surprise statement from the victims atty regarding paterno's firing
Surprise statement, how about dumb statement? Ask the victims whether they want to be associated with the coach being fired, because they may become villains themselves? That's pretty nonsensical on any level. I can't believe that an attorney for the VICTIMS would even say this??? That really does conjure up thoughts of what's in the water in PA?
LOL. Im just shocked at everything. I mean like what ches said earlier only 2 people went down so far. we already know multiple people have witnessed the act and did nothing or very minimal (as far as I know) and others in position to get rid of the dude did not act. where are they ?
Fuck Joe Pa. If he wanted to be remembered as hero then he should have acted like one and did something about the rape victims in his facility. He is king of douche bag, period. Y'al can suck his dick but I ain't even gonna ask him for autograpgh if I see him at airport or something. Chesbay, your logic amazes me. He knew kids were getting raped in his facility and did not do anything about it, period, and you wanna cry foul about his legacy. Christ, you need serious fucken help! How about if the 10 yo boy that was raped in the shower was your boy, your nephew, you God child, would ya still be slobbering all over Joe Pa dick right about know??? c'mon, wake the fuck up!!!!
yuck I'm sure this will take a racial spin. No one did anything to help those black kids, but if sandie was black and those kids were all-American, blue eyed blond hair white boys, he would have gotten life in 98
yep. real talk. just like ches said joe is just the fall guy for now. it would be a shame if no one else goes down
not even a face to face firing just straight up phone call like he was nothing... Lots of heads are rolling tho....this would an interesting time in the classes of psu lol almost as interesting as them cancelling classes and telling us to be with out families during 9/11, after the plane crash in pa
I want to know why JoePA and the prez and others who knew did not get arrested because as far as I am concern they might as well have put the dudes dick in the kids ass because they pretty much cosigned the shit
I find it strange that JoePa had just beaten Coach Robinson's record and then this happened. I wondered if that former assistant coach molested a Black boy would that outrage take place?
I posted the below response in another thread, but just in case nobody reads it there, I'm reposting it here... As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere..." The first breakdown and failure of justice for the victim happened with the first person who discovered the rape in progress; namely the gutless wonder (grad student) who witnessed the incident in progress and didn't stop it as it was going on and (if necessary) whip some azz (if warranted) before calling the police himself... In my mind's eye that would have been the right and moral thing to do, regardless of any university "policy" written or unwritten... I have no sympathy for Paterno or any of the other heads that rolled after the fact. In the aftermath of that initial incident, even if that was considered "isolated" at the time, they did nothing about that incident and let a cat into the canary cage and kept silent, while the perpetrator established a "farm" of potential victims, putting more children at risk. IMO, Penn State is only trying to minimize the financial damage it will incur resulting from its role when the "lights" came on by trying to react in the aftermath rather than act when things first came to light... At least three people in the Penn State inner circle, with the power to do something, did the one thing beneficial for themselves and the university - nothing... Money over developing minds... But that grad student failed that child in the shower... Telling somebody else and leaving it to continue was not something a man with a heart and conscience would have done and as the information got passed forward, the "good old boy" network dressed down and covered up for one of its own. True injustice!
I don't think it was an accident that the shoes fell this way... I found it even more interesting that several news sports stations, reporting on JoePa's record even failed to mention Coach Robinson's accomplishment, only naming JoePa as the winningest Divison 1A coach in history... this is just the beginning time to start rooting for another team
NM,that is sad that a legendary coach like Robinson did not get that recognised in the Sports records.
Ding ding ding. Someone gets it. When its black children of any gender shit gets easily ignored. I always go back to that R Kelly pissing video. Had that fourteen year old girl been a white girl R Kelly would be surviving 15 to life for child pornography, endangering a minor, and statutory rape. No reasonable person could watch that video and debate whetjer it was him or not but since they were little black girls it don't matter. Welcome to America guys where black people are adults at age 8 not 18 and where any crime against us is less than a misdimeanor whether it be rape or murder. So disgusted right now.
I hope the victims sue Penn State out of existence. I hear there may be seventeen victims and not just the seven or eight being reported. I saw the mother of a victim coming forth. I hear this is the case with others. Where are the men, the fathers? The reason I say never trust anyone with your kids. This is a classic lesson learned. This bastard who committed the crime I understand was released on bail back on the streets. These damned judges.
Glad to see you took out the last line of your original post. The thing to do is teach your child what is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable behavior and what is not. And teach him to be confident enough to speak up and speak out against improper behavior, and that you will protect him if he does. We don't need more distrust and hate in this world.
I hope the victims are not trivialized and demonized by the aspect of money and lawsuits. Those young men (and their families) will obviously need counseling and protection from a press, who has, in the past, shown little concern for an individual's privacy.
Yes, the more I thought about my original statement, the more I thought I want my son to understand the evils of this world and not be a contributer to it. He must have a discerning mind to understand this life's extreme complexities. He will not get there if he creates barriers within himself. Sometimes the lessons of this life is so painful that it makes one want to shield him or herself from it. You can never hide from evil. You only can confront it and not shy from it.
this is just beginning to catch wind on other sites ill give it a few before the major news reporting sites like yahoo and msn start focusing on race. This is nothing new tho...blacks always get shorthanded like that. Enough is enough.