Weekly Workout Progress

Discussion in 'Health, Fitness and Fashion' started by babybro, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    you are right i guess it is worth it.

    I am more active this past week i do go out more ... even it is for window shopping or spend more time at the garden .. anything to move more rather than be on the computer.
  2. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I am so tired of your size 2 perfect body lil ass coming in this thread making a mockery of everyone on some "I need to work out" than showcasing your awesome bod in some cute outfit in a different thread the next minute! I've been onto you since day 1, the fishing for compliments is old and it stops right NOW! :smt011

    Just messing with ya. ;)
  3. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    well i always thought exersice was not only for looks .. different reasons for everyone..

    I know you type you are messing with me but to make this clear:)
  4. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    My nickname is turtle, I do almost everything slow :p
    5k this weekend... lets see how that goes, lol.

    Ran a bit this morning, I forgot how good it feels to run on cool mornings before the sun comes up. Bliss. :)
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Haven't ran in a week. Gonna die during PT next Monday.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    you may get away with that in the air force, but not the army
  7. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    I had two weeks off running then vomited in pt last week, haha
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I have driver's training all this week so I don't have to show up to formation or do PT. :p

    But yeah, you can tell mufuckas don't exercise in the Air Force.
    Got fools in the food court lookin' like...
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you haven't gotten to the point in your life, where you workout on your own?


    that's the first thing I do in the morning
  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I don't. I just do PT in the morning. By the end of the day, I'm tired as shit and just wanna watch Netflix or some shit.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    damn, son
  12. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    28.32, not too bad for a newbie I suppose. Felt good to finish it :) *dances*
  13. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I am so confused any more on the best way to work out. And while there is a ton of info on the 'net, it's a little overwhelming - too much and too varied. Being bigger for most of my adult life, I know that cardio is necessary for weight loss and just general overall good health. And having lost a good chunk of weight in the last couple of years (due to a diabetes medication that suppressed my appetite), I now have to tone and define and that's where the confusion comes in. I thought using a circuit training program like Planet Fitness offers (machines) was ok but read an article that goodlove posted on here that says you're not really doing what you think you are by using machines.

    I would like to utilize a personal trainer to get me on a program that works for me, but it would be like a onetime thing for me because I simply can't afford ongoing sessions.

    I did just lose another 9 lbs in the last month by changing my eating habits further (portion size), but now my body just looks kind of deflated.

    Any thoughts from those who understand a woman's body and workout needs? Is finding a personal trainer and scraping together the cash for a session or two worth it to get a workout that's tailored for me and what I have at my disposal (gym, equipment, etc.)

    I got the losing weight part down its just now toning and sculpting that's giving me fits.
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    why get a personal trainer when you can just google the shit. Try googling stuff, then writing 'bodybuilding.com' at the end of it, so that it brings up stuff from that website. Although it features bodybuilding stuff (stuff, stuff, stuff), it also caters to healthier lifestyles in general. You'll find stuff for sport workouts, weight loss, etc. You can also try sherdog.com. It's geared towards martial arts and the mma world, where dieting/exercise/cutting all plays a role. I'm more than confident that you could find some tips there.

    Reducing portions is good, and spreading ur meals out is usually recommended tho. Instead of eating 2 or 3 big meals that leave you bloated and lethargic, it's best to eat smaller but increase the amount of times you eat to 5 or 6. Eat the proper nutrition until you're not hungry, not until you're full. Cardio and weight training will give you the sculpt and done that you desire. Cardio gets that heart going over extended periods of time, and the weight training builds that muscle.

    You can try circuit training also. I generally mix those in during the week, to simulate rolling on the mat with wrestling or jiu jitsu. Basically I grab a nice sized plate and spend 6-8 minutes going through various exercises, while never putting the weight down. I do around 4 rounds of that, and it usually leaves me in a state of shock.
  15. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Good job slow poke. Now shave off 7 minutes.
  16. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    It'll come :)
    You're talking to someone that would get winded walking up two flights of stairs :lol:
  17. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I didn't want to just Google stuff because there's just too much stuff! That was my point. I'm overwhelmed with all the info out there and it conflicts alot of the time. Some say spot reducing works, others say there is no such critter. Some say interval training is the way to go, others say it's not.

    I have specific goals I want to achieve. I have the eating/cooking thing down. I'm diabetic so I know and am working on that end of it. But getting my body toned and defined now that I've lost and am still losing is the thing I'm struggling with. As I said, using machines at the gym in a circuit training format seemed ideal until I read that it's not. :smt102

  18. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Google strength vs cardio training and read a bit.

    When I worked out with my friend, who owns a gym and is a personal trainer, we did all strength.

    If you only run, do the elliptical and such you won't build the muscle you need and you will look soft or "flabby". You need muscle which burns fat........and defines your body.

    Most women are conditioned to think I need to move more or move faster to lose weight. You probably need to add in the strength training.

    Going to a trainer is good if you want someone to analyze your body and help you with goals. Make sure they know you are asking them to help you to set up a plan you can do on your own. Two good classes to take if htey have them at your gym to build strength, are kettlebell or medicine ball classes. They seem to be quite popular at his gym and really get a good result. I posted a video for whikle in the women's workout thread that shows a kettlebell workout.
  19. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I get winded getting out of bed. SMH

    11-7-11 Progress


    Very sore, did high rep routine of 15-20 reps for 6 sets. Bout to do some TV workout videos and clean the house.
  20. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member



    Looking forward to Monday's weigh in, I slim down so damn quick. Been getting lots of cardio in, trying to work up my endurance, distance, and brute speed.

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