Refer to this. Someone else heard it too.They say the article was in SI. So another hint. You surely can find it. If someone else heard it here then there must be an article out there. This post is a few years old. Maybe that is why it won't come up on search so readily.
Lol I love that you had to dig up something nearly 3 years old to make your point. I googled sports illustrated Alex Rodriguez black/ african american and still got nothing. The man is hispanic and despite his coloring or genetic make up that coupled with light eyes gets him a pass from being considered black. Don't believe me check out who the neo nazis do business with in prison. Sure ain't actual blacks. Honorable try though.
Dominican Republic People: Population: 8.9 million. Ethnic groups: European 16%, African origin 11%, mixed 73%.
In the United States Of America (since that's the rules we play by as Americans) are people from the Dominican Republic considered black or hispanic?
The US doesn't recognize 'Hispanic' as a racial group, only as an ethnic one, as it should be. That's why when you answer that you are black they still ask if you are ethnically Hispanic. However, the creation of the category is based on attempting to define what a group of racists is vis-a-vis others. That's the point of the 1-drop nonsense - how to create an exclusive club where non exists.
Come to New York and tell the Puerto Ricans or Dominicans they're white or black and see the reaction homie. That's how they racially identify even though its ethnic. They will tell you in a minute that they're Latin or Latina in a heart beat. Maybe its different in FL?
Its not only the US, there are only 3 recognized "racial" groups in the world, and according to this Latinos are considered "Caucasian", although the sensus in the US do not recognize this but have a specific slot for them. Its all really confusing. If you are going to follow the strict rule of the three "races", then Latinos and Indians are Caucasian, but clearly "white" people don't follow that (big surprise) Its all a matter of convenience from the rule of white people. You can be from the same family with the same ancestors and one is considered white and one is not.. Its just fucked up. SMDH.
ROFLMAO. :smt043:smt043:smt043 I'm just waiting on Charlize Theron, Zooey Deschanel and Angelina Jolie.
Actually 'Indians' in the Native American sense are in the Asian racial group, not the Caucasian one. The problem with US racial categories is that nearly all Latinos are a racial amalgam, and don't conform to the "one-drop" rule (not that again...). Nearly ALL of them have African, indigenous and European ancestry. If someone arrives in the US and acts like they have no black or Indian blood, we have a phrase that calls them on the BS: "Y tu abuela, donde esta?" Where's your grandma? Because if you go back along the family tree, everyone is black and native, no matter how much texturizer they put in that hair, lol. I know this from personal experience, but that doesn't make it correct. LOL. My father is one of those NY cats, but he had the advantage of the Black Panthers and the Young Lords to keep his head straight as a young man. [YOUTUBE]_XvedtGgSj0[/YOUTUBE] And the brother is still keeping it real in 2011: [YOUTUBE]LcvKQ4rtKpE[/YOUTUBE]
Damn. Wish we had leadership like this now. I miss when we use to be more about social mobility than dumb bs.
And trust me bro, it's worse in FL because of the influence of the white Republican Cubans. The good thing is that I can get my Jamaican and Puerto Rican food on every corner for $5 or less. :razz:
Come on, thats not how it works. Do you truely believe Bill Gates wife will EVER reach 1% of his, is the answer. Are you telling us that if you were worth 500 million and you met a woman worth 60 million, you would inturn look down on her? All that matters is that Diaz or whoever it maybe has there own money. P.S. Only a fool would buy a jet. Rent yes, but not buy.
Why is everyone talking about som Hispanic/Dominicain laws to race on this topic. Who the hell cares. You're BM, the ladies and I are WW. That is it....nothing is going to change that. Nothing is going to change the hearts and minds or move on!