IR couple -NFL player and cheerleader.

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by goodlove, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    You mispeak, my friend. The one-drop rule does still exist in the minds of many older blacks in 2011. I dated one such man. It should not exist, may be a better way to word it. These attitudes are taught and learned. Until they cease being taught, the mindset will still remain.

    I believe that individuals of mixed parentage need to define themselves in whatever way they choose. Personally, I think a bi-racial individual is blessed to have such a heritage, but I know that's not a popular thought, even in 2011.
  2. tropolis

    tropolis Member

    Do you as a white women take offense to the black men on here who don't even want there child to recognize the white part of themselves? I would be insulted if I was a white female.

    Let's shun a part of somebody because of some dumb one drop rule invented 50 years ago that isn't even relevant today. Yeah, real logic there.......not!

    To me these black males need to be dating a black female if they are so adamant about the child only being black. That mindset shows a lack of respect for the white female.

    These blacks need to remove the mental block from there minds.
  3. jaym15

    jaym15 New Member

    he just caught a touchdown and handed the ball to her.. talked about winning
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    ooohhh ill be looking that up on youtube

    that's the shit
  5. No. The harsh reality is when someone finally calls you a nigger to your face thats when you're really gonna feel black. Talk to Tiger.

    Not that much has changed between back and the day and now. We're talking about the social realities not genetics.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    he's needs his nigga wake up call :eek:

    he's more likely to be called that than cracka or redneck
  7. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    It would bother me yes, but I would understand the reasons behind it. In the instance of my last partner, he feels that black men have been robbed of everything, even their own identity, by white people, white men in particular. His anger would flare at times and in a way that made me realize he would never let that go.

    You're right - that mindset needs to go. I am more comfortable with a black man who acknowledges the pain and the injustice he and others before him have suffered but is determined to forgive and move past it.
  8. Haha, y'know what i mean man? That shit always cracks me up. Back when i was in college i had a roommate just like that. Oh i'm not black, i'm mixed yadda yadda. Dude looked like a young Barack Obama. Had to save his ass from a fight one night at a party cuz a some dumb drunk redneck from the lacrosse team called him a nigger to his face. He dropped that talk not too long after, started dating this african chick and rocking dashikis from then on,lol. After that it was "we black people" this and "we brothas that".
  9. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    What is he looks like Wayne Johnson (The Rock) or Cash Warren (Jessica Alba's husband) ? People believe they are white and shocked when you say mixed.
    Just saying. :smt102
  10. And before anybody misreads, if i have a biracial child he's being raised to be a realist, the world is gonna perceive him as a black man especially the cops, so he's gonna be raised that way. It's not a knock against his mother and her family but i want him to know first and foremost to he's a black man. And be proud of it. Maybe one day when the world doesn't judge people on their appearance, i won't have to do that.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    Ive been called nigger to my face on several occasions. Not one day passes by when I think I have Cherokee or Croatian in my blood


    I just get miffed when people play down blacks and take the 'bi-racial' route, only to look to us for comfort and solace after facing racial discrimination.
  12. No one could mistake The Great One for being white. Latino maybe but The Rock is half Samoan and half black. (Btw, brothas start looking into Pacific Islander women, they're built like brick shithouses and love black guys) and he has been called a nigger before. Read his book.

    And i always knew Cash Warren was mixed somehow. I call it my BLA-DAR. Most black folks have it.:smt003
  13. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Now that you know maybe you can say that. :p Ya know hindsight is 20/20. Would you know Cash Warren if someone hadn't told you? I believe not. Just my opinion.
  14. I've been really good at knowing if someone has black in them since i was 14. I even knew this chick [​IMG] was part black and had a 3 hr argument with my ex gf until i could prove it. You just know the features to look for.
  15. tropolis

    tropolis Member

    Ive never been called that in my life.
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    lucky you

    it's quite the eye opener....just ask tiger
  17. tropolis

    tropolis Member

    Install the victim mentality from day 1. Great mindset. Go marry a black woman, no white woman is going to put up with that crap.

    Tired of the victim mentality card 24/7.

    It's a huge knock against the kids mother and family btw. Why not just adopt a black kid. What reason do you have to marry a white woman if your going to dismiss her to begin with with this black militant ideology you want to install in the kid.
  18. tropolis

    tropolis Member

    I just dont think that exists anymore for the most part. I think people more then ever are aware of the growing mixed population. Just because some idiot says something doesn't mean there is a national consensus on an issue.

    I just have a problem with denying whiteness and installing only black beliefs in a child, especially victim ideology which is crushing the black community today. Why not let the kid find out both sides of himself, instead of hiding part of himself?
  19. Wow. So telling my son to be vigilant of the dangers out there in the real world is playing the victim card? I'd consider that me trying to make him never be a naive victim. Like i said, in your own words you're not a real brotha so why are you even on this site in the first place? Trolling real black men?

    Man, you come straight out of a comic book.
  20. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Watched the clip on YouTube of him giving the ball to her. Loved it!! Imo, that's a real man - not afraid to show his love for his lady. *swooning here*

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