You also didnt volunteer the information. You answered when asked. Transmen don't have strap-ons. There's a lot more difficulty creating a reasonable penis than a reasonable vagina, so many transmen have breasts removed and undergo hormone treatment but don't have bottom surgery.
How does Paniro know about E. Lynn Harris?? That's not a name that's going to randomly pop on a search of 'DL'. Only people who read E. Lynn Harris from my experience are women and gay Black men. I've had Black GFs who LOVED E. Lynn Harris, but how does a he-man like paniro get so far afield?? The mystery deepens....!:mrgreen: BTW, gender ID and sex organs aren't the same. Someone who goes through SRS, months of psych counseling and hormone therapy isn't 'gay'. In their mind they really are the wrong gender.
It appears that the issue people are having has more to do with homophobia than anything. A transgender individual is not always someone in transition, but someone who has transitioned into another gender. I'm perplexed with peoples issues with being with someone who has transitioned...having to disclose that is stupid, to me, because it prevents someone who is TS from fully being able to embrace the gender they have embraced and tried to build a life on.
I agree with your post, however in practical terms and for the health and well-being for a transgendered woman, whether it's a one night fling or dating, because some dudes become violently upset upon discovering their GF wasn't born a woman it's best IMO before things get too heavy to give someone the chance to know upfront. Of course not all girls do this.
Indeed, their bodies do not match their gender identities - that's why they transition. It's got nothing to do with homosexuality at all - in fact many who are born with male bodies and transition to women actually are attracted *to* women, and end up as lesbians in their new bodies. Gender identity and sexual orientation are also not the same thing.
Volunteer what, exactly? I wasn't bald underneath. I wasn't wearing a wig or weave and pretended it was my real hair. Many occasions, I volunteered being brunnette without being asked. I don't know any bottle-blonde yet who bullshits that she is naturally blonde when she isn't. What colored hair world do you live in??
Curious, but where did Paniro mention E.lyn Harris, whoever that is? J King wrote that book and unless you lived under a rock, he coined or popularized the term "on the DL", no? His media blitz for that book were inescapable, from Oprah to every Black channel and national Media outlet that was out there. Im sure there are many straight men who know about him or his book, too.
Why? If she's a female, body and soul, WTF does it matter if she was born with a dick that she no longer has? Plenty of women in this world can't have children for various reasons- does that not make them female because their reproductive organs don't work? What about a hermaphrodite? Just because you're OK with gay marriage, doesn't mean you're not homophobic. That's like my favorite saying "I'm not racist..I have black friends!" Personally, I think once you've transitioned, it's no ones business what you WERE, what matters is what you ARE. I don't think anyone should have to disclose that kind of thing under any circumstances. No woman walks around broadcasting that they had plastic surgery, or a vaginal tightening to every person she meets- why should a transgender person do the same thing? It doesn't allow them to live their lives freely.
I did to my hairdresser. And the lady at CVS's touch-up aisle. Otherwise, why would I. The color of my hair has NOTHING to do with what sex I am. Unless someone wanted to fuck my hair.
As long as you have the sex organs that someone is looking to fuck, what does it matter how they got there? I'm just trying to understand this line of thinking that you can't transform from one to the other, even when you've...transformed.
That's just it - you don't have the sex organ, nor will you. You will have a surgeon's interpretation of it, a facsimile therof, a replica of what looks like a sex organ. But we aren't just our sex organs. We are emotional creatures also, with variances in those emotions...prior to our menstrustion is a classic example. Crying more easily is another. Being our inate sex encompasses so many things other than just being able to mimic another gender's look and speech patterns. Interestingly, in Chaz's case (even though he she hasn't fully transitioned) her lover said she wanted to leave the relationship because Chaz became hormonally aggressive after taking shots. If Chaz truly felt like a man, why would the shots actually make him more aggressive? He is medically inducing male characterisic behavior to become what he says he was already to begin with. Im not unsympathetic to their choice..however I am not convinced as you and Trixie are that "they are women, end of story".
But it's covering up what you REALLY are. Transgender women are women. Post-op everything about them is female except their chromosomes. I don't know about you, but I'm a bit more than my XX.
I don't cry more easily than most men, in fact I'm less likely to do so. Transgender women take hormones. As far as Chaz Bono is concerned, he didn't feel "aggressive" without the extra testosterone, but his mind was male - he felt like a man. I freely admit I don't know any transmen personally - it's less common, it appears, than are transgender women. I know some, so I understand their before/after and transition better. I suspect that in years past *some* "tomboys" and *some* boys who were considered "weak" or "wimpy" were transgendered. This is really nothing new, the Native Americans considered there were three genders, male, female, and another called "bedarche" who were men that chose to live as women. They were also sometimes known as "Two-Spirit" people because it was thought they encompassed both genders. Berdache were treated with the highest respect and honor. There are also Asian countries who recognized the same third gender concept, such as Hijra in the Indian subcontinent (they have legal designation as a third gender). In cultures which have not undergone heteronormativity, those who chose to take on the feminine role were considered acceptable partners for men, so long as the men maintained the "active" role in sexual relations. There is a long history of this, and a lot of information on the web. Believe it or not the Third Gender article on Wikipedia is a good starting point for historical and other cultural information
No it isn't - it's STILL MY REAL HAIR! lol. Transgenders are not FEMALE. I don't know about you, but I'm more than make-up, heels, forcing a higher pitched voice and having a doctor shape a sex organ to look like mine. Still won't be my sex, nor have the inate essense of my womanhood. Keep trying though.
OK, so first it's about sex organs, and then it isn't. If you have woman parts, act like a woman, feel like a woman, etc. Then I see no reason to go out in the world being a woman, and having to make no excuses, explanations, or inferences to the contrary. I don't think it's really a 'choice', either. That's like saying that being gay is a choice- and it's not. Sometimes, nature gets it wrong. Simple as that.
You are so far out past the realm of ridiculous on the subject that all I can do is laugh at you from here on out. Someone can LOOK at the Honda and know it's a freakin' Honda because of the engine, body style, interior, etc. You can't LOOK at say, Janet, the original topic of this thread, and say shes anything but female...and if she's post-op (as she is), then you certainly can't say she's anything but female. So, she's under no obligation to tell you anything about anything other than 'fuck me like you mean it'. What bothers you is the fact that she happened to have been born male.. and THAT, my friend, is the homophobia coming out loud and clear.
Sorry, but I read who wrote the foreward and wrongly assumed he was the author. I'll take that one back, paniro!!:smt023