Ladies and Gentlemen what is your type?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by hntr18, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You really need to get rid of that chip my friend

  2. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

  3. Aspe4

    Aspe4 New Member

    Not necessarily. How old are you? I'm attracted to older women as well. :)
  4. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Just funning, DK. That's what the wink was for. :p

    I'll be 53 in September, Aspe
  5. Aspe4

    Aspe4 New Member

    That's not too bad. I can think of some women about your who I was attracted to.
  6. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Physically: Tall, bald, stocky or beefy build, sparkling brown eyes, full lips, minimal facial hair - just a mustache and a patch or goatee. A man who dresses fashionably (but not necessarily expensively) and age-appropriate and is well-groomed. Nothing like a man who is clean and smells good! Glasses are ok, but I want to be able to see his eyes. I love a man who is all man, but has a boyish look about him. Prefer "cute" over handsome or distinguished.

    Emotionally: Warm, compassionate, generous with his time and resources, friendly, confident but not arrogant, comfortable with who he is. A man who seeks to understand me and who is not afraid to set his ego aside at times to meet my desires. Someone who is affectionate and passionate but can restrain that passion for the right time. And I adore a man who is witty and funny without being immature. A great sense of humor is a must!

    Intellectual: I like a man who is educated and bright and who will stretch me. I like to talk and have stimulating conversation, so a man who can talk to me and make me think is very attractive.

    Spiritual: A strong, godly man. Must be a believer and live his life based on the word of God. I want a man who is not afraid to pray, who loves God and is not ashamed of that. A man who seeks to live the life God intended him to live and who will seek to help me live the life God intended me to live. Fidelity and loyalty are also a must.

    Other: Love a guy who is into sports, socializing, active in the community and church, has a variety of interests and invites me to join him in some of them. Someone who is open to what I bring to the table as well. (Oh yeah, and if he has teenagers at home, I want to meet him! Would like the chance to be a hands-on mom again!)

    Did I miss anything? :confused:
  7. qnet

    qnet New Member

    I like them petite but, honesty have been attracted to all types. GQ you nailed it IMO with the two above (as far as WW). Zoe Deschanel really seems unique and has big beautiful eyes. They both seem so worldly and intelligent.
  8. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy is headed to the store to purchase red haircolour;)
  9. qnet

    qnet New Member

  10. marcolorenzo

    marcolorenzo New Member

    - Over 33
    - Genuinely smart not necessarily measured by her degrees…natural and open conversation…has a definite point of view about her world…I tend to like feminists (within reason).
    - Open to diversity and new experiences….culture, music, literature, art
    - Creative types are very appealing – artists, designers, etc.
    - Honest, down to earth…humble
    - Dark hair and olive skin…a kind of Mediterranean or Middle Eastern look.
    - Thick and/or curvy, maybe a bit thicker that a little bit…it’s case by case thing, but I know it when I see it!

    (We all have varying tastes, but she is very natural and appealing "to me")
    natalie by unnovodia, on Flickr
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2011
  11. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    There are a few feminists around here. See, gentlemen? Not all men get huffy in the presence of equality!
  12. marcolorenzo

    marcolorenzo New Member

    lol - not at all...just leave me the big piece of chicken
  13. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    My boyfriend. Perfect......6'2" 220 lbs bald (by choice) funny as hell, smart, motivated, soft and gentle, reads books , loves good music, good food, good wine, good movies, a protector and a good listener. And he gets me 100%

    And he can rock my socks in the sack! WHat more can a gorl ask for?
  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Take your no-class troll ass someplace else.

    You might describe yourself as the "HNIC", but you ain't shit. With all the stereotypical shit you're talkin' I have my doubts that you're even black, but the one thing you leave no doubt about is that you're a damn fool.

    The women around here prefer MEN, so there's no way in hell we'd want you...SEE HOW SIMPLE THAT IS?

  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Ooh, I guess you sure told me, huh? LMAO!!!

    Whatever, Jethro...whether you're really black or not doesn't stop you from sounding like the many trolls who try to pretend to be black, & evidently it doesn't stop you from sounding like an ignorant ass fool either.

    No woman here expects to be worshiped, but a REAL MAN knows how to respect women & obviously have no respect for either. Skanks might not have a problem with your lack of class & respect, but skanks don't typically hang out here. Real women aren't impressed with that bullshit.

    You haven't made any positive contribution since you've been here. Why are you really here?
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    You know the answer to that. :)
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, I know I do. ;) I just wish the mods were faster with the ban hammer with these idiots. I get tired of their troll stank funking up the place.
  18. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I agree. Smells like muskrat.
  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Amen. :smt005
  20. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    in our defense tammy, i for one, do not go from thread to thread & only just saw the person you were referring to. He is now banned. We also need to make sure that before we ban peeps that they are really going out of the rules and regulations and not just walking that fence. as a mod, you have people upset because you don't ban fast enough and you get people upset because you ban too fast. guess you can't please everyone in the end. :D

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