A little question for DK and those who buy his theory

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TreePixie, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exactly lol. I literally can't win with these women unless I'm making cutesy videos lol
  2. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I don't care WHO started it! Just freakin stop it! STOP IT I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This crap is such a waste of energy and time. I am outta here
  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Video only worked because I was in it. If we were hall & Oates, you'd be the one with the mustache
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Then carry that anger to your girl Trix she made the thread. Just saying....:cool:
  5. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, you have to resend it petty to CNiles3806@gmail.com

    My mailbox was probably full of spam, don't think it came through bro.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Then quit posting. Problem solved!!!
  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Careful, it's probably pics of him shirtless with his face hidden:p
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Fair enough, I figured this is often the case for quite a few white women in this equation.

    They try to avoid the social stigmatization that others may perceive of them for getting involved with a black man, in an America that is so socially premised on race.

    I have my own theory in that I feel many whites being part of the dominant culture are more influenced by social pressures and perceptions of what the ideals should be about love and life.

    It is one of the reasons some white men will say to a white woman, if you have been with a black man no white man wants you.

    If she has been with another white man though, he would still want her, why is that.

    Its obviously a personal discomfort and unease within himself and a way therefore he thinks he can ostracize that particular white woman by telling her that.

    It takes a strong willed woman to rise above that and follow her heart when she knows what those around her may think.
  9. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    ROFL Tarsh.
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    She might have made the thread but the subject was already started elsewhere here, again. Just an observation and I will pick on you since you fight this so fervently, why are you so bothered by what others think? You seem to have a need to keep up "appearences". A psychiatrist would have a field day with you. They would point out your insecurities. You are so worried about what others think you can't enjoy and let others enjoy without judging them. You need to let loose some demons. Goosefraba.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol ok JC thanks for your horseshit dime psychology. This came up because a new poster posted she was married to a white dude and now that she's divorced and can finally enjoy her life she can let loose and meet some young bm. We get that A LOT on here and I think me bringing up the fact that I see this a lot with older ww and younger bm is valid and was in context to the thread so what exactly are you talking about?
    I'm not fighting anything just stated an opinion. Like I keep saying over and over again if you don't like what I have to say put me on ignore boo, its really just that simple.

    I'm sorry I'm not like a lot of these dudes who won't go on and on about how special and amazing you females are. If that's the kind of conversation you want/need then I'm not the guy to converse with but there are plenty of guys who love doing that. Quite trying to censor me its ridiculous lol:partyman:
  12. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    As usual, you deny the obvious in favor of your view that everything is stacked against you. The only thing that's obvious and consistent in your posts is that you lack a sense of worth and an inability to navigate through the most basic of life's challenges. No wonder you can't find a woman. What woman wants a weak minded person who blames his condition on everything other than himself.

    There was no implication in my post that anyone should settle for anything other than what they want in their lives. But, it also goes back to the old saying about wishing in one hand, and...well you know which hand will fill up faster. I plainly suggested that it requires more than wishing, it requires bringing more to the table than a weak minded, blaming attitude and bad behavior, which seem to be your stock in trade.

    At the end of the day, it's very simple. So, what if there's a racial hierarchy, so what if you were born black..Then what!! As you continue with a childish like attitude of jealousy, upset about your fate of birth, the world passes you by. My suggestion is that you follow in the footsteps of this guy, and become that "superman" that you so envy, http://thepinoy.net/?p=6758.

    Successful black men understand that the lack of perfection in the world doesn't impede their ability to realize their dreams and desires in any regards. It starts with confidence, faith in yourself and the tenacity to achieve in spite of obstacles in your path. I'm sure the meaning of these words is lost on you as you see them as high flown concepts and not something that I and other confident men have applied in our own lives to get what we want, in love and life, which is my point anyway.

    As long as you are so "wounded" and crippled, you'll never succeed at anything in life. Perhaps, you'll learn in time, but then, guess what, life happens while you are stuck in denial and you'll end up older, no wiser, and still without anything to show for all of your bitterness. Good luck with that...
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Horse shit psychology

  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Do you know you just said everything every white supremacist sympathizer has said about black people as far as equal education or job opportunities.
    "So what if the obstacles are big just get over it. How dare you even speak of inequality let alone discuss it".

