Thank you thread (Jimmy Fallon style)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FG, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I am starting this as another way of expressing the "fuck you thread" thing, just in another way.

    Thank you - lady for writing a check in the express lane after having a discussion about everything with the poor cashier, that way I could appreciate watching my toenails grow.

    Thank you - beer shop lifters for running me over in your attempt to get away with 4 cases of beer, I do love the skinned knees. What are knees for anyways.

    Thank you - door knob for giving me a black bruise on my butt, that way I can sleep on my stomach.

    Thank you - bike for molesting my toe so it bled all over you, I was thinking of painting you red and now I know how it looks like.

    Thank you pamphlets, for being a smaller version of pamphs (ok, I stole that one from Jimmy).

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Thank you my boss for making me work till 6pm on saturday when i was supposed to be resting after a hectic week
  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Thank you:) I'm not a fan of "fuck you", I rather go the sarcastic way/ Grin.
  4. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Love it!!!xoxx
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thabk you FG for starting this thread :p
  6. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Thank you so much MS for affecting me this way. The fatigue has been dandy as hell this time. The numbness has been a real joy.

    And the fact that you've managed to heighten other nerve endings to the point that a stiff breeze is all it takes to make me climb the walls is just charming.
  7. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Thank you to my allergies for flaring up. It is so sexy to sound like I am talking out of a can. Thank you so very much
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Thank you work for giving me inflammation in my right arm (feel free to run wild with that one, my gift to you, LOL)
    ....Its so nice to have a twitching muscle for 2 weeks, makes me have something to look at...
    and thank you corticosteroids that make me NOT sleep (on top of the twitching and pain).
    The aggression that comes w them is also oh, so very nice...... and its only day 2.
  9. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    This thread day started my day off right - laughing! Great thread, FG!
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Thank you oh resident whining and complaining lazy ass office worker for turning in your production work at the end of your shift just before you left for the day rather than this morning like everyone else and thereby putting our production status out of the green zone and into the yellow. Tomorrow when everyone comes in they will be very grateful for the extra stress and hustle on top of the regular daily grind routine we do to not only process and clear from the system your late work efforts but get back into and remain in the green zone. :smt023
  11. 11eleven11

    11eleven11 New Member

    Thank you so much for doing what you do then dropping the 'L' bomb on your way out, it really makes it all worthwhile. I am ever so hopeful for the future. :|
  12. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Thank you thread[ Jimmy Fallon style ].....................

    who is Jimmy Fallon? thank you,

  13. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Thank you piece-of-shit train engine for leaving me stranded in the middle of nowhere for 3.5 hrs waiting on a relief crew in Mississippi with NO AC!
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    thank you FG in advance for making this thread. its truly funny. now I have to go somewhere and find some cream to remove the knot on my head from banging it on the wall because I was trying tring think of something creative and funny to say on this thread. OUCH
  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thank you to the dingbat manager of one of my stores who took the key to the safe, which prevents me from doing deposits & the other shit I need to do while filling in for your goofy ass.

    Thank you to the retarded owner who took the back up copy of the safe key home, although you have no need for the damn key you never use. Since your retarded ass lives an hour away & you never answer the friggin' phone, I get to stand around scratching my ass waiting for you to bring my damn key back.
  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i'm needing to vent....

    thank you to my mother, knowing full well that i have my kids during the day on xmas, decides to have xmas lunch at hers and invites my brothers, saying i can see them xmas night. the fact that she invited my ex and my kids to her last xmas lunch got me pissed, her holding another so my dad again cannot spend a good chunk of the day with his kids and grand kids all together is just being a bitch.

    thank you to my ex for quitting his job yesterday and becoming unemployed. the words "i'll have to cut back child support" is so comforting. guess having your gf move in and having that extra income makes you feel like you don't need to look after your own any more. newsflash...YOU DO

    thank you to my ex and my mother for always trying to get under my skin and hurt me.

    thank you to family and christmas for making a woman get to a breaking point where her normally happy go lucky nature has been pushed into attack and protect mode. it's the time of year that's supposed to be about love
  17. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Christmas can be such a tough time of year. I feel for you, Alectrona. Feeling blue myself. Hoping things will get better and you will still be able to find some joy and a reason to celebrate. Hugs to you.

  18. veema

    veema Member

    Thanks to the employee who called to say she’d be late and then never came in. Yeah, that’s late. A whole day late.

    Thanks to the employee who likes to give me gory details about her illness when she calls in sick. Just tell me you are sick and won’t be in, okay? Leave the details for your mother.

    Thanks to the employee who called to say she couldn’t come in because she got wet. Rain will do that to you.

    Thanks to the employee who thinks being late is not an imposition. I just love doing your job for you on a regular basis.
  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    What the hell??!!!!!:smt095
  20. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    thanks girlies and thank you nicole. just usual family drama's, nothing new really, but it takes so much effort at times to take the high road and not get caught up with all the pettiness.

    there are christmas carols at the kids school on monday night and it's a picnic thing we have every year and the ex has been trying to bully me into having him, his gf and his mother (she's arriving today from england and is a miserable and bitter old cow) join me on my rug with the kids. i'm friendly to a point, but i need a separation of worlds and school world is my world and i just don't want to share that it sounds silly, but i just can't play happy family with a family that isn't mine any more.

    just feeling that i'm being bullied, pulled and emotionally blackmailed into situations i don't want to be in.


    end rant

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