A little question for DK and those who buy his theory

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TreePixie, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah but she had a job and the puddy was good
  2. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I think people are attracted to different things about different people. I'm attracted to different guys than my friends are, and I'm pretty sure that goes across the board. I think people get threatened by that, because they start looking around and realizing that people are paired off (happily), and they aren't.

    I don't see what the big deal is. Older men with younger woman, older women with younger men, black/white/orange/blue doesn't matter. As we get older, tastes, desires, and requirements change. Just because *I* like someone, doesn't mean everyone has to be attracted to them- that's why we're all different.

    What frustrates me, is people pontificating about how they think someone else's personal preferences are wrong, and telling people they're not actually attracted to the other person- it's just the best they can do, so they settle. It's basing everything on the assumption that everyone's standard of beauty is the same- and it's not. Some women love Brad Pitt, some people love Idris Elba, and some people like Jet Li. It is what it is, and I'm not going to sit around and say 'Oh my gosh, you like Brad Pitt? That means you're bottom of the barrel and stupid. You should get therapy.' You like what you like, you date who you date, and that has no bearing on the lives of anyone other than you and the person you're with. It doesn't "mean" anything. It's not going to impact the stock market, how much money the next movie released is going to make, or how delicious the food is at your next holiday gathering.

    Great Gatsby!
  3. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I agree.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    For someone in such a happy relationship I find it hilarious that shit like this pisses you off.
    Lmao at the fact that you think I'm pontificating when you're posting in a thread where I was specifically asked my opinion on the subject. I didn't volunteer anything but you only see what you want DB.

    Like I said before its better that we don't talk at all. No good comes from it. Enjoy life.

    Last edited: Oct 10, 2011
  5. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    LOL, Oedipus. Keep trying to insult me. It's really cute, considering your situation. The irony continues to make me LOL. *I* am the damaged one?! HAHAHA, oh goodness. I think that actually brought tears to my eyes I was just laughing so hard. LOL

  6. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Does his opinion matter this much to you?
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What's my situation?
    And what's with personal family attacks? You're implying that I lust for my mother DB?
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Why choose just one?! I've never been able to pick just one type, or race, or whatever, of person to like...sexy is sexy, it transcends all the petty bullshit.

    So out of the three examples, I'll just choose "yes". haha :D

    On a more serious note, I'm a firm believer that understanding comes from within, not from debates or arguments. People will always believe how they want, regardless of exterior input...unless they actually choose to be open to such.

    Epiphanies may be influenced by an experience, or a conversation, yes, but arguments are not conversations. Sure, in a sense they are, in that it's an exchange of words, but when a topic incites emotion people tend to get defensive...and offensive. The discussion, at that point, ceases to be one, and is nothing but a verbal battle...with the aim not being enlightenment, but "winning". It's more about domination, and less about the actual topic. It's not a dialogue, it's a bunch of competing monologues with everyone yelling in attempt to be the loudest.

    I feel that it's a waste of energy arguing with no room for benefit to come about afterwards. Most people are too close minded to really gain much from a real discussion with someone who disagrees with them. Everyone thinks they're open minded until their views are challenged. It can happen to all of us, and it is certainly not an isolated event.

    In my life I have only come across a handful of people who can actually debate a topic successfully.

    It's like trying to argue about homosexuality with a "god hates fags" religious zealot. Or race relations with a kkk member. The only basis we have for comparison of anything is our own experiences, and very few people can truly empathize with others. On the whole, we just don't like having our realities threatened. We all know the sky is blue, but if you find someone who thinks the color is actually green, the likelihood of convincing them they're mistaken is very, very low. And why would they concede? To them, it is green. That is their perception, and thus, their reality.

    "You're not you. We killed you. You're dead. This is the really real world, ain't no coming back." - paraphrased from the movie "The Crow".
  9. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Aww shit now you got her started. Prepare for the end DK......
  10. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    You know your situation. I'm not putting it out on here. But you know exactly what I'm talking about, DK. The very thing you claim to be your strength is your downfall, and you simply don't see it yet. And, it's likely you won't, until you stand on your own two feet.

    And no, I'm not implying that at all....since you're over the age of 5, that portion of the Oedipus complex doesn't really apply, does it?
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Nah, darlin', I'm not trying to argue with anyone. I just felt like sharing my observations. Humans are fascinating, if you really take the time to observe. It takes a certain level of awareness, though, and the ability to forget oneself for a while, to really see things.

