Mob or are they another Tea party (liberal version)
I can understand Cantor's attempt to demonize the protest as a "mob". If this movement continues to gain momentum it will take on a political life as well. I'm sure that he sees this as a threat to everything he and his party are doing to oust Obama in the next election.
This movement is real these people are not opposed to Wall Street because they are different from themselves are have funny sounding names or appear 'un-American'. HTML: October 08, 2011 12:40 PM Judith Miller Admits the 'Tea Party' Has Been Co-opted by Koch Brothers and Others By Heather
Goodlove. Take a look. An awakening will happen with the voters eventually and people will realize that the Republicans are not in favor of the concerns that are aired out in the Occupy Wall Street protest. I hope this protest goes on through the rest of the year and through 2012. Obama will be guaranteed a re-election win and the Democrats will gain House and Senate seats.
All that repeating and mimicking each other is concerning. I guess they are all forced to think alike?
From what I can recall, there's a law that prohibits people from using devices from a certain octave. Which means, blow horns and other things are prohibited for these protesters. Now having said that, these individuals are simply improvising. If someone has a concern and wish to be heard, they say what they need to say, those around him/her would echo or mimic their statement so that everyone from a distance can hear what they are saying. This isn't mind control. It's just an off-beat old fashioned organized crew of people who are concerned about their wallets and finances dwindling while those wealthy people are making money off their labor.
I didnt listen to the vid. Yeah you are right people are see things for what they are. people are tired of being took. the problem is what will they do if they all got jobs. will their anger for justice still burn ? people (me included) should have prepared for situations like this. meaning get out of debt, stay out of debt and have a longterm savings for extended period of a financial drought.
the conservatives and tea party (one in the same) are a bunch of hypocrites. they were belly aching about the same thing a couple of years ago and now they are slamming these people calling them a mob and anti american. if I remember correctly the tea party were spitting on politicians and carrying guns at rallies. HMMMM thats american and righteous ?
There are ads on craigslist right now paying up to 600 dollars a week for people to show up and protest. Real Grass roots movement Were looking more and more like Greece.
No doubt. they are fake. It is just something that the right wing trying to do to marginalize the movement. the conservatives are trying hard . see article