We are... but I will say one thing -- we do not agree on Whole Foods being much more expensive. Pathmark and ACME often are same priced as them. Whole foods don't sell huge amounts of meat/Chicken, so it's often priced on sale because of it and I get ridiculous bargains...Also, cooked whole rotisserie organic chickens are $5-6.99..same as Acme for caged ones, WF's almond milk is 2.79..its 3.29 in Pathmark...organic half and half milk is $1.99 32oz, same as in Pathmark...trust I am very budget conscious along with health. I love Whole Foods!
animal abusers I'd like to spend a week out in the desert with these bitches. They should be covered with ants, bees, and honey! Christine Clement: cvclement36@yahoo.com Jessica Detty: myspace.com/404241018/friends THE FACES OF EVIL!
This footage was difficult to watch - I watched Kunoichi's and the one of the baby calves... both horrific. Sin's comment caught my eye, and Kunoichi's footage really struck home with me because of the focus on dogs... Sin's story about the callous and inhumane treatment of a helpless kitten just emphasizes what I have always known - that people seem to HATE cats (hence the abuse where the woman was yanking the cat away from the cage and trying to tear his/her claws out). They HATE cats' innate independence and royalty. I couldn't BEAR to see the shame and degradation that the poor cats went through when going through the flea treatment experiments - how dethroned they were, how humiliated - it was unbearable to watch -they didn't even call out for help. The thrill that beastly woman got out of trying to take that cat's dignity away from him/her was sickening and God will judge her harshly for it. If not for those cages, those cats would be sitting in the windows, in the sun, grooming themselves, happily content in their own self-awareness, and that is something that cat-haters cannot stand. They can't stand that cats don't NEED them - the only time cats need people is when they are kept (or imprisoned) creatures. That's why the SPCA shows dogs more than cats in its advertisements - for sympathy - because more people love dogs - who provide an ego boost. Dogs ADORE their "owners" and worship them as the leader of the pack. A cat will never give you that satisfaction. You are blessed if a cat gives you the honor if its company. People that wouldn't kick or kill a puppy will drown a bag of kittens in a heartbeat. Coworkers love to hear about cute dog stories, but try to tell them a cat story and everyone walks away. They used to have cat-slinging contests. And of course we all know the folk-lore analogies (timeworn) which compare females with cats and vice-versa. I am sitting here with my 17-year-old tortoise-shell female cat that I rescued from a family that didn't want her anymore. She is cross-eyed and de-clawed in the front. I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world and would literally kill anyone who tried to hurt her. I would end up in jail for life and not regret it for an instant. When she dies, I hope that I can find one of those poor abused cats and provide one of them with a peaceful life for many years to come.... Because unlike many other people, I don't need an animal to worship me - I cherish the independence of a cat, and protect all cats whenever I come across them in life. ****Also (regarding the calf abuse footage): The second I was able to afford it, I went back to buying organic dairy products again. I rarely buy meat as a source of protein, instead relying on eggs, hummus, tahini, and nuts. When I lived on a farm, cows/cattle were simply shot in the head, not beaten. That was utterly Satanic and they will be punished, if not in life, then in the Afterlife. We are all accountable for our deeds toward the "least of these"...
August 12, 2011 U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics The Humane Society of the United States The following statistics were compiled from the American Pet Products Association 2011-2012 National Pet Owners Survey. Dogs * There are approximately 78.2 million owned dogs in the United States Cats * There are approximately 86.4 million owned cats in the United States --------------------------- FYI, I worked in an office where cats ruled with my co-workers. Dogs could not compete with that bunch, trust me. The rest of your post...I can't...its so bipolar....u reel the animal lover in with your beautiful, heartwarming and regal cat descript...to only then assault dog lovers... Must you ALWAYS downgrade the alternative to make your points in life?
I don't hate dogs, Kunoichi - I just think that dogs get way more play in animal abuse/ animal rights footage/ pleas because they appeal more to the "help me" aspect, the "I will adore you", "I will worship you", the ego boost that people want. Also, cats are more prolific - more likely to be wild and more likely to be mistreated/ gone unspayed/unneuteured. There is more status in owning dogs as well. There is more stigma in owning a cat - aka "crazy cat lady" - whereas it's seen to be more "normal", more social, and more "American" to own a dog. People just have a more visceral hatred of cats, I've found, which has led to the horrible outright abuse and dismissal of cats in society (and the downplay of cats in some animal rights commercials, from what I've noticed). If I had the space and the time, I'd own an Irish Wolfhound.
Look again at the statistics I posted- it is in fact more 'American" to own a cat, since more Americans do. I see equal footage of abused cats and especially trembling KITTENS, as I do dogs in the commercials. I do know know some people equate cats to evil (ie :black cat = bad luck, evil, etc), and yes, people tend to react with disdain to cats as opposed to reacting to what i think is fear when they say they "hate dogs", however it's easier to mistreat a dog in some sense since they come to you much more easily than a cat will. Plus dogs are not welcomed in most apartments, but cats are. And cats are way more popular worldwide, particularly in Europe, since they can be kept indoors at all times, are easier to manage and fit well in apartment complexes that many Europeans cities have. The cat lady stigma is an obnoxious one, as I have found in my travels as well as discussions online that far more men own cats than they do dogs, and that the cat is like their child. Also once again your perception belies the reality.... 78% of owned dogs are spayed or neutered, whereas 88% of owned cats are spayed or neutered. So rest assured cats ARE loved, adored and pampered, but know that in no way am I disagreeing with you overall on the abhorrent abuse directed towards cats.