not in this case. Most parents would agree that a porn star is not a good role model. They really could have gotten someone better.
what? I mean honestly it is the parents that decide and know better(most of the time). I could have brought in a crackhead and then a pimp and dressed them nicely. The kids wouldn't know, right? just like the porn star. I also agree with FG that you got a problem if the kid knows but at the same time you are suppose to shield them from not knowing. Having them with a pornstar isn't exactly shielding them.
And putting her on the news will just make her profession known to them, assuming that they watch the news. :smt081
:smt043:smt043:smt043 If Sasha came to my school when I was in 3rd grade, I wouldn't know who the fuck she was unless I was watching the news or using the internet(which I wasn't doing either at that time). Now high school?....yeah, I wouldn't need anyone to tell me who she was(plus, we're from the same part of town).
That's not what I said. You and I are not agreeing at all. She isn't doing porn in front of them.. Like her passed will rub off on them? Really, I fond it terribly judgmental. She is doing something good and the kids are only seeing a person that reads a story. If the parents just keep it at that and stop passing on their judgement - it should be just fine.... Schools have X cons coming to to schools for reading and stuff, that is fine but an X porn star is not - ok.. I find that really whacked. If the kids later, when they are older find out that she was a porn star (which is HIGHLY unlikely) they can actually use it as a teaching moment. Dont judge people for their passed. And seriously, being a porn star is not automatically a bad role model imo in this case, she is just coming in to read and then leave.
basically....very judgmental the quality of her porn (and girth of boners incurred) is in no way, shape, or form reflective of her qualities as a person and a woman
You keep addressing the kids. The parents are in charge. not the kids. The parents know about her and do not want their children to find out. That means keeping all porn stars, crackheads and w/e they feel are bad role models. It is ok if you think that but that's you. Most parents do not think that is role model material. it's like john stewart's joke. The man says would you have sex for $100,000. The lady says yes The man says how about $100. The lady says what kind of woman do you think I am. The man says We already know what kind of woman you are. We are just haggling now. :smt102 Kids can go ahead google this lady to see her though. not that hard.