I'm not a conservative (actually more of a moderate/independent) but I came across one of my friend's facebook status updates and it was an interesting read... If a conservative does not like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal does not like guns, he wants all guns outlawed. If a conservative is a homosexual he quietly leads his life. If a liberal is a homosexual he demands legislated respect. If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants to outlaw meat for everyone. If a conservative is down and out, he thinks about how to better his situation. If a liberal is down and out, he demands that society take care of him. If a conservative is an atheist, he does not go to church. If a liberal is an atheist, he wants all mention of god and religion silenced. If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he turns the channel. If a liberal doesn't like a talk show host he demands that they are shut down. If a conservative wants health care insurance, he shops for it or gets a job that provides it. If a liberal wants health care he demands that the rest of us pay for it.
Being neither liberal nor conservative, the only one that I think holds true is the first. The others are heavily biased.
I'd like to add one: If a Liberal has an issue with the President they mock him on The Daily Show or SNL. If a Conservative has an issue with the President they attack his race and question his citizenship.
If you're a conservative you preach morals and family values and suck random dicks in the airport mens room.
But you're not a male priest or politician soliciting sex in men's bathrooms. That CAN'T be you! At the least, you'll just play the second fiddle and get back in the kitchen and baking dem' sammiches! :smt112:smt112
Conservatives want prayer in school even though they supposedly believe in the constitution and its doctrine of seperatation of church and state. Conservatives think everyone should rise or fall on their own merit unless they're a corporation then they deserve a handout. Conservatives have the nerve to criticize other countries like France, Canada, and the UK for their socialized healthcare plans even though the US(the world's wealthiest country) is 37th in healthcare. To make it simple The Cleveland Cavaliers shouldn't criticize how the Heats, Bulls, and Mavericks play basketball. Conservatives reject progress for all in favor of benefits for some Conservatives are the biggest hypocrites since most of them seem to be religious zealots but ignore Christ's biggest lesson. Do onto others as you would have it done onto you.
Seeing how conservatives think it's their business to tell people who have nothing to do with them whether they can or can't get married because of their religion, I don't think they have much room to talk. Only a conservative would view fighting for equal rights as a "demand for legislated respect". And I'd love to know which liberals have tried to "outlaw guns". Barack Obama or otherwise. Once again, I'd love to see proof of this. When a conservative is down and out his first reaction is usually to throw a tantrum. And while he may think about how to better his situation he'll be damned if he claims any responsibility for being in that situation. Being a conservative however it's perfectly fine for him to expect everyone else to acknowledge responsibility for their own situation. All the while whining about how much better minorities have it because of affirmative action, the liberal media, illegals, our racist President, and socialism ruining the country and destroying the economy. It's amazing how we're still the ONLY industrialized nation on the planet that does not provide healthcare to it's citizens and these Jesus loving conservatives are perfectly fine with that. Notice conservatives certainly don't want society taking care of anyone but try to get any to give up their Medicare benefits or Social Security checks and see what they think about that. Liberal AND conservative atheists want the first amendment and the separation of church and state to be acknowledged and enforced. You know that thing in the Constitution conservatives go on and on so much about. Those compassionate conservatives are sure quick to want to break up a brown family here illegally and ship their asses back to drug ravaged Mexico because according to them "the law is the law". But let someone try to get a Nativity scene taken down at a federal courthouse because it's illegal (and technically unconstitutional) and those compassionate conservatives have finally found something to go ape shit over. These are the same conservatives who lost their damn mind when NBC cut the words "Under God" from the pledge of allegiance during the U.S. Open Golf Championship back in the summer. These are the same conservatives who are trying to get advertisers to pull their commercials from the new reality show 'All American Muslim' because: "Many situations were profiled in the show from a Muslim tolerant perspective while avoiding the perspective that would have created Muslim conflict thereby contradicting The Learning Channel’s agenda to inaccurately portray Muslims in America." God forbid we have a show about Muslims that doesn't demonize them. So much for conservatives changing the channel. I'd rather have Americans spending their money on healthcare for each other unlike conservatives who'd rather we keep spending our money blowing up brown people on the other side of the planet, starting and endlessly fighting in stupid wars, and maintaining the hundreds of military bases we have around the globe. If you're a conservative it's perfectly fine to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, pensions, and bust unions because we simply can't afford it. But cut the defense budget, close overseas tax loopholes, and get rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy and multi-billion dollar corporations ?? Oh no conservatives can't have that.