race matters isn't something that he would pay attention to and quite frankly that tells me that he's saying he's no authority. Now, if he DID write a lot of stuff on race without really getting involved in it, THEN your accusation of him being a "white elitist" have some legitmacy. But in the meantime, shut the fuck up!

    5. What's insulting is that you THINK you know my educational upbringing, so I'll give you a little hint on how I operate kiddo. I'm an optimistic individual who rather believe that things get better. But it's morons like you who would continue to create ridiculous assumptions about my life experiences. I never said I ignored racism, nor it's out of my conscious. Where did you get that? From the spit-shined crack of your ass? I'm fully aware of the prejudices in this world, but as an ADULT, I'd rather confront them without having to cry out something as though it will get anything done. Life has progressed since then, but people like you disregard that and rather focus too much on trying to find yourself as a social construct. To me...that's slavery. I know who I am, but I'm uncertain of you.

    6. Before you even criticize or point out someone's reading skills, then do yourself favor and look at yourself, as well as use proper punctuation, grammar, and sentence structuring. I know you're using a keypad and your education is more or less efficient, so it wouldn't be too hard to make use of what you've learned.


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