Question? Why do ww women like black men when they get older

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Rocket, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Lol you soaked in the charm bath this morning then drank the water I see datty
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol boobs
  3. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Well, like I said, I could be completely wrong.
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I never wanted to date a WW older than me after I was rejected by one years back. In America some older WW go after the young and hip brothers.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Although i dont think its right to brush all older WW with one stroke, i kinda understand it when a WW with no history of dating black men suddenly begins to profess love for Black men in their 40s. I know 20-30 years ago things were a bit different but white women who liked black men still had black boyfriends and husbands. There are black men everywhere in America and i dont think lack of opportunity can be used as an excuse. I mean how can there be a lack opportunities to meet black men from for a WW aged 20 only for there to be one at age 40?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2011
  6. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I live in Amish cointry. I went to an all-white high school, a pre-dominantly white college (and I had a bf while I was there) and went to an all-white church, and I worked at a college where the staff was predominantly white. That takes me to age 24 when I met my husband. Then I was married for 10 years. Now I'm 35 and single with a son to raise. I did not meet any eligible men, black or white until I put myself online at the age of 48. I don't drink so I don't partake in the nightclub scene. Most of my friends were married and their friends were married, so no opps there. Lack of opportunity is a viable reason when you grow up in an environment that doesn't provicde them.

    One of my friends who dates black men (she is black) has the same lament. Unless we go online, we do not meet single black guys, esp ones we would like to date. Meaning that they are reasonably intelligent, are gainfully employed, have a personality, sense of humor, etc.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Let me ask you this, did you have an attraction for black guys when you were of college going age? You could have chosen to go to a more diverse college to enhance your chance to meet black guys. All people who go to the night club do not necessary drink alcohol so if there was an opportunity to meet black guys you missed that one too. You say after age 35 till 48 i.e. for 13 years you did not meet any eligible men black or white , damn is it that bad? Amish all white church i understand and maybe the predominantly white workplace, but your college choice could have opened opportunities for you if indeed you had a thing for black guys at a young age. So it might not necessarily be lack of opportunities but more of choices made by you or your parents.
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    That's hilarious appiah. I don't know how it works there but here your parents still pay for college and exercise control over you. Your only hope is when you get away to the college you can party and live as you wish as you live on your own finally. But getting there is usually influenced heavily by your parents. Hence most people party nonstop in college because it's the first they can live wild and crazy.

    Most people choose their college based on their field of interest not on the dating choices. College is for learning. Don't know if you heard. Also going out of state from where you live makes you an "out of state" student and your tuition goes up considerably. :confused:

    Quit contributing to TDK reaming of chesy becasue your/his arguments don't make sense.
  9. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Precisely - great common sense, Jordan.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    First of all I wasn't reaming her secondly what I said does make sense. If a man told you that he all of sudden liked white women you'd be skeptical too especially if it happened with the frequency with which a lot of older white women do it. It raises a red flag. I'm not saying their motives are unjustified but hear me out on this. Its one thing to say you're open to dating bm after being in a box were you didn't have a choice otherwise. Its a totally different thing when someone says they all of sudden prefer bm years after they've already had kids with a wm. After their body is on the decline in comparison to their youth. You do see how it comes across don't you?
    Its one thing if you were open to every kind of man and never had the opportunity but when you specifically seek out bm after your best dating years are behind you it does cause one to raise an eyebrow. It's kind of like the girls in college who wanted to "try me out". When all I wanted was ass it didn't matter but when you want to build a life with someone that speaks volumes.
  11. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Take each lover as they come boyfriend. You got too many hangups to release yourself to true happiness.:smt083

    Over analytical.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    lol I think it's noticing red flags but what hell do I know lol :smt102
  13. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Jordan said almost exactly what I would have said. Thanks, Jordan!! (Tried to rep you but have to spread it around.)

    The idea that I would choose a college based on who I could date or meet is pretty funny. Besides, I was already dating someone when I left for college. But to answer your question, Appiah, I would say that I didn't NOT find BM attractive. But I literally did not have opportunities to interact with BM to be able to say "Yes, I'm totally attracted to black men." It's like, if you live in an area where you don't get snow, and being asked if you like snow. Well, I've seen snow, even had a little fall here, but never really experienced a substantial snowfall - how can I say if I like snow? (Maybe that's a terrible analogy, but you get my point.)

    There was, in fact, a black guy at college who I had met while still in high school through an old boyfriend. We re-connected at college and I knew that he was very interested in me and I was definitely attracted to him. But I was very much in love with my bf back home, so I didn't act on that attraction. But if I had, I would have had to sneak around - I was 18, still technically living at home, expenses paid by my parents as Jordan said, and I wouldn't have been able to go public with that relationship.

