this issue is pretty black and white..either your on the side of the victims or the side of the perp and enablers. If you believe he did something wrong in this situation or is not completely innocent in how it was handled then you have to pick a side. This isn't some NCAA violation. If it were i'm sure paterno would still have his job and majority support from most if not all. After all its just a game. If the argument is that paterno's legacy of doing so much for the college and surrounding community should outweigh one bad episode then its a poor argument since that episode is about 10 year olds being sodomized! And for a man who did so much he picked a hell of a time to fall short. This situation was the biggest moment in his anyone's life. You don't find out about something like that and just kick it up the chain of command and just walk away. In doing that paterno forfeits his legacy, its the least that should happen to him especially as the investigation goes on and we find out more about who knew what and when. Rebuttal to the article
Sorry, but for me and many others, the situation is not black and white. I can feel pain for both sides of this situation. For all the haters, wait for the day when someone you look up to, respect and who you feel has contributed far more good than bad to this world, wait for the day he/she falls short. Wait for the moment that he/she fails. And feel the conflict in your heart. I don't know JoePa personally. But his legacy of good is well-known throughout the state. I have former classmates, friends, family and co-workers who are PS alums. Most of you on here have no connection whatsoever to the school or the man, so it's easy to be insensitive. And I, in no way, minimize the pain, humiliation and agony of the victims and their families. I sit here, sad and angry. Most of us don't choose the moment where we fail in an epic way. The man has stood for good all his life, and one bad decision, not even consciously made, has destroyed him. The media loves to sensationalize this stuff. People love to see the good guy fall on his face. Did he make a poor decision not to follow through? Absolutely. But there were others who failed before him in the chain of events and they are not paying as a dear a price. This crime was not even witnessed by Paterno, but he is the man who will be remembered as the enabler and abettor. What about McQueary? His father? The officials who left Sandusky back on the campus? Make this personal. If you are an upstanding person, you stand for good, you have inspired people, you've given your life to something. And then you fail, by not taking action. People suffer because of your inaction. And suddenly, everything you accomplished, everything you sought to stand for in life is gone. You are now a villain. Because for an instant, you made the wrong decision. Does that one poor decision negate everything good about you? Does it negate all the good that you did up to that point? And by the way, many mothers are guilty of this every day. All across America, there are children being molested, often by their fathers, and mothers know it. And they do nothing. Years from now, no one will remember Sandusky, the sicko perp, or McQueary, the coward who did nothing to stop the sodomy but instead called daddy and not 911. No, they will only remember how JoePa went down in flames. So be it.
Paterno has the most clout and recognizable name in this situation. He's a nationally known figure who (people keep referencing) was a pillar and highly respected individual in that community who did many good works so with all that respect and accolade comes responsibility. He can't get all the good shit that comes with fame and not get any of the bad. The only analogy I can think that adequately fits the situation is...what if there was a man who had the ability or influence to stop the holocaust and did not exercise it because as far as he was concerned he did his part in writing a letter of protest to his state rep and left it at that because legally thats all he's required to do. He didn't try to dissuade hitler himself even tho he had the access. He didn't try to use his influence to change the course of events tho he had the ability even if it meant he takes some personal hits in doing it. He just let millions of people die because he did just the minimum of what was legally required of him. Are you going to say that person just had one bad episode in his life (that allowed millions to suffer and die) and it shouldnt outweigh the good he'd done up to that point? Joe Paterno's history of fundraising for charity and winning football games (and the latter is the actual root of his celebrity) does not outweigh the fact that even if just one child was raped on his watch he did the minimum of what was legally required of him to see that justice was done. And yes McQueary should be jailed for his inaction as well and all of those involved in the investigation and ultimate cover up since Sandusky was never even arrested before now should pay a heavy price but Paterno was by far the most influential person in that mix who could have called attention and got the kind of immediate help those kids deserved. And your statment does actually minimize the pain and suffering of the victims because you still show concern for Paterno's legacy of good works when it's because of his history of good works and leadership in the community thats the reason everyone is so focused on what he knew and what he did or didn't do.
I can and do feel pain for people on both sides of the equation and I don't apologize for it. I have a son who was once 10 years old. I hope that had I been faced with that sitiation, I would have been fair in assigning blame but would also seek to understand and forgive. (Incidentally, my son, as a first grader, witnessed a child being forced to perform oral sex on an older boy, and was almost pressured into doing it himself. Thankfully, he told me about it and the situation was addressed.) As I said, wait until it's someone that has earned your respect and gratitude that falls. Then you will understand the conflict in the hearts of many in this state.
