Cable installer masturbates in woman's living room

Discussion in 'In the News' started by GQ Brotha, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    The more I think about this thread. the more I think about how the genders think differently. It may be that women are little more easier to scare than men which plays on the minds of security.
  2. dafty pukk

    dafty pukk New Member

    I don't necessarily think it has anything to do with women "scaring" easily.
    When it comes to rape and sexual assault, they have more of a reason to be wary from a statistical standpoint.

    You can kind find a woman braver and tougher than the toughest man you know, but she could still end up with some wacko popping off on her credenza before a man would.

    Her courage level doesn't really factor in when in comes to a sexually dysfunctional or sexually violent male trying to make a horrible move.

    It makes sense to try to limit and avoid the possibility of such situations.

    - Daft
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    We are surrounded by messages telling us that rapists abound (which they do, only it's not usually strangers, over 70% of victims know their rapist), and messages telling us essentially that it's up to how we dress, what we drink, who we let into the house, where we go, etc as to whether or not we get raped. So yes, women are more security conscious as a whole, I think,than men are.
  4. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    When one in four, or one in six, depending on the study, women are victims of rape by men in their lifetime, it makes sense for us to be aware of that fact. I'm not remotely suggesting a majority of men are rapists, I'm just stating the fact that *most* rapes are by men. That's a fact whether the victims are male or female.

    I'm not "promoting" one gender over another in choosing a woman-owned business, I'm choosing to patronize a particular business. If you pick the first locksmith in the Yellow Pages, you're choosing to patronize businesses starting with the letter A, but that doesn't mean you are discriminating against businesses starting with U.

    If I feel more comfortable allowing a strange woman into my house instead of a strange man, that's my choice. If I let some strange guy in and he attacked me, some asshole would be claiming I should have known better than to let a stranger in while I was here alone.
  5. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Well stated
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    It is unfortunate, but women do have to take extra care.
    For one, being a single woman needing maintenance/contracting in my house, I always think about this. You cant be too careful - you read about such situations leading to unfortunate situations from time to time.
    Its not about discriminating men or being easier to scare. Its mere reality. You have to take precautions and limit the possibilities of things going wrong.

    If I can have a female contractor/service person, then, great. Unfortunately, its uncommon so you have to play it safe.

    I have had a male friend over at times if I deem necessary for certain calls. I cant count how many times that borderline inappropriate or straight inapropriate comments have been made by contractor/service men in my home and some of them has made me VERY uncomfortable. Sometimes I make up a bf that is 'on his way' etc.

    Its the same thing w parking at malls, especially at night - as a woman, you have to be aware and not stop thinking about your surroundings etc.
    Many other situations come to mind.
    Or not allowing a date that I don't know real well to pick me up in his car. I drive myself.

    I have not been raped (knock on wood) but I have had several close calls that has made me very aware of making sure I am as safe as possible, with limitations of course - you cant live like a prisoner.

    Its not discriminating against men, its about making as safe decisions as possible. Its the world we live in and even though the chances are not high that something bad may happen, I still want to make those chances as small as I possibly can.
    And if we didn't, we would be blamed for putting ourselves the situation.. cant win.
  7. 11eleven11

    11eleven11 New Member

    Good for you, FG! I rely on my dog being a deterrent too much in most situations.
    Women have to be more alert though. Whether we have equal rights or not, take self defence classes or not, get paid the same or not, we are the weaker sex as far as sheer physical strength goes. Rape in particular is something that even if you take every precaution possible to stay safe, it's not something you can 100% prevent. If a woman flashes her tits at a guy, it's not scary, a healthy adult male is perfectly capable(however unlikely) of fighting off the average female. An unwanted dick flash, even if that's as far as it goes, reminds you that you're vulnerable and it can be pretty scary.

    It's perfectly possible that the guy in the article was just a horny little sod after a danger wank and with no intention of ever doing anything further. People do it all the time for the thrill of knowing they could get caught(xhamster has plenty of examples if you like that kind of thing >.> ), but in that situation there's no way of proving intent, there's no distinction between 'safe' pervert and pervert who is an immediate threat.

    People say women control sex, but only in the same way humans control horses, the second that horse decides he's had enough and not listening to you, you're screwed! He's bigger & stronger than you and he can do whatever he wants.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    comcast ? I thought it was cumcast
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    This is what I mean but over what daft said.
  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    so one should make preconceived notions based on facts that are not related to a person's behavior. I got you!

    aww, I see so when a man pays a man more than a woman. He isn't promoting or leaning. He is patronizing by gender. I see I see

    It is funny how you used genders in this last quote. You leave out gender in stranger but the rest is very gender specific. just pointing that out. strange woman strange man and than stranger(no gender).

    I agree just like I agree when a man wants to pay a man more than a woman.
    It is your money do as you please.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    well...guess we know what comes with the NFL Sunday Ticket now..
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It is more of the case of making preconceived notions based on this. This more or less makes the comment that many woman shouldn't be in any security job(including the presidency) if they think like this. A guy would handle himself different in a security issue such as this over a woman. I thought the genders are a bit the same but there may actually be differences and a woman might overreact in comparison to a man
    I guess it is a different train of thought for genders. However when it comes to a horse. I can't out run one, can you? best to get the fuck on and ride.
    It reminds me of a south park episode with old people driving and running people over.

    kyle:Well, look at it this way: statistically speaking, we're safer inside a car with an old person driving than outside.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2011
  13. dafty pukk

    dafty pukk New Member

  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    If this happened to me, I would have kicked him in the dick.
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Quit lying. Who do think you're fooling? Your ass would do a Lorena Bobbitt on someone with all that Tech N9ne and ICP and horrorcore that you listen to.
  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I just listened to ICP when I was a teenager. Lorena Bobbitting would have required getting closer to the shrivelly pink pecker. No thanks.
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Umm Hmmm. You said you'd kick him in the dick. While he's on the floor hurting you go into the kitchen and get a pair of kitchen tongs, gloves & a knife and handle your buisness right. Learn from the master, grasshopper.
  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    LoL! Now, I will know just what to do if I ever find myself in this situation. Thank you RaRa :D
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And with the tongs you don't even need to touch or undress him in anyway. Just clamp his shit thu the pants and just slice. Pants, drawers, balls and all.
  20. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    The article said he exposed himself. So it'd already be out there.

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