    And for some reason I'm in a quoting mood, so here's another one I love.

    "People are strange when you're a stranger. Faces look ugly when you're alone. Women seem wicked when you're unwanted. Streets are uneven when you're down." - Jim Morrison
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2011
  12. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Nobody's opinion but my own matters to me, I just wanted a better understanding of his perspective, because for the life of me I couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

    The idea that older WW were "settling" for BM because they can't find WM is not only inaccurate, it's pretty damning to BM, and assumes all older WW are racists at heart, who consider WM superior. Which is pretty damning to WW as well.

    As I think FG said elsewhere, it seems kind of a WM attitude to take - that WW with BM are with them because they "can't do better" and that a BM with an older woman is allowing the fact that she's white trump any other aspect - in other words, it's the only reason he's with her.

    It's not my reality, and it's one I have zero experience with, but it gets bandied about on this forum as though it was inscribed in stone as a sacred truth, and I just don't quite get it. As I said, I'm really not sure what, other than a someone young to look at, the "advantage" is supposed to be for a WW to be with a younger black man over an older black or white man, or over a younger white man for that matter.
  13. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    But I never give up hope - I've had too many experiences in which people were able to rationally discuss to an understanding. Which doesn't mean they are necessarily in agreement, but at least they better understand where one another's coming from.

    Which is sorta why I started the thread - so I could gain a better understanding of where the idea about older WW and younger BM came from
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy found you a man...this is what i found out...the team actually lives at the hotel...it is their dorm...one of the coaches is gorgeous...just how you like em FG...dreads pulled back away from his face...gorgeous smile...very polite...amazing body...many of these bm have white girlfriends...at breakfast this morning i saw quite a few couples...it was very pleasurable viewing at the pool...weight room...business center...bar...lounge area...

    so next time you are in sac...stay at the hilton...my room is only 99 a night...serious eye candy...

    the bar was filled with hotel guests so i don't think it is at all unusual for the players to mingle...chat...hang with the guests...it was not a bunch of 20 year old hoochie mammas trying to meet the players...i'm sure they go out to the clubs for that...

    just for the record...there is a pic of me in the blk/wht picture thread...i am not 60 years old...i am now 47...i will be happy to show you a picture of my hands...thankfully they don't look 60 either...i am very fortunate that i look younger than my age...i rarely drink...don't smoke...exercise regularly and try to eat healthy although it is tough when traveling...

    i can't help it that i am a quick wit and draw people to me...pretty funny too so perhaps it isn't just my age that men like but that i enjoy conversations about many topics...
  15. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    That's not a proper comparison. The reverse of the example that prompted this discussion in two different threads would be a brother, who was afraid to get involved with white women until later in life, who all of a sudden decides he's down to swirl right before he's a senior citizen and is only interested in the hypothetical "23 year old hardbodied" WW that keep getting tossed around this discussion. That's the right comparison, and it would be just as suspect as the WW in reality who do the same. Only that shit would never happen because ain't no good looking 23 yo WW who want anything to do with a BM who's old enough to be their father/uncle/grandfather. Shit, the vast majority want nothing to do with good looking BM their own age. Brothers can't even think about pulling that shit unless they got a Russell Simmons type bank account and want to pay some young white prostitutes for a good time. (Actually, they probably couldn't even do that because most high end escorts refuse black clients, but that's another topic altogether.)

    WW can get away with chasing after younger, more desirable BM when they're older because of WHITE PRIVILEGE. Something ya'll want to sit here and deny has any affect on the whole dynamic.
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    damn fam, go easy on em

    you know old ass BM on average joe status, have no problem pulling younger WW


    my thoughts exactly

    the reverse aint happening unless that mothafucka shits blood diamonds
  18. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Well, that's not always true. My old boyfriend is 12 years older than me and he most definitely is not rich.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Cool story, bro
  20. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Don't "damn" that idiot; you don't want to be in the same camp as petty's retarded chimp/chump ass. Trust.

    You're from L.A. so you should know better than to believe that eligible black men have problems pulling whatever they want. These uncompetitive motherfuckers think they deserve a blonde Baywatch chick because they (falsely) believe any white man can get that. I've had it and can say with no reservations that Malibu is boring as fuck, even on New Year's Eve. Trust.


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