What makes you think I haven't... its one thing to be disappointed but where the conflict? there's right and wrong and there's the right side and the wrong side. Sandusky is wrong..mcqueary was wrong period. Paterno was on the wrong side. If paterno's reputation and standing is rooted in being a leader and stand up person whose advise and guidance is sought out in that community and he failed to do all he could to stop or bring to light this situation then what is there to be conflicted about? He fucked up in that he didn't do all he could have even if it meant he may open himself up to legal action from sandusky and the school. Thats the hallmark of a true leader to do whats right regardless of the repercussions. I understand if your greatly disappointed. I understand if what you believed about paterno (you use the term of endearment JoePa) is shattered But I don't understand where there's any conflict. He fucked up as such his legacy has a huge black mark on it.
I appreciate and respect your thoughts and opinions. We see things a bit differently and that's ok. Thanks for being respectful in your response.
There's plenty of tragedy to go around in this instance. Obviously, what happened to the abuse victims is a horribly tragic thing and it's inexcusable. But, Joe Paterno had a legendary career, and I say that as someone who is not a big Penn state fan. There is an element of tragedy to such an end to his career, especially when one considers the degree to which that end was self-inflicted.
this is where I must say FUCK JOE PATERNO'S LEGENDARY CAREER AND STATUS! Joe Paterno had choices. That little boy getting sodomized in a shower didn't have a choice. Paterno at 80+ years old has had a good life and more good days than bad. That little boy and all the others Sandusky raped are all gonna have a tough road to hoe for the rest of their lives. Considering that I and I hope others should not waste one iota of energy feeling bad for a person and any other authority figure involved who made bad choices.
all paterno cared about was not rocking the boat even in 2000, he had a longer coaching career than most people. He could have sunk the boat and still been set for the rest of his life, if that meant bringing justice to those poor kids that got taken advantage of. perfect example of career over humanity
which is why he should have been snitched and taken the lumps, even if that meant going outside the chain of command and losing his position he wanted to keep stackin and keep winnin
I just read that victim #1's mother did not even know the full details of her son's ordeal until 2006. Had no idea it was as bad as it was. Soo Paterno knew more than this boy's own mother?
if i can admit paterno fucked up, anyone can..i have a closet full of tight workout shirts and shorts with PSU logos on them from when I was 18, so you know how diehard I am
I never once said he didn't, Petty. And even he admitted he screwed up. That has never been my point.
i dont know what the points are... i come in and post stuff that's not even remotely identifiable with posters' views i just felt compelled to mention tight workout shirts :smt048
C'mon Professor, Joe knew kids where getting RAPED in his Shower. Fuck his legendary career and the horse that he rode with from Brown Univ. all the way to Penn State. You know this Joe thing begs a question, how many of us turn our back or walk away while some innocent kid or woman is getting abused, salpped, raped, while ppl getting discriminated against, getting shafted in life? how many folks stand up for the right thing even if the perpetrator is your friend or family? This should open up a discussion, where is Oprah, she need to bring topics like this, lol. The other thing-this worshiping sports hero thing need to be re-examined. Joe is just a coach. True he was a great coach and has turned the PSU program around but at the end of the day he just a foot ball coach. He ain't no freedom fighter, he is no soldier who gave up his life so others can live, he ain't a teacher who is educating the future of this country, he ain't a doctor who is saving lives on a daily basis, he ain't a scientist who is discovering great cutting edge things like cure for cancer, AIDS, grave illness, etc.... srsly in this country we need to rexamine our priorities. I say this as a former student athlete, this sport thing has gotten out of had for real.
Are you serious? Do you have any clue how difficult it is for males to admit rape? There is no support system in place for them. It's basically you let it happen because you're weak and that kind of shame has got to be crushing. So I'm not surprised he didn't tell anyone. Damn Ches really?
I dont think she was bashing the boy or the mother. It was just a FYI type statement. we know that men will less likely admith being raped
Truth. I wish I could find the article I saw addressing this particular issue at hand, Very nicely written. It talks about how the Hip Hop culture, the macho culture, I am da man type of shit prevented some of these abuse kids from coming forward. They think it is their fault, and they were weak to letting shit like this happened to them, some of them were questioning their sexuilaity. This shit is sick, hang Sundusky by his balls from Penn sate Goal post at their next home game!