Cell Phone Round-up

Discussion in 'Science, Technology, and Green Energy' started by Inner Beauty, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Hey Everyone!

    I've had my phone for 2 yrs and it's running out of memory and laggin' even when I delete stuff. I'm deadset against a hard reset, cause I don't want to lose some things. I really think it's time to buy a new phone.

    I have a few in mind, but I'm not sure just yet.


    A couple of questions:

    What phone do you have?




    AL JAHIZ New Member

    Carrier: Iphone on the Verizon network.

    Pros: I own 300 shares of Verizon stock & I own 60 shares of Apple stock. Apple is the premiere leader in this field...and you will be apart of a great american movement.

    Cons: No such thing when it comes to Apple products and Verizons country wide blanket network.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2011
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I've had Sprint for over ten years and never had a problem. I'm waiting for a new phone right now - I'm upgrading from an early Android Samsung Moment to an HTC Evo Shift - which is also Android, but a new version of the OS. I would have considered an iPhone if it didn't mean changing carriers, but I've heard so many people complain about dropped calls and such with both AT&T and Verizon. I also cover a friend's cell phone, which is Verizon, and they're a pain in the arse to deal with.

    I'm picky about my cell phone - even though it adds a bit of weight I want a slide out keyboard, because I do a great deal of texting with friends in the UK and a 4 hour text conversation on a virtual keyboard would make me insane.
  4. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I have the HTC Inspire 4G with AT&T.

    I've had AT&T since I was about 9 years old, but switched to Verizon briefly when I lived in Charlotte because it had a better service down there.

    BIG MISTAKE. I had nothing but hell with them, and the 'better' service was still shit. Customer service? Absolute rubbish.

    Anyway, up until I got this phone, I didn't have any trouble with dropped calls. This phone is kind of Satan, even if it does have cool features.

    My parents and brother are on AT&T still and don't have dropped calls at all. Parents have iPhones and brother has something else...all of them, perfect. It's some kind of defect with my phone. I've gone through two already, so next up I'm switching back to Blackberry if this one continues to act up. :)

    AL JAHIZ New Member

    Sprint will begin selling the Iphone next month... and the rumor is .. that sprint will also offer an unlimited talk and media plan for a flat rate fee.
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I'm picky too, that's why I'm having a hard time finding the perfect phone for me. I've been with T-Mobile for 10 yrs and when I went to shop other carriers and their plans, they were more expensive, so I'm definitely staying where I am. I have a keyboard on my current phone too and because of my last phone that had a keyboard that was so flat that you'd end up typing the wrong key all the type, I got used to using the stylus and with this current phone, the keyboard is the best keyboard, but I never use it. I have a Windows Mobile phone and I wanted to stay with that for my cell, cause I have a Tablet and have all the Android apps there, but the phone I want, is going to AT&T. So it looks like I'm going to have to get an Android, but with no keyboard. :(
  7. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Well I guess I upgraded too soon. Sprint has an unlimited talk/text/data plan now, which I have. It's $99 a month.
  8. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    None of this will probably help you, but I'm bored, heh.

    I actually have two phones.

    One is a little free phone from http://www.assurancewireless.com This one I use to make and receive phone calls. I get 250 minutes a month for free. Pros would be that it's free and I'm poor so it's really a blessing so I can keep in contact with people and work and etc. Cons would be that you can't do anything with it except make and receive calls. It doesn't come with text either unless you add money/minutes to it.

    Then I have another phone. Which is a pink Android Samsung with a slide out keyboard (that's all I know about it). This one was also free because my brother's phone provider did a special where he could get a free phone for someone. So, that's how I got that. I don't have phone service on it because I can't afford it, plus I have the assurancewireless phone anyway. I do have a FreeTalk app that allows me to text for free IF I have a WiFi signal. So, this phone, I just use to play games and text and get online if I can steal someone's WiFi, and I also use it to take a lot of pictures because it has a camera.

    So those are my two phones, heh.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I have a Samsung Android for my private phone and a BB Bold for my work phone. Both in Verizon.. Been w Verizon for over 10 years and never had a problem, neither w customer Service or coverage. Not going anywhere.

    Work just added the iphone in their choices so I prolly go there once I can renew my pone for free.

    For my private phone, I think I will stick w Samsung, every-time I ventured t other brands, I get disappointed.. the biggest mistake was when I got that dumb ass Razr... what a dud:(
  10. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    IPhone all the way!! At&t, verizon, or the rumored sprint
  11. AL JAHIZ

    AL JAHIZ New Member

    Im with sprint too...i pay $145 for 2 phones for unlimited
  12. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I pay my son's account too, but I wanted to keep them separate. His is very basic, 400 minutes and 300 texts a month. He wants a phone that just makes phone calls - he's a bit of a Luddite, which is funny considering he grew up with a techie mother.

    The Sprint plan offers unlimited for $79 a month, unless you have the top-line phones. Thats why my plan is $99 instead.
  13. qnet

    qnet New Member

    Haha! it's funny you guys are talking about phones, I'm all into that right now. To the original poster, I think it just depends on what you want to do with the phone. IMO you are on the best carrier (t-mobile) as far as customer service.

    I love Android phones but, currently on a Iphone 4 on Verizon. I'm eagerly awaiting the announcement of the next Iphone tomorrow and, the rumored Nexus Prime next week.

    If T-mobile had the Iphone, I would say get that, because of it's quality and reliability . I've only had to reset my Iphone once, after I jail-broke it and, Ibooks stopped working. Since T-mobile doesn't have Iphones, their Samsung phones are really nice Android phones as well as HTC.

    If find a phone you might like I'd be happy to help you with your decision if you want.
  14. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I have an HTC now. I wanted the HTC Titan, but Tmo isn't gonna carry it. They're getting the HTC Radar, but don't know when. I've been thinking about getting the HTC Amaze.
  15. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

  16. qnet

    qnet New Member

    That's a nice phone and, I think you will like it. I just got a Droid Bionic and, like it a lot. The phone you're thinking about getting is on the same level IMO, if not better.
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I have a Motorola DROID X on Verizon and I love it.

    I love Verizon because it has the best coverage and I rarely have problems with sending multiple texts or dropping calls like my friend who has T-Mobile encounters.

    The DROID is my first foray into any type of fancy phone and I love the ability to check emails from my phone and update Facebook and playing games on it.

    I'm sure you'll be happy with whatever phone you get, but I love the DROID. :smt023
  18. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    LOL - I'm a cheapskate. Still using my HTC Google phone.
  19. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    great thread IB...i am shopping around for phones right now too...my son and i have samsung phones from verizon...we are no longer under contract...i was planning to get us both the new iphone and stick with verizon...it isn't terribly expensive and my company reimburses me for a portion of my cell every month...
  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Do that and I am sure you won't want anything else. Great combination.

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