Prayer Requests

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by Tamstrong, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    dearest Ms. Tarshi,

    loving greetings for you maam please. am here for giving so much thanks to those of care dear maam, i am. is in my heart all the way through that i am feeling too.

    when one cares, and can show this maam, it brings so much hoping to this world i am thinking please. so i must thank God now for you dear maam cause so many need your care always just like me.

    you are a beautiful lady i see with joy in my heart and my eyes too maam, i do. so i thank you much please now, and pray others will feel inside how i am feeling inside when i am reading your name maam.

    touching others with hands so soft, and words of hope. your smile i am thinking is a cure for each of us and this world maam. loving you this day,

  2. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    dearest Ms. chesbaygrl,

    maam i see words of you some more, and i am honored so much of them please. your are one of God's angels on this earth i am thinking dear maam, you are. is always my comforts knowing there are one's of this world like you beautiful lady.

    hugging you so tightly would be a heaven for me now, so i close my eyes here, and i do this please, loving you maam, k?

  3. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    dear Big Brother Wise,

    Sir i am alexis. i haven't been of the site here for very much time. i read these words from you today, and then i read more words of you saying that Ms. SKJgal is better now please.

    i see so many words to God here of her so i am happy so much now in my heart Sir. there is the greatest power in this world here in the care of such beautiful ones i am believing please.

    i didn't even get a chance to pray for her to be better too cause the one's here speak to God the best. these people are special ones that my eyes see so fast, and so easy Sir!

    when i lay down this night to pray to God, i will pray great thanks to him for his touching her{SKJgal} and healing her so she can keep bringing the love she has to this world Sir, i will please.

    i also must thank God for you dear Sir. you are a good man i can see in your words so i thank you for bringing those for my reading too, k? i do.

    caring i am thinking is the easiest thing we can do so when i can see it like i can here then i believe we shall all be loved so good Sir. i am happy you are here, and i thank God for this now please. God bless you dear Sir, and SKJgal as well.

  4. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........


    hi i am alexis, i am very glad meeting you today, and that you are healed, and safe with the many loving, and caring about you. i am so happy you are better now, and can see the beautiful love of many here.

    your life is with great value, you are so fortunate in the beautiful care of the wonderful man, Big Brother Wise. i know you know this, but i did not. his care of you moved me much but it also brought to me a loving hope for all.

    i will smile now when i see your words, and shall read them knowing a little part of you! please have a gorgeous day of life today, and each day throughout your time. smiles for you,

  5. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    i am humbled before the each of you, and honored sincerely by your thoughtful, generous, and wonderful prayers of me, my family, and my step daddy. while it is that we shall hurt from our loss{s}, it shall be the awakening of our needs for sharing all that we are in our remaining days please. thank you always,........................

  6. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    SKJ's always been a strong person and her loving nature definitely transcends much of any human expectation. Remarkably, despite the hell she was put under, she kept her head high and really saw herself as 100% efficient and ready to tackle the world. I'm very proud of her and her whimsical, yet happy nature. Someone like that, I'd love to be around. Precious and loving as she is, she can definitely turn a heavy heart into something of a less burdensome nature.

    Thank you for your concerns and your very formal, consistent nature Alexis.

  7. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    Whoa, this guy wrote TONS!!!!

    By the way, Alexis, I appreciate your kind words as well. ^.^ I thank you for praying during my time of need a week or so back.

    BBW, I got something really neat to show ya on another thread hahahahaha xDD I'm posting it on the "funny ass shit" thread.
  8. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    dear Big Brother Wise Sir,

    you are most welcome dear sir please. i am moved much by your care of her well being. is when others show such care to others, and so much real love that i am overwhelmed so much in the witnessing of this sir please. gets to me on a deeper level thant alot of people i am thinking. so i am happy so much that the SJKgal is healthy, and happy now please, this is relief to me. i hope that both of you can enjoy this beautiful day we have been given sir, i smiles@you now,

  9. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    dear Ms. SJKgal,

    you are so very welcome maam. i am just so very glad now that you are better, and able to bring the love you bring back to this site, and to the wonderful one, Big Brother Wise dear maam. i smile now for you, and for him please. have a very lovely day today for it is truly beautiful,

  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You are very welcome, Alexis. I will continue to keep you & your family in my prayers. Thank you for the sweet words of kindness & love; I appreciate it very much. If there was more love in people's hearts, the world (& the forum) would definitely be a much better place.
  11. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    dear Ms. tamstrong,

    yes maam, and you are most welcome please,....... always too, k? love in our hearts, and the unafraid in sharing this is how we should live these lives. we get hurt by those so callous from the lack of this in there own lives. so is why those need the praying from those of us who know love maam, yes?

    part of our pleasures of this earth, and the best always of those is when we are loving. is funny yes that when happiness is upon us, that love is usually with us maam. is not the accident i am thinking, is the plan from God i am convinced.

    your prayers of my family were good ones maam, they were. they are ones still this day helping my life. so i am thankful i met your heart, and now have the privelege in caring always for it maam, always.

  12. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I know I mentioned my friend with kidney cancer before. Last week she went into the hospital to have her kidney removed. She had a heart attack on the table, and is not doing well at all. She's spent most of the last week intubated and unconscious, and is on the critical list. Today was her birthday.

    To make things worse, she's a real animal person. Today her cat died. They haven't been able to tell her yet, but that's going to be a tough one for her, if she recovers. Right now, it doesn't look so good. Her husband is a wreck.

    If you want to include them in your prayers and good thoughts, her name is Gay and his is Larry, and they live in the Dallas TX area. Thank you.
  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't going well for your friend. I'll definitely keep her & her loved ones in my thoughts & prayers.
  14. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Thanks, Tam. We really had no expectation that anything like this would happen - it was supposed to be a quick kidney removal and 3 days in the hospital. I appreciate the support.
  15. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Praying for Gay and Larry, Pixie. And you as well. Truly hoping for a full recovery for her.
    I can only imagine the anxiety you and her friends and family must be experiencing. Please keep us updated.
  16. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Thank you Ches, I will
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You're very welcome, Pixie. :smt056
  18. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    My dad has been unwell for several years now, & they've never determined exactly what was wrong with him. The best indication from some of his symptoms was that the issue was Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA, mini-Strokes). The issue rendered him unable to work any longer, & he after fighting for it like crazy for it, he finally started receiving disability. He's been on a steady decline over the last few years...his speech is off, he can barely get around anymore & he's been diagnosed with dementia.

    On Monday he fell in the bathroom & my mom had a difficult time getting him up & back into his hospital bed. He typically asks for her to help him to the bathroom, but for some reason he tried on his own. She said he was extremely out of it & he wouldn't answer her when she'd speak to him. The only thing he'd say was "I'm falling". She said when she got him back in the bed, he went to sleep. She also told me he's had similar moments before but the doctor said it appeared to be a TIA & there wasn't anything that could be done & he'd eventually snap out of it within a short time. She said after the first couple of times, she quit taking him to the hospital when it happened.

    Monday afternoon she called me & said he had fallen again, & she'd found him in the floor & for some reason he'd taken all his clothes off. She couldn't get him out of the floor this time & asked if my son & I would please come help her. We managed to get him off the floor & back in his bed, but it was obvious something was wrong with him. He wouldn't respond to us & he looked so out of it. I have never seen him look so bad...he was just laid out on his bed & he looked like a corpse in a coffin, which freaked me the hell out. He slept most of the rest of the day.

    Yesterday he seemed to be doing a bit better. He was talking again, but he had no recollection of anything that had happened the day before. At one point he took a nap, & my mom went in to check on him & he'd had an accident in his sleep. She got him into his wheelchair & cleaned up the mess & stepped out of the room to get fresh sheets. When she came back, he wasn't in his chair. She found him in the bathroom floor again & couldn't get him up. He crawled out into the hallway, stretched out on the floor, asked for his blanket & went to sleep...something he'd never do. She couldn't get any response from him again. Later, he crawled back to the bed, yelled for my mom to help him get up & to dress him, & he carried on like nothing had happened.

    I know I'm rambling, but I had to get it out. The scariest thing about TIA is it usually leads to a big stroke, & I'm afraid that's what's coming. He seems to be slipping away fast, & it's extremely painful to see it happening. In many respects it's like my daddy has been "gone" for years since he's not at all the same person he used to be (I miss my daddy). It's like I've already mourned him once, & I'm dreading going through it again. It's been especially tough on my mama who's been taking care of him all this time.

    I'd greatly appreciate any prayers on his & the family's behalf.
  19. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Praying as I write this, Tam. I can hear the pain as you struggle with this and my heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing this so we can be here for you both by praying and just listening. My grandmother suffered TIAs many years ago, but not to the degree that your dad is suffering.

    Please keep us updated. Know that you, your dad and family are being lifted up. If you ever wish to talk, look me up. My contact info is on my profile.

    Jesus says "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thank you, Ches. He's only 61, but it's like he's 90. It's definitely hard to handle seeing him suffering, & sometimes I wish his suffering was over so he could go home. I appreciate you & your prayers.

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