From the same university too, the University of Texas.
I think because you are young enough to just be interested in politics and paying good attention leading up to the next election, you are noticing things people say more. Which is good but people and politicians slinging mud and making fun of other politicians isn't new. It's really par for the course. I'm sure you have to have a thick skin to be in office particularly nowadays that respect and kindness are out the window. Including racial undertones is one more way to take a jab. Sadly. When you do it you are disrespectful to the office and the man no matter what. An insult is an insult. That is mild compared to some things I have seen. Someone showed me this below and just reading it made me angry. This guy is a politician in CA!!?? What a jerk.
Mikey, With all due respect, I think your thread title is a misleading cheap shot......Politics is a very dirty business...especially this upcoming election.....folks are desperate on both sides and will say anything. In truth, there are many racists black females to match everyone you can find white.....Racism is here to stay.......we are best serve to deal with it quietly ......we come off as whiners for always being the quickest ,the loudest and the most often to cry racism........
THIS. A lot of awful things were said about Bush and you think the Huffington Post gave a damn? Please. I just love how butthurt the Huffingtonpost readers have been over this little tweet. Fuckin hilarious. And for the record, while I am a proud BLACK Republican, I wasn't a fan of Bush.
Archman, there was a thread recently made on here about a drug dealer in the NFL getting caught. She made the response on Twitter right around the same time, except it had a political spin towards it. It can't be sarcasm, it has to be the race, considering the timing in which she made the response.
its not, really it's a spin on Young Jeezy's 'My President is Black' but of course, some people are just looking to find racism anywhere
Racism: the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination. A system of group privilege. A highly organized system of 'race'-based group privilege that operates at every level of society and is held together by a sophisticated ideology of color/'race' supremacy. Racist: a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others. Derogatory? Yes. Racial insensitive? Yes. Racism?...............No you dumb mutha fukkaz no.
and this sorry simple minded garden gnome follows up a posting by a *cough* racist white woman by calling another black man "Sambo" and "nigger" ..wait.....what?!?! ....and you wonder why I come in just to dump on some of you idiots.
Here is the thing.....again I site racial insensitivity, and lack of understanding because no one screamed "racist/racism" when George W was compared to a Monkey.
Oh I no that......... he's a telethuggie, and not a bright one at that. Still trollin' the innanets looking for easy white pussy. What an idiot.
Key difference between saying harmful things about bush or obama, and resorting to racist stereotypes or tendencies, especially when you hold a position of power. There is a big difference in calling bush an idiot, which isn't a racial stereotype of white people, and saying obama smokes crack, which is a common stereotype among black people that supposedly we do a lot of drugs.