Football Game Sign Ignites Racial Tension
It boggles the mind; conjuring an "incident" where none exists or is necessary – when rational, even-tempered adults want them to stop.
It wasn't the kids that that got all bent outta' was the "adults"... Making Black people look stupid is a multi-billion dollar industry...even obscure broke-ass high school football coaches are cashing in. This negro just wants to get on Nightline.. Shit like that can be handled on the's not like they won't play them again.
You know...I'd say it was neither. If anything, the offended are just a bit uninformed. Exactly. The internet meme "You Mad", isn't something I'd expect the oldies over at the NAACP to be familiar with, much less those adults that unfortunately helped fuel this miscommunication. "You mad" was actually started by rapper CAM’RON, when he was on the O'Reilly Show. He was actually mocking Bill's frustration during a heated interview. "You mad?" It's just a way of ironically teasing someone, and unfortunately a lot of people aren't in on the joke. The outcome of the game, plus the connection to the term "bro" being related to "brother", just sent a group of people in the wrong direction. I think it's a harmless mistake that once they are made aware of, I hope they correct. - Daft
Sadly, people tend to hold Black peoples feet to the fire when a group of Blacks behave in an absurd manner. We can read each week about a child-molesting, girlfriend kidnapping, or serial killing White male, but the stigma never universally sticks. It's always looked at as a "bad apple". Let a group of Blacks respond in an ignorant manner to a situation and every Black that cries racism is now whining. Well...what can you do? - Daft
"u mad bro" oh fuck off, if that idiot understood what it ment he wouldnt be saying shit, ive seen loads of people use it
It was. But the old farts complaining at the NAACP need this guy to roll up and protest... [youtube]AkMkGOpAF4s[/youtube]