    To both you and TDK, I can see how a woman my age "suddenly" taking an interest in BM looks suspect. By the same token, an older BM who dated/married BW all his life and who suddenly takes an interest in WW is suspect too. (I know, I dated one such individual for a year and half and he never could handle the fact that I was white.) But TDK, you seem to assume that all older women with kids are on the decline. That's simply not true. You also seem to be saying that by WW choosing BM when they're older/overweight, we are settling for "sloppy seconds" because we can't get hot white men, and on the flip side, you are saying that the BM who go for older/overweight women are also settling for "sloppy seconds" because they can't get hot white (or black) women. At least that's what it sounds like to me.

    Why can't it be that as we've gotten older, times change, people change, tastes change, more opportunities exist to meet other people of any and all races? I didn't have the luxury of online dating when I was dating the first time around. Also, I think it depends on what a person is looking for when they go outside their race. I, personally, am looking for a relationship, not hookups, not FWB. I wasn't looking to experiment. Now, you might have a point if that's all I was looking for and I suddenly develop an interest in BM. You might conclude that my reasons for that choice are suspect and you would probably be right.

    I was actually quite surprised when I put profile online and began getting hits from just as many BM as WM. I didn't even entertain the notion that a BM would be interested in dating me, a WW. At that point, I asked myself, why am I limiting myself to WM just because that's what I've always known?
  14. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Ok you made your point quite eloquently and i get it i hope you didnt think i was putting you the spot i was just reacting to your response. Now Jordan C seems to think i was saying you should choose a college based on dating choice which is rather laughable. Are we saying all white colleges can offer the courses that you desire? You mean no ethnically diverse could offer the course? People attend college to study yes but exposure to other cultures and races at an early age also opens your eyes to things that you might not necessarily have known. Thats all i was saying.
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I dont find it suspect. I find it as a part of life. who said there were guidelines and time limits on dating outside your race. thats bullshit. when is it legit to say Im gonna start dating IR...15, 20, 30 but after 35 you have to stay within your race. Its in the IR guidelines page 217 paragraph 7. WTF

    so you are you saying she marries a wm and after 15-20 years of marriage she cant date a BM ? why ? if a BM marries a BW and after divorce he cant date IR ? why?

    if a ww married an am and divorces and then decides to date a Bm she cant because ...? why? so on and so forth.

    so what she/he decides to date IR after 30 or 40 ? now what ? he/she has to stay in that race because YOU will feel comfortable?

    you will not know if the person is dating you as a fetish or out of curiosity after you started talking to her/him. even then if it is curiosity you still need to know what are they curious about.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its not about being open to bm its about exclusively dating them and only them after decades of not dating them at all. Sounds suspect.

  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    speak for yourself but dating me is not slumming. you may consider yourself trash but dont put me in that shit bro.

    you best get your mind rite partner.

    I talked about this shit before and most of yall got mad when I said you are stealing my statements. I said that WW have them most to lose especially a ww from a middle class family because she maybe a trust fund baby , living with parents, going to college off of parents dime and the parents maybe str8 up racist. you have no clue. so she has to play the game. she may legitimately fall in love with a WM (for shame for that happening) and get a divorce. maybe by then she is extremely independent and say fuck it ...its my life and start dating IR. if you are all concerned about the timing then dont date IR because you are the one with hang-ups.

    I was with you up until that point. if she is married to a wm then she shouldnt be dating a BM ...right ? lack of opportunity ....right ? what should they be wearing a T-shirt saying I date bro's or where the bro's at?

    its they are calling WW suspect and in another thread they are calling yall trailer trash....hhhhmmmm this is so familiar ? desparaging words about WW. Misogyny.

    OH shit!!! this happen when twiddle dumb and twiddle dumber was doing the samething to BW. now its happening to WW.

    wow I wonder who go slammed for telling those two to stop bashing BW ? HMMM . I wonder who were the ones coming to those two misogynist? now they are all upset that people like them are dogging out WW....
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    just answer the questions buddy.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I just did pay attention. There's nothing wrong with discovering new people to date but this sudden revelation of dating bm exclusively when your social stock is at its lowest (not to be confused with personal self worth) is kind of suspect sorry. Even if your intentions are good it still comes across as if "well I'm not as popular with the men I dated my entire life I guess a black guy will do"

    It's not the same with bm who date ww later in life because for a lot of them that would have been willing their asses would have high consequences to pay.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I talked about this shit before and most of yall got mad when I said it. I said that WW have them most to lose especially a ww from a middle class family because she maybe a trust fund baby , living with parents, going to college off of parents dime and the parents maybe str8 up racist. you have no clue. so she has to play the game. she may legitimately fall in love with a WM (for shame for that happening) and get a divorce. maybe by then she is extremely independent and say fuck it ...its my life and start dating IR. so if you are dating a WW that is still sucking the tits of the parents be ready for some undercover shit if she is not ready to committ. if she says she is ready for a committment then be ready to marry her because she will lose everything.

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