Would you have guessed that SHE used to be a HE?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by MYXER, May 21, 2011.

  1. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    There's a movement in the Intersex world towards leaving the genitalia as they are when born, and letting the person decide for themselves later.

    It used to be quite common to interfere surgically - and the person would be raised as the gender the parents chose, but sometimes when grown they found themselves very unhappy because inside they felt like the other gender, and wound up transitioning in adulthood.
  2. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    There is a similar disorder among women, I can't remember the name of it, but I saw a documentary about it a year or so ago.
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    There is also the issue that in some of these women, they might have no knowledge of their chromosomal history.
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    one more thing and then i am going to take my own opinion and bow out

    why if this is so normal would someone make youtube videos...sensationalize the process...go to conventions in las vegas? these people are glamorizing their transformations...it does border drag queen mentality

    why all the makeup
    why all the tacky clothes

    it is almost as if they are trying toooooooooooooo hard to be something they are not
  5. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Drag queens are not transgendered. The transgender women I know dress in jeans and t shirts like everyone else. They wear no more makeup than ordinary born women. You're stereotyping based on drag queens, which are a very different thing. Some of the transgender women I know are writers, some are doctors, some are students....none of them have the appearance you speak of. And none of them go to conventions in Las Vegas - those are for drag queens.
  6. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely, as evidenced by the video that I posted about the soldier, yes?

    As to Lippy's last remark, I think that predominantly your assessment is correct. In all the documentaries that I've seen, these women attempt to blend into society rather than stand out. They only want to live their lives as the gender that they have felt they belonged in all their lives, They have the sensibilities of that sex. They just yearn for the bodies to match up as well.

    Having said that, there're those who pursue certain ways of expression that are not regarded as typical, even among those within their community. So, I'm sure that there're probably a minority of transgendered who attend these event. It's no different that some straight people who like to dress up as animated characters, dress as animals and have sex, become adult babies, engage in swinging, etc. That's my take on it anyway...
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    perfect example

    fyi, the shaved off and drawn on eyebrows...dead giveaway
  8. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Women don't do that?

    I see it all the time.

    In the video the person says they're growing back their eyebrows. Check that off the list of giveaways.
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    My mom draw her eyebrows. Does that make her a tranny? :p

  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    To me the eyebrows don't indicate much. A lot of women ruin their eyebrows by shaving them off & drawing them in.
  11. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    When I was in nursing school I had a classmate who had electrolysis performed on her eyebrows then tattooed a new set on. Looked pretty decent too.

    Anyway as for this topic, ya I'd be fooled. I wouldn't be surprised if I've encountered few transsexuals and just didn't realize it. It's just not something I look out for, let alone happen to notice.
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    The only reason we don't understand is because we live in a dichotomous society that likes to put things in boxes.

    Black, white.

    Homosexual, straight.

    Male, female.

    Democrat, republican.

    Reality is rarely, if ever, truly dichotomous. One of the first things one learns through study of human sexuality is that there are 5 genders, not 2 as we were brought up to believe. Male, female, intersex, male-to-female transgender, and female-to-male transgender.

    Gender, and sex, are not mutually exclusive. Gender is what you are...sex is what you were born with, thus the term "intersex" denoting that a child was born with a mixture of both genitals/reproductive organs.

    If we weren't told, as children, that you're either a boy, or a girl, and that's it, then as adults we wouldn't have such trouble grasping such concepts. If we were unaware that families are supposed to consist of a mother and a father, and not two fathers, or two mothers, or one mother, or one father...

    We're supposed to have nuclear families, and heterosexual, monoracial, monogamous relationships. To deviate from these majorities is perceived as negative quite often.

    But the negativity is all in our fucking heads. We've already made headway realizing that families don't have to be one color, or have both parents in the same household. We're slowly coming to terms with families with homosexual parents, and maybe one day gay people can get married in every state.

    We're still light years away from understanding sexuality, and being comfortable with things that are different from what we believe when it comes to sex and gender.

    My hope for humanity is that one day we will stop listening to everything people tell us and figure it out for ourselves. Hell, it wasn't so long ago that women were considered crazy for having, and wanting, orgasms. It's not a coincidence the words hysteria and hysterectomy have the same root...insanity comes from the uterus, of course. "Nymphomania" was coined to describe women who enjoyed having sex with their husbands. It used to be a bad thing.

    People are people, and I don't care what sex someone was born with. If they're cool, and attraction is mutual, then that's all that it really comes down to when I consider a relationship with someone. Not what they've got between their legs...I'm more concerned with what they have behind their eyes.
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i find it interesting that some of you would like a credit check but are not concerned about transparency when it comes to gender...

    since some of you like to take things and run with them...i said shaved off eyebrows are a dead giveaway on a transgender...not on every person on the fucking street or anyones mother...damn...some of you are really stretching to protect someone

    as a makeup artist i have done drag queens and more than likely quite a few trannys...their money spends the same way as anyone elses...would i date one of them...hell to the fucking no

    but if LA and BBW want to date trannys then more power to you fellas...just remember those white girls used to be white boys:smt042
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    would that explain the blue waffles and poop fetish you have:smt043
  15. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    eww lool
  16. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Lippy, I don't know any transgender women who shave off their eyebrows. They pluck like anyone else. The hormones thin the hair anyway.

    And if you use the term gender, then a transgender woman is being transparent - from a gender perspective she IS a woman. Her original sex was male.
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    then the question i will ask in the future is what was your original sex at birth:smt042for every problem there is a solution...problem solved...
  18. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I don't know why you're so upset, I said nothing to or about you in my post. I shared actual factual information I learned through a Human Sexuality course in college plus my own research, and my opinions on why, as a society, we have problems understanding such things that deviate from our social norm.

    I only skimmed this thread, since it's crazy huge, and I didn't read anything you wrote, so I should assure you it wasn't directed toward you, since I get the feeling you think it was.

    Though I would ask that you stop making assumptions about people. You have no idea how I would react to anything, and it's terribly rude for you to try and pretend as if you do.

    There ARE five sexes. A lot of people DON'T understand even the tip of the iceburg when it comes to sexuality. I went to school with grown ass people who knew nothing of the human body. Even amongst artists, who often face scorn from the majority in many social settings, there was less understanding that I cared for. Sure, they didn't seem to care about people being gay, but the moment gender reassignment is mentioned suddenly the art kids remember they're from Texas and the walls start coming down.

    Jeeze, even when I -try- not to be a bitch people get up in arms and start being rude.

    Oh, and PS, can you explain to me how the fuck the ability to impregnate me is important when I've clearly stated, many times, that I'm just as interested in women as I am in men? OBVIOUSLY that point is not actually important to me. Do you not know we have sperm banks? Adoption? I love kids, and I'd love to have some one day, and I don't give two shits how that comes about...There are too many ways to make a baby, we don't all need functioning penises to do it anymore.

    You need sperm, and an egg, to create a baby. You need money to adopt. Neither of those options requires me to have sex with a man unless I want to.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  19. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I'd have repped you on both posts, except I have to spread the love first. Well stated, and backed by some solid knowledge. THANK you for being clear and articulate on the topic.

    Sometimes it's like shoveling shit against the tide, I swear.
  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    When did I say I wanted to date a Tranny?


    Show me. I never even alluded to that.

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