I'd also like to add getting insurance isn't as easy as simply shopping around for it. I'm not employed but would have no problem paying monthly premiums. Yet I don't have health insurance and have been rejected by BlueCross, Celtic, UnitedHealth, and others solely because I have Hypertension. It doesn't matter that I'm only 27, am in fine health, and am more than willing to pay for insurance. I still keep getting rejected. And since working a full time job is impossible since I'm in Nursing School (yet don't qualify as a full time student), and the jobs in my area don't really offer benefits for part time I basically am stuck with no health insurance. So hopefully I don't get sick or have an accident and wind up tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Which I wouldn't even have to worry about in one of those socialist countries conservatives irrationally hate so much.
I don't do anything "onto" others, but I do try to do "unto" others as I would have them do "unto" me. It's a little more hygienic that way.
Michael Moore is the FAR Left. NO liberal politicians have supported banning guns. Least of all the POTUS. Most Libs believe their should be greater regulation and restricted sale of certain firearms, but that's it.
Actually, Michael Moore favors the Canadian model of gun control. So no, Iggy is wrong (once more). Quote from the link: As Michael recites the Canadian model, which regulates but doesn't restrict responsible gun ownership, the message is clear: Rational gun control laws that keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and unstable, mentally ill individuals, do actually work. If not for the powerful Gun Lobby in this country we would have passed rational gun control laws in the United States a long time ago. In fact we did; but the Democratic Party's profiles in courage allowed the assault weapons ban to expire — because they did not want it to become a Republican campaign issue; also their reasoning for running away from healthcare. That worked out really well.
Have you even seen Bowling for Columbine? Moore is VERY anti gun and thru out the film would make statements about outlawing every gun if he had his way. And there are plenty of libs that have wanted to outlaw all guns. Come on now.
Most liberal politicians believe in stricter gun laws, like in D.C. and NYC. Outright banning of all firearms and publicly advocating that is right wing media propaganda. It's like right wingers who believe libs are soft on defense. When BHO was elected, the NRA and its supporters spread this massive lie that Obama was going to ban the sale of ammo in lieu of banning the sale of guns in a new federal law. All the right wing gun lovers freaked out and bought as many ammo packs as they could carry from gun shows and dealers across the country. Um, it never happened.:smt067 Conservatives are getting played by their own on the daily yet they don't even realize it.
Just as the feminism shit is dying down around here, the liberal vs. conservative shit is picking up. What's next, I wonder....
I have seen the movie and you're taking the entire documentary out of context. Again, he's not demanding an outlawing of guns. Rather, pushing for restrictions for it. Again, a Canadian model. Pay attention next time. Your comprehension skills will improve if you bother to actually get the point and not look at Moore as some overly-left leaning anti-gun person. In fact, a very small percentage of people would like to make guns illegal and that's in the single digits. Come on, dumbass. Use common sense. Ah, and since you overlooked the movie, here's a little FACT: Michael Moore is a card carrying member of the NRA.