He's an idiot. The vast majority of conservative republicans are NOT racist. Some of you guys and your race baiting...I swear. smdh
Interesting how the most conservative amongst them are more often than not the most racist. Interesting coincidence huh.
What racist are hijacking the party?? Gotta a link to this? Look, I'm no conservative republican but this whole playin the race card BS has gotten out of control from the Left. And Lil Wayne is damn near illiterate. Fuck what he thinks.
Is there actual facts backing this up though?? I do think there are racist within the Republican party but its very small. I think a lot of it is paranoia from the Left. I've met lots of conservative republicans when I was living in the midwest and they couldnt have been nicer to me.
Dude I won't argue the covert racism that exists amongst so called liberals but this day no conservative has been able to tell me what they are actually trying to conserve with words. With their voting practices they show me they want to go back to an America where being white was the only thing you needed to be prosperous in this country not to mention the way they talk about the president. I never saw this kind of open dislike and disgust for Clinton so its definitely not just a difference in political ideology.
The history of the modern Republican Party (post 195 is definitely racist. Once the Civil Rights Act was signed by LBJ, all the Dixiecrats jumped ship down South and joined.....the REPUBLICAN PARTY. White SOutherners used to be predominantly Democrat, Lincoln was a Republican. But when SOutherners felt the Feds were forcing integration on them in the 1960s, they became the new GOP. Not saying all Republicans are bigots, but there is a soft spot in the GOP for people who have racist mindsets.
Most Americans are racist, period. The notion that America is a color blind society with rain bows in the sky coz we've got a half kenyan prez in the white house is plain silly. These days when I meet a White American I assume he/she is racist until they prove me otherwise, lol. I am not saying there are no nice, down to earth, helpful, non-racist white folks, there are. In fact I've met some very nice white ppl that gave me a hand along the way and vice versa. But the percentage of these kind folks is very small in good ol' USA. I really don't care whether you're a liberal, conservative, independent, raised in Cali, NY, midwest or da south, I am going to look at you as suspect until you prove me wrong. As far as I am concerned the south begins at the Canadian border.
At the same time, is there any facts that show the vast majority of conservative republicans are not racist? While I definitely believe that there are definitely conservatives that aren't racist, (one of my best friend and roommate is conservative) But definitely the majority of people I meet with the least amount of racial sensitivity, bigotry, and racism, were conservatives. With that said, no one should be painted with a brush before they are given to chance. We wouldn't want someone to immediately think that because we are black, we're gangsters or something, so we shouldn't immediately label a conservative a racist either.
I cracks me up when rapper who talk about killing, fucking bitches, and sell dope try to wax socially conscience. Sit the fuck down dude, you are part of the problem.
Republicans are bigots since the Rockefeller branch is mostly exinct. It is the party of David Duke and Jessie Helms. Oh yeah they bring the Voter I.D law in the states where they are in control. They can bring the racist past of the Democrats all they want but the GOP has all the bigots. Besides,I doubt the GOP would bring back a liberal Republican as congressman or senator.
Good poll on current Republican beliefs.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/02/large-portion-of-gop-thin_n_445951.html