Going to Croatia in January...my Croatian friends say im gonna get RAPED

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by playboy90210, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Oh fanny, you need to go take a bonox and have a lie down

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    I just thank God i have two healthy balls which produce testosterone and therefore does not make me overly sensitive abou trivial stuff
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Funny statement really, seeing a lot of the men on this forum have been displaying their cattiness like a male peacock displays his feathers. It would appear that having a sack doesn't exclude you from certain behaviour...:rolleyes:

    Now stop talking about your beans, go take a pic and post them in the black men body pics thread....:p
  5. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Personally what cracks me up is that there are far more posts about celebrity IR couples by the men on the forum.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Beans? They are more like mangoes ok j/k. I admit some men are catty here but i dont think a man would be whining about a supposedly offensive word which is clearly taken out of context, that is the difference between testosterone and estrogen
  7. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    LoL. Wow i cant make a post without dozens of bored and uptight people misunderstanding what I say and making some big political soapbox statement out of nothing. It was a GIRL who told ME that "mike, when you go out there, you're gonna get raped like 3 times a day". she meant the girls will really like me and will wanna have sex with me. its a figure of speech. it was said by a GIRL from croatia who knows how girls over there react when they see a black man or man of color. thats all there is to it. stop being so self righteous people and chill out :smt018

    ...and yes i plan to take tons of photos and videos from the trip to show you all.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Now imagine if I had something like that you or any other woman on here. Don't you guys ever get tired of being total hypocrites or is it ok because you're women? I didn't get the memo.
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lol...i say what i said to both my female and male friends...!!! and if i remember correctly, you have in the past told me to go fuck myself, and i don't believe i retaliated in a harsh way at all. you been oding on your estrogen pills or summin...??? :p
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yet you don't say shit like this to DB Chai TP or your boo FG. I guess the men can take it so why not. Now you're straight full of shit kid.
    And I'm waiting to see who says anything to you about the last line you wrote because I know for a fact I wouldn't get away with it.

    What's with some of you guys lately? Smh
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    awwww...come here boo....let's kiss & make up.
  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Bruh, just get some of the Croatian booty and call it a day.

    Bring back picture and videos.

  13. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Wow this has turned into the battle of hormones , testosterone vs estrogen. Now that playboy has told us it was a GIRL who said he would raped in croatia, i wonder what the women will say
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Hmmm indeed
  15. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I would say the same thing to her that I would say to any man who thought the 'n' word was appropriate to say to someone they cared about...

    NOT OK.

    Gosh, you guys are so transparent. It's all men vs women with you- we're not talking men vs. women, we're talking about respect vs disrespect, which most of you clearly can't comprehend. I guess unless we're on our knees sucking your dicks, we just need to keep our mouths shut, right?

  16. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    :smt043 :smt043
  17. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    You slept with a pervert at 16 ,you are still friends with him. Do you honestly think you have any moral authority to be lecturing anybody about proper behaviour? Yes it is a men v women since all of you women are going PC on playboy and the men see the otherwise and yes when you are on your knees sucking our dicks,we sure wouldnt want y'all talking at the same time.
  18. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Hilarious isn't it?:smt043

    And not only that but she's comparing using the word "rape" to calling black people the n word. What a complete moron.
  19. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Yes, clearly being sensitive to others is just being inappropriately PC. Gosh, you are just so astoundingly closed-minded and ridiculous, I still can't help but laugh at your posts. You try SO HARD to insult me, and really, you have nothing to go on. But you go right ahead, Appy, darling. You go right ahead. lol

    Moron? Me? Honey, you are so clueless, you just have no idea. You and Appiah are equally hilarious in your attempts to insult as if the weight of your words means anything to anyone but your mothers...and I'm sure they, if they knew half the shit you said on here, would smack the black off both of you.

    But, either way, your small-mindedness makes me laugh. I have so many better things to do than to play with you two little boys. Don't you kids have some GI Joe's to play with or something?
  20. satyr

    satyr New Member

    I don't know why anyone bothers with Appiah, he's not to be taken seriously.

    Ship him some mud, saliva, and straw so he can have somewhere to sleep at night.

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