Here's one that should stir more debate...
1 in 2 Americans Now Poor or Lower Class To paraphrase the linked article, the census finds that 1 in 2 Americans is poor or lower class, but as with all articles, nobody is offering solutions.
Wurd.... Let's not forget less taxes on the wealthy creates more jobs.... :smt043:smt043:smt043:smt043
Don't forget those corporations. How on earth can Bank of America survive if they have to keep paying $0 in taxes?
And on another front, six of the Waltons, heirs to the Walmart fortune, have a net worth equal to the bottom 30% of Americans. In simply numbers, if we've a nation of 300 million, they have more wealth than the 90 million people poorest families. That kind of puts it into perspective... Then, you've got the Republican house threatening once again to shut down the government rather than allow the 1% richest Americans to pay for the 2% withholding extension.
I don't mind paying taxes if my hard earned money goes to good use i.e. helping out struggling families who are trying to send their kids to college, the very poor and disable who need assistance for rent, etc.......But I hate it when able young bodies do nothing but sit around and suck the government tits. If you're gonna tax heavy then tax the shit out of corporations who are shipping job overseas for cheap labor & then turn around and bring their product to American market to charge us arm and leg. Also tax the shit out of ppl like Trump and Vegas folks who are scamming the system (bankruptcy and all that BS), these fuckers should be taxed the fuck out than the hard workin' average Joe who makes over 250 K.
! Yep, the problem is that most people like to think/pretend that they will be RICH! Rich i tell you! I am gonna go dig for oil.
And yet you have lawsuit after lawsuit from the employees on fair wage and labor issues. It makes no sense. The little guy stays down and the fatcats eat good.;contentBody not sure if this was posted before, but gives some insight on how vicious those guys are at paying lower taxes
Or not paying taxes at all. I read an article that explained how the super wealthy cut deals with banks to basically hide their millions (billions) by "giving" them their amenities (mansions, cars, etc.), and defer the payments for years, thereby showing them as having not made a penny in any given time frame. And our tax code allows it...
yeah this shit is crazy man it's funny tho that this country has bloomed on the basis of private business and capitalism, only to have this current generation of business owner ditch their American patriotism and go overseas to truly pursue their capitalistic greed
When Reagan started his Free World Trade with the concept of a trickle down economy, we should have known something was up.... That trickle isn't even a drip now..... I checked out the latest segment of "60 Minutes" this morning on AFN... One of the stories they covered was the messed up mortgage/house value mess in a Cleveland neighborhood. One question asked repeatedly over the last few years was and repeated on that segment, "With so many houses in foreclosure and families being evicted and kicked to the curb, why don't banks work a deal with the home owners and get something rather than let houses sit vacant, and end up getting nothing"... Greed has rotted the minds of the rich.
Taxes are the lowest they have been in over 50 years...........ummm......and look at all the good its doing. WOO HOOO!
Billionaires aren't complaining but the IRS doesn't miss a beat on the rest of us.... Ask Wesley
Because true evil exists in the world and the absolute worst part is that there are poor people who agree and encourage that behavior. Its utter bullshit.