14 yr old Jamey Rodemeyer commits suicide after being bullied because he was gay

Discussion in 'In the News' started by TheHuntress, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I have to disagree DK! It is easy to pick on the gay kid!

    He or she KNOWS who they are! They made a choice to stand up for how they were born! All the power to them. I am here I am queer Get used to it!

    Fuck all the assholes! ( you can tell I have had booze....I am swearing lol)
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Because they're different. They get ostracized the same way your lily white ass would have been a target had you been dating bm in the 50s. Like I said it has a lot more to do with them being considered different than being gay. The shit is normalizing like crazy in this country, Maybe not fast enough but it is normalizing.
  3. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    There is NOTHING normalizing someone because of love.

    The kid just wanted someone to love him for who he was. We ALL want that. White, black, gay, straight, tg"d whatever you are.

    It is just so very wrong.

    I love a black man.......should I need to kill myself for it? No! Because this is 2011 and it is ALLOWED! Catch up people. Same thing.....different parts
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    How drunk are you? You're definitely not reading what I'm writing lol. What should or shouldn't happen isn't in question. Why it happens is far more important in finding the answer to stopping it. We can all agree to the idea of live and let live as long as you don't harm another but that's not what always happens.
  5. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    This is Jamey.


    This kid died because people think it's okay to call something stupid 'gay' in casual conversation. Or to call someone a 'fag'. This kid died because of stupid assholes who scream about right to free speech because they don't have the class or cognitive ability to think about someone other than themselves for five seconds.

    Bullying is a MAJOR problem. The answer is reaching the parents and the kids to get them to understand that words cause pain. And more than gay kids are getting bullied- all sorts of kids are getting bullied.

    Mitchell Wilson
    , 11, suffered from muscular dystrophy. He was attacked in his own neighborhood while he was out walking. A kid smashed his face and teeth into the pavement. He killed himself the morning he was supposed to start a new school year and a day after he was subpoenaed to testify against his attacker in court.

    Phoebe Prince, a 15 year old Irish immigrant, committed suicide after fellow students bullied her for dating a senior boy on the football team. Apparently, the girls were jealous Phoebe was dating him, and they made every effort to make her life hell. Even after her death, harassing messages were left on a Facebook memorial page.
  6. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Oh that broke my heart......
  7. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    hate will allways be around, as ive said before, there is people who will dedicate their lives to make groups of people they dont like misrible, and will hate on them constantly, too many hate groups are on the rise, its scary, alot of young kids think its cool to be the racist or the homophobe, and later dive into attacking gays and people not of their colour

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