    No one is organizing a march here but if you think for a second those well accomplished bm never talked about racial hierarchies and how they're treated differently because of it then you my friend have your head so far stuck up your ass you can say hi to your colon for me.:grin:
  15. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    That's as ridiculous as anything else you've said in this thread. There's NOTHING that I've said that resembles anything of the sort, lol. I could say that your comments resemble every statement ever made by the house slave as well, as they were afraid to escape even though they didn't have chains to hold them. It's attitudes like yours that I shake my head at my friend.

    You can discuss anything you want, but if it serves no positive purpose, then you should become one of those "supermen" too.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2011
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Will the real slim shady please stand up
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Swirl I'm not gonna do the back and forth with you because you feel how you feel and I feel how I feel but what I see a lot of is men trying to make sense of their wants and how to get them. Anytime you see a bm on here talking about/complaining about what to them seems like obvious discrepancies between what they want and what's actually available to them its a form of frustration that needs to be discussed. Much like a man or woman who is working in company and they see peers that are advancing and getting the positions they themselves have worked for and are more qualified for. It makes one stop and think why am I not getting these positions what do they have that I don't have. Then when you break down things by ability and education and see that you have worked harder and are more educated than those getting what you want you can't help but get frustrated by it. You can't always simply just let it roll off your shoulders and move forward and just get over it. That's wildly unrealistic and insensitive.
    Its annoying when you educate yourself and take care of yourself to find out your options aren't what you thought they would be. Even more so thinking you might actually have to leave your country to find what you want(not saying this is the case for me but I do understand and see where a lot of guys are coming from).
    Even the great wwbm e-slayer Jaisee, who has legend to have slayed his fair share of maidens, has said his stock is greater with non American ww. Is that whining and complaining too?
    I hate to burst your bubble and that of many of the women but since I could care less about being popular or hooking up with anyone on here I can say that men of any race don't generally want women 50lbs and more overweight and/or women who are damn near if not already menopausal.

    And I won't make excuses for the guys who are generally too weak with low self esteem to go after and get what they want but I can't/won't deny a racial hierarchy in this country where white is at the top and being part of said group gives you a upper hand. To further elaborate my point is pay attention to where bm are most popular on this board and look at the women who want them. I have yet to see one non fat/"mature" white woman from the US who was into bm(I think Amanda may be the only one) or those who haven't already had families and kids and will now give bm a chance.
    I'm not going to debate anyone's feelings but I can't ignore blatant in my face data.
  18. satyr

    satyr New Member

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  19. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    In my case, I dated a black guy when I lived in Los Angeles ages ago, but was also dating a white guy I fell for. After that, I ended up married, divorced, raising a kid on my own and really didn't meet black guys outside of work.

    Moving to Colorado meant I was living in a more diverse place than I was when I was in greater Boston - more opportunity to meet BM. It was never for me, at least, about not being attracted to BM earlier, or not thinking they were good enough for me - they didn't approach me. Here, it's different. And I like that.
  20. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Your inability to realize that chemistry impacts who we find attractive is also a factor.

    And since you don't know what lippy looks like, I think it's safe to assume that she probably looks younger, and she's probably pretty attractive. Anyone who does makeup for the stars knows how to highlight features and play down the ones they don't like.

    And, um, truthfully? I don't know any 60 year olds that really LOOK 60 (I don't think lippy is 60, either). You guys have your heads shoved so far up your asses that you probably think 60 means humped backs, walkers, and wrinkles to the tops of the toes.

    I don't EVER go for young, hardbodied guys. EVER. I go for older men (anywhere from 1-7 years older) who don't have perfect bodies. If i wanted to sleep with a statue, I'd get one. Everyone has different preferences, and things they like about people. You guys on this forum piss me off because you sit around bashing women, complain about the women you do date, and then sit there bashing other people's choices on women (and men) like you're in high school.

    No wonder you guys don't understand the big deal with bullying in this world- YOU ARE ALL BULLIES.

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