I will always say I won't hold my breath if Hollywood wakes up to make IR or more writers could compose more IR stories. In this 21st Century it is still the last taboo not gay relationships. Now has anyone make up a list of the best of the IR movies featuring WW/BM? Some can be used as a yardstick since few can make it right.
White American actresses and Hollywood studios don't want to do Interracial couples because of stuff like this
haha wow never knew that stuff like this is part of the reason why shows are hesitant to do more IR. granted this is an extreme example, less extreme forms involve people simply not watching the show anymore. Viewers = ratings, so it's really a thin wire these guys have to walk. I'm sure more producers and directors would love to be free with what they do, but until people stop frowning up IR, it's going to be a slow uphill march.
Angry black supremacists, white supremacists, and anyone else shackled in the idea of maintaining divisions within the human race. :smt026
Hot scene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvPVLaHwNYM This is what they should be doing on the next season of "Mad Men".
Spoiler Alert!!! The black guy gets attacked while giving the white girl a tour of the city, though the scene wasn't shown. Then they go back to her place to make out. We know this is going to happen . . . eventually. At least he go a kiss for his troubles.