People are acting like there arent people who are white, trashy and live in trailers. White people call low class uncounth skunky white people white trash. It is an insult and not a slur and so you white people who do not know the difference should shut it. Trash is dirt, filth and scum which can relate to anyone regardless of colour can we say the same for the N word?
First of all there is no such thing as an offensive racial epithet to white people in the U.S. since they have never been oppressed as a group. I'm sure there will be some slow dumb ass who will say differently but all I ask is show the historical context where being called such things has limited their access to anything important in this country. Secondly I'm not wedded to any particular word I'm wedded to the concept of contextual meaning. Words are the expression of ideas and feelings and if you think the way a rapper uses the so called n word is the same as that editor did in that article than I feel incredibly sorry for you. Do you think if you eliminate the word the feeling of what the n word represents would disappear or would it transfer to other terms like entitlement programs or welfare recipients or ex cons? The word doesn't represent what it once did and the fact that many of you just want the word to stop being used just shows that you really don't get it.
No I get it. There is no appropriate context for the word NIGGER. It is what it is. Arguing there's a 'context' in which the use of the word 'NIGGER' is appropriate, well could you tell me when that is?? And I hate when people use a sociological/pedantic argument that minorities can't be racist against a member of the predominant racial group because collectively they lack the power to oppress. Calling someone human trash because of the color of their skin is about as lowdown as it gets. It only takes one person opening his mouth to express hate for another human being. If White people want to keep using the n-word, let them. But it would be a step forward if Black people stopped using the word in reference to ourselves.
First of all as far as I know no one used the term white trash it was trailer trash. And since white people use it as a term to describe white people of a lower class its a classist insult not a racial one. Second of all just listen to a lot of popular music or movies to see the context in which the word has a context outside of insult. Dennis Leary had a number one comedy hit called asshole where he called himself an asshole over and over again but no one would call him that because of the song. Lastly why does every black person have to carry the responsibility of some black people calling themselves and other black people nigga? No one else has to.
From Miriam-Webster: Definition of SLUR 1a : an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo : aspersion b : a shaming or degrading effect : stain, stigma 2: a blurred spot in printed matter : smudge Origin of SLUR obsolete English dialect slur thin mud, from Middle English sloor; akin to Middle High German slier mud First Known Use: 1609 From you, directly or indirectly, TDK, I'm a racist, I'm fat, I'm old, I'm undesirable because of being fat/old, I use "horseshit logic," I'm ignorant, I'm too lazy to invest in relationships, I have now turned to BM because my stock has gone down and I can no longer get WM, I support a man who enabled child molestors, oh, and you invited me to "blow you" when you didn't agree with me. I could go on. According to the above definition, I would say I have dealt with a few slurs. All from your posts. In less than four months. Now I know the next step in your logic is to say that I've never dealt with a racial slur. Agreed. But just because there is no history of violence or abuse or dehumanization behind a slur doesn't make it acceptable or justifiable when someone tells you they are offended by it. You have no idea what I may have gone through in my life. To justify the use of a slur or an offensive word because you don't feel the sting of it or because you feel entitled because you have been wronged is insenstive and disrespectful. Being zealous for a cause is admirable. I have no problem with you being passionate about standing up against the use of the N word or anything else that smacks of racial insensitivity. But when you degrade others, FOR WHATEVER REASON, disregarding their feelings, telling someone they are fat and are undesireable, for instance, do you think that's not dehumanizing? Not in the same way as what you identify with, but do you honestly think that is not painful and humiliating? To be told that you are only worthy to someone because he is desperate and so is not picky and will sleep with anything? Can you not see how demoralizing that is?? Just because there is no violence or abuse behind it doesn't make it less painful to the person offended. You are putting down some of the very people who are here because of their love and affection for BM. We, more than most of society at large, care about what you have been through and how you have been and often are still treated. We have made it a point to try to understand as much as we can. And yet, you smack some of us down because we don't meet your standards of perfection or because we don't think like you. Having an opinion is one thing - turning to insults, bashing and degradation to make a point is crossing a line. If you expect people to respect your position and passion for something, be mature and respect them in turn.
You mean if a black person says it then its a racial slur cus i have heard white people use it as well and in their case it isnt racial i guess
Last time i was positively repped and insulted right now i have been negatively repped and being advised instead of being insulted. Interesting times indeed.
You quoted me on this, but you wrongly assume it was me. FYI, I have never neg repped anyone, including you. I say what I have to say publicly, positive or negative. As to your suggestion, like last time, I'll pass.
I didn't neg rep anyone either. I think the neg rep function should be removed. If I have a problem with something someone said, I'm public about it. Neg repping is too passive aggressive for my tastes.
There are several people on here that sign neg reps. I extremely rarely send a neg rep and if I do, I will sign them.
I will admit that I'm not too familiar with Rihanna's music, but have liked what I've heard. What I find bothersome is this lame attempt to turn it around on her, like it's her fault that the magazine exercised such horrific judgment. To be honest, it mirrors the anti-black woman garbage some of you motherfuckers regurgitated after she was beaten by Chris Brown. It only reinforces the well-founded perception that some of you are here only because you have unresolved mommy issues.
You missed the point. It is her fault that she represents herself in the way she does. If that magazine has the burden of representing itself and making a judicial decision, so does she! That's the problem. It seems like you feel like it is ok for one and not the other. It is a double standard. No one mentions that it is her fault for the magazine's mistake which is where you have decided to move to. We are pointing out that she should be responsible for using the n-word just as the company is. She should be held at the same high standards as the magazine editor instead of people give some of these black people who use the n-word a fly by. Let me be clear. She isn't the only one. Jay-z isn't exactly a woman. Eminem as well.
Oh Babe- I admire your patience!! You still think that you can change our Dark Knife? He wants to insult. You can read in this thread, how many don't talk like is doing. And many others that became silent lately, I've never heard talking like him. If he insults, bashes or degrades you, just report him, I'll do so.