How do you personally feel about the current environment in Israel? Is it still David Ben-Gurion's Israel or it's something else altogether?
I am sure you can, you freakster. Now that you're a 3.75 GPA alpha omega alpha honor student, what've you been doing with your free time beside getting ready for Israel trip, watching Jersey shore??? lol :smt005
dont even memtion that show *blech* catchin up wit ppl back home, tomorrow im going to queens wit one of my friends to visit another friend
You're going to visit the Queen?? Damn, I didn't know you got it like that. your folks must be loaded, England tomorrow, Egypt next week and Israel there after, damn
When a person visits Israel he/she gets more than the 411. As for the country itself the Ben Guiron era is as different than the Meir era or the even the Rabin era.
Jersey Shore , how was the Queen? Did she invite you to cup of tea and order you to remove the butt cheek tattoo? lol
the queen was dandy-and she approved of my tatts, she told me i could take over after her but idk if i cld handle more ppl worshiping me lmao
Shout to you first of all for your focus with the school world. I wish you a safe trip and smooth return and continue your laser like focus. Tomb Raider....