Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by z, Nov 14, 2010.

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  1. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    amen sister, crazy family is more than enough drama - often too much, in fact...
  2. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I disagree with the 30s age range. I'm in my 30s, so it's just a tad insulting to me. Most of the people I've seen, who are in their 30s, are in their prime. They look great (yes, there are exceptions) and haven't gotten to the point where they want to let themselves go....yet.
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I was in probably the best shape of my life in my late thirties, Sin, I hear you.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You're a woman looking at other women in a different way than I am. I am a heterosexual man and more so than not women IMO look their physical best when they are in their late teens to mid twenties. Are they their most sexy? No they usually aren't that comes with age. We as humans reach our physical peak between our mid to late 20s its not an insult just biology.
    Not saying there aren't hot women in their 30s 40s and 50s just saying there seems to be more in their 20s. Also keep in mind women in their 30s and beyond have usually already had kids or are raising kids and that takes a lot out of a person. You rarely sleep well or have the time to exercise like you once did.
    But that's not all desire boils down to in my opinion.
    Just like I'm sure many of you appreciate a man who is 6'2 or taller with chiseled abs but its not all attraction boils down to for you.
  5. Espy

    Espy New Member

    This assumes that people 'keep themselves up' to please or look more attractive to other people. I understand that is the case for some people, however personally, nothing I do to 'keep myself up' is for anyone but me so I won't be slacking off anytime soon. I too have heard people comment that they don't have to try anymore once they're in a relationship, they feel they can relax once they've got someone. I don't understand that logic, as a lot of people seem to place importance on physical attraction, so chances are if you stop paying attention to that and it changes substantially, then you're going to be single again.

    While I do think if you love someone it means you accept them as they are, I think if you're in a relationship with someone and they change substantially, such as gain a lot of weight or stop paying attention to their appearance, and they know that bothers you, then it's kind of bait and switch. If something about me really bothered someone I was with, I would expect them to tell me, and I wouldn't be pissed when they did.

    As for the asshole's comment to my daughter, he followed it up with 'you're lucky you aren't one of the dumb blondes, so you have something to fall back on'. I think he's just an all around idiot spouting stereotypes.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a very lonely lonely loser. Sad
  7. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I just think he's an ill-mannered ass. Some people just never learn how to interact with other people. Typically people who stick their foot in their mouth just amuse me, but of course when directed at someone I care about that's not the case. I think people should be really careful though, because although my daughter shrugged it off, that's a comment that could have really upset someone who has self-esteem issues. I would also think that someone that age would know better than to push crap like pretty women aren't smart, and blonde women are dumb. I think some people just aren't raised well.

  8. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    As usual, lol, I have to disagree with you on a lot of these kinds of issues.

    I'm a heterosexual male and my observation is that women in their late teens often aren't fully developed, just as most men aren't fully developed in their late teens. If I consider athletes, it seems that most people, men and women, are at their prime in their mid to late 20's. But, that's totally different that attractiveness.

    Attractiveness is a different matter all together. IMO, the average person hasn't lost any attractiveness by the time they in their mid 30's, for many not much change until their mid 40's.

    I also agree with Epsy, the things that I do to maintain myself, I do for myself, and no one else. And, btw, my body today is better than it was 10 years ago, and I've continued to improve my physique throughout my life.

    I don't know what the future holds, but if my father's genetics hold try for me, I'll be mistaken for someone in my 60's, when I'm 80 and I'll have a 34" waist at that age too. Of course, he never worked out to stay fit nor ate healthy either. So, perhaps, I might even be better...
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well that may be your general preference and/or opinion but just being around other men and seeing the women who usually get a lot of attention its normally women in the age range I described previously. Like I said before there are certainly exceptions but if you'd like I can go into specifics fair warning though.

    Also I might add men more often than not don't stay in shape or get in shape to attract women at least its not the primary concern. We often do it to feel strong. Instinctively we know our physical strength might be called on.
  10. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    But, both our observations about this subject are just that, opinions, one no more or less valid than the other. I'm also around many people, and most of them are people who live healthy life styles, runners, bikers, vegetarians, fitness enthusiasts.

    I'm shocked by your comments regarding working out. It seems that you often suggest that men have to stay in shape in order to "compete" in the marketplace for women? Have you changed your stance on that as of today?

    I can also tell you that "the need for strength", lol, NEVER entered my mind as a consideration for working out. Why would it? I've never had a preoccupation with preparing myself for some imagined confrontation in the real world. I starting workout to become more healthy and increase my flexibility and strength. I wanted to better enjoy the sports in which I participated and I found I could eat whatever I wanted to with no fear of gaining weight...
  11. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Good catch swirl......he contradicted himself. Gets popcorn to wait for DK to splain this one. :p

    Editing to add I work out for me. I feel better and am happier when I am in a certain shape.
  12. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I agree Swirl, and I've found that my definition of attractiveness changes as I age (so beautifully I might add :) ). Now I see a late teen boy or early 20's even late 20's and I am more likely to find a man in his late 30's and up more attractive than them. Not always of course, but in general I am more attracted to men in their late 30's and UP. Which is funny because my partner is younger than me lol :rolleyes:
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You must of missed when I said that working out for the attention of women wasn't the only reason we work out. I still maintain whether consciously or unconsciously its a part of the reason. I also suspect age difference might play a role her too.
    I would never try to tell you why you work out but I do believe that its instinctively part of why many men do it.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You apparently don't know how to read either. Get your reading glasses old woman lol:cool:
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Men are measured differently than women are when it comes to attraction. Take wrinkles for example. Crows feet and life lines on a man can say wisdom and experience but the same is rarely if ever said about women. I'll use the disclaimer again. I know there are exceptions to the rule but generally there is a rule.
  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    it's the sauce she's on
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn I could use a drink too
  18. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    come on's elevenses....

    i still have plenty of wine, champers & food from yesterdays get together....

    and it's a warm spring morning, with nothing but blue sky & shunshine
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn you people truly live in OZ I swear. Do you ever have bad weather?
  20. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    not while i can bend over and touch my toes
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