'Modern Warfare 3' is loud, flashy, dumb

Discussion in 'In the News' started by EQGrafix, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    If you're talking about the Kinect, then I haven't missed a damn thing. There's a good reason why the Kinect hasn't replaced the controller at all and the very thing it advocates is both the crux and possibility.

  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    when they had the cartridge out the CD was coming in on the radio. dont think they werent waiting to push that shit out CD games and what not. it was more or less sitting on the shelf for years . Im pretty sure that the video game industry had that shit sitting for a while. the joystick will be obselete soon. they probably had that kinetic shit sitting on the shelf in the 80's to mid 90's

    hell the history channel showed a doc about the cell phone...that shit was invented/conceived in the 50's
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member


    The joystick has been obsolete since the 80s when the D-pad came to be. Why? The D-pad was something that was better used for future gaming, notably side-scrolling games. They were the norm and easier to use. Then came analog sticks. Why was that used? 3D gaming. And it's the staple, alongside the D-pad for generations to come. The Wii using his 1:1 ratio gyration technology was a risk, but successfully pulled it off and why? It allowed greater immersion and motion needs for the games.

    But motion controls, with a lot of promise or so...will remain more of a gimmick because using your body for games would prove too cumbersome for more complex games like the Call of Duty series and other FPS. So far, it works well for dance games because it requires standard motion. It's not frantic nor overly complex.

  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Like the Eye Toy, the Kinect has let me down with its actual releases, which is why I never bought either of them. I remember at E3 03, they made the Kinect seem so interactive. The dude drew a picture and handed it to the virtual kid in the demo.

    And I probably will never buy MW3. I'm not much of a fan and so many other games will occupy my time. I shunned Catherine when Battlefield came out. I shunned Battlefield when Skyrim came out and I'll probably Shun Skyrim when I get Saint's Row: The Third this weekend.
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Cod is a worthy rent..I kept it a few extra days to finish the campaign

    redbox has skyrim and saints row, so I'll rent those when i have another block of free time

    buying games is for suckas :p
  6. EQGrafix

    EQGrafix New Member

    According to Activision this will be the last game of the franchise. Making over 400 Million, they want to go out on a good note..and what a damn good note it is.
  7. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Man, I have damn near no bills so I just buy game on impules. I have 15 PS3 games or so, 12 of them I've bought in the past 2 months. :idea:

    Where else can they really take the storyline without going into outer space or some shit? It's gonna be hard to keep releasing something fresh every single year, so this is a good place for Activision to stop. But like many other big series(Halo, Metal Gear, etc.) they may drop another game or two even after saying this is the last one. Shit, I hope they make another Mass Effect after 3.
  8. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    ahh cod online good times :D lol, the arguments you hear are hillarious, some good storys
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    You have Xbox or PS3?

    I can't imagine you being good at MWF. It's like seeing a pretty girl shoot a big gun..

  10. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    lol i own real guns aswell, got me some nice hardware comming in the next few months ;), i played cod alot, aint played on 360 for awhile been playin other games, its not that rare if you look in the right places
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    news flash to you...when you have thumb controls they are tech joysticks. d-pads and what not. if the sticks protrude from the d-pads they are joysticks. had to burst your bubble.

    motion control will be perfected for FPS because it will allow you to be more into the game. I wouldnt really care tooo much because again I havent touched a video damn near 5-7 years. I will soon because my 9 yr daughter is into them now. so my crazy ass would probably get into.
  12. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Joystick/analong stick. The joystick wasn't obsolete for long. Only difference is you use your thumb, not your entire hand, the way I see it.
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah, I know what he is saying..so he is halfway right but it really didnt go away.

    we are kind of debating that will kinetic/motion (i believe that what it is) should or could it or would ever be used on FPS war games.

    I think it will soon and he think it will never happens.

    my thing is just like henry ford when people said the V6 will never happened he was able to do it. Tech world has probably got it down by now they are just holding back. he dont think so. (dont tell him ....I believe he maybe rite but Im not gonna give in.LOL)

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