Offensive Dutch blackface and Caricatures

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Joseph00, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Joseph00

    Joseph00 New Member

    Every December, the Dutch partake in a tradition known as Sinterklaas. This cultural tradition features the character known as Zwarte Piet(black Pete), who is St Nicholas' "helper". While I have no issues with this celebration as a whole, I am highly offended with their portrayal of Zwarte Piet, who is seen as childish, stupid and usually has exaggerated features. Pretty much the entire nation takes part in the festivities by dressing up as Black Pete. The attire includes a face full of shoe polish(black face), a curly afro wig, bright red lips, earrings and some sort of jester outfit.

    More info:,,6285736,00.html

    Photos below....






    What do you guys and gals think about this???
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    It comes as no surprise.

    What are you going to do about it besides get upset?

    People will continue doing this kind of stuff as long as they have free will and laws that don't prohibit this sort of behavior.

    People of African descent are probably the most hated group of people in the world.

    What are you going to do about it?
  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I don't like its portrayed as an "European thing", its not.
    I am European and I never heard of this.
    Its stupid, ignorant and needs to die.
  4. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

  5. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    I have seen this before on T.V., you can see it on Youtube as well. To be so thoroughly and consistently disrespected like this around the world is an unfortunate reality when you're Black. Even if the day arrives that all of us who are Black learn to truly love and respect ourselves other groups will always try to berate and mock us.

    Is it...

    ...or just foul human beings, doesn't matter in the end, all we can do is love and respect ourselves.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2011
  6. Joseph00

    Joseph00 New Member

    More photos




  7. Joseph00

    Joseph00 New Member

    Yeah I agree. It's their country, so they can do whatever they wish of course. However, I've lost a lot of respect for these people. Anyone who engages in this sort of thing is nothing but trash to me.:smt011
  8. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    What's sad is that they get the children involved in these activities.
  9. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    I agree.
  10. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    It is a Christmas tradition in the Neterlands. I wished those helpers get good threads and have two Dutch ladies at each arm. Oh yes get them a new hairstyle. My Dutch Xmas fantasy is seeing a helper giving something "special" for her Christmas,mo bedroom attention and turning off the cell phone given to him by Santa.
  11. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Which perpetuate the activities far longer...
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    weren't the dutch big players in the slave trade?

    why is anyone surprised

    i think we're bombing the wrong people tho...damn iraqis never shipped my people in boats (they just used camels)
  13. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Yup big in logistics. About 3-5% of the world trade. This is shit but that is what it is.
  14. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    That's right!

    And, to be clear, peter is not representing black men but he came from the chimney and is therefore black. Bs story, I know
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    everybody has their dirt

    look at the Africans comitting acts of genocide in their own country against their own people. look at the murder rates for blacks in America. No people are perfect and I defintely wouldn't hold anything against someone white that had shit to do with the slave trade. Blame the perpetrators you know.

    That said and done I'd love to go to holland and check out those beautiful women, and I have no bones with white dudes that accept bm/ww relations
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I'm just sayin

    I know he's not popular around here, being an admitted white guy and all

    he used to post a lot of beautiful woman from his side of the globe, until mofos here started beefin with him
  17. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    havent seen someone be called that for awhile, i know it gets thrown around from time to time on here
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    SharenoH8,in my fantasy Santa gets dirty comming in the chimney and cleans it for the helpers who gives the Dutch woman a good present. Oh yes both of them drinkin ginnefer n juice.
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    POJ,I had been to the Netherlands and the women are beauiful some even looked like Rebecca Romijn,oh those lovely big lips n booty.
  20. